This is a small Dnscat decoder written in python:
from scapy.all import *
import argparse
def decode_full_message(full_message):
decoded_message = bytes.fromhex(full_message).decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') # We decode the hex message to plain text
return decoded_message # We return the decoded message
def parse_pcap(file_name, domain, src_ip, dst_ip):
packets = rdpcap(file_name) # Read the pcap file
full_message = "" #initialize the full hex message
# Iterate through the packets
for packet in packets:
# We filter the packets that have DNS in them and have a DNSQR (DNS Query Record) and not a DNSRR (DNS Resource Record)
if DNS in packet and packet[DNS].haslayer(DNSQR) and not packet[DNS].haslayer(DNSRR) and packet.haslayer(IP) and packet[IP].dst == f"{dst_ip}" and packet[IP].src == f"{src_ip}" :
if f".{domain}." in packet[DNS].qd.qname.decode('utf-8') : # We filter the packets that have the domain name in them
queried_domain = packet[DNS].qd.qname.decode('utf-8') # We get the queried domain name
sub_domain = queried_domain.replace(f".{domain}.", "") # We extract the subdomain
valid_query = sub_domain[18:].replace(".", "").replace("\n", "") # We remove control bytes, dots and newlines
full_message += valid_query # We add the valid query to the full message
return full_message # We return the full hex message
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parse pcap file for DNS queries')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', required=True, help='Path to the pcap file')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--domain', required=True, help='Domain to filter')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--src_ip', required=True, help='Source IP address')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--dst_ip', required=True, help='Destination IP address')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True, help='Output file')
args = parser.parse_args()
subdomain_parser = parse_pcap(args.file, args.domain, args.src_ip, args.dst_ip)
plain_text = decode_full_message(subdomain_parser)
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
print("[*]Message extracted succesfully\n[*]Script by Disturbante")
print("[*]There is an error with your file")
if __name__ == "__main__":
usage: [-h] -f FILE -d DOMAIN -s SRC_IP -t DST_IP -o OUTPUT error: the following arguments are required: -f/--file, -d/--domain, -s/--src_ip, -t/--dst_ip, -o/--output
python3 -f ./suspicious_traffic.pcap -d -s -t -o decoded_traffic.txt
Once we have decoded the traffic we can do cat on the output file.
If you are running this in linux you will need to cat the file in order to see the plain-text content and text editor would probably see just hex. In windows it should be just fine to open the created file.