This repository contains a Java implementation of a compression tool that utilizes the Huffman coding algorithm to compress and decompress text files.
The tool takes a text file as input, builds a frequency table for the characters, constructs a Huffman tree based on the frequencies, generates Huffman codes, compresses the text data using these codes, and can also decompress the data back to its original form.
- File Input: Reads text file content to be compressed.
- Frequency Table: Generates a frequency table for the characters in the text.
- Huffman Tree Construction: Builds a Huffman tree from the character frequencies.
- Huffman Codes Generation: Generates Huffman codes for each character.
- Compression: Compresses the text data using the generated Huffman codes.
- Decompression: Decompresses the compressed data back to the original text.
The directory structure of the project is as follows:
├── .idea/
├── out/ # Output directory for compiled classes
├── src/ # Source directory containing the Java source files
│ ├── Ressources/ # Contains text files used for compression and decompression tests
│ │ ├── compressed.txt # Stores compressed data
│ │ ├── decompressed.txt # Stores decompressed data
│ │ ├── test.txt # Sample input file for testing compression and decompression
│ ├── # Utility class to read file content
│ ├── # Contains methods to generate the frequency table
│ ├── # Abstract base class for Huffman tree nodes
│ ├── # The main class to run the compression and decompression process
│ ├── # Contains the method to decompress the text data
│ ├── # Contains the method to compress the text data
│ ├── # Represents internal nodes in the Huffman tree
│ ├── # Represents leaf nodes in the Huffman tree
│ ├── # Contains methods to build the Huffman tree and generate codes
├── .gitignore
├── Compression-Tool.iml
└── External Libraries/
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Compression-Tool
Compile the Java files:
javac -d out src/*.java
Run the tool:
java -cp out HuffmanCoding <File Path>
File Path
with the path to the text file you want to compress.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.