Hi! I like to write code related to web and games. Some of the projects I worked on:
A website that allows gamers to plan their strategy in Warcraft 3.
A website for practising vocabulary in Finnish.
A website that provides analytics about the upgrades in the game StarCraft II.
https://websocket-play.coffbox.win/ currently down
A multiplayer asteroids-like game.
A simple website making the icons of Warcraft III accessible.
An AI that plays StarCraft in an automated tournament league. It competes with other AIs made by hobbyists and researchers.
Some nice blog posts were written about it:
- https://satirist.org/ai/starcraft/blog/archives/908-new-bot-Slater.html
- https://satirist.org/ai/starcraft/blog/archives/915-Slaters-progress.html
- https://satirist.org/ai/starcraft/blog/archives/920-KangarooBot,-KasoBot,-NuiBot,-DTD-Bot.html
Automatically extracts and posts chat logs from SC2 replays. Used daily in the popular TopTierPractice Discord server.
You can hit me up at coffmakesthings@gmail.com