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Hello World applet for extending the CloudBolt CUI

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CB Applet

CloudBolt customers can use CB Applets to extend the CloudBolt UI using the popular Vue.js framework and Vuetify component library. Applets can achieve a consistent look and feel with the rest of the CloudBolt UI using open-ended, modern development practices and tooling.

Applets receive data from CloudBolt via Vue props and can query any available CloudBolt data using REST API calls using the CloudBolt JS SDK. Customers can create additional CloudBolt REST APIs using Inbound WebHooks for additional data. Further, Applets are entirely open-ended and can be used to create new pages, add new components to existing pages, or even create new integrations with unrelated systems.

Getting Started

This guide assumes you are developing CB Applets on your local workstation. If you are developing remotely on a CloudBolt server, you won't be able to use the dev mode described below without extra steps. However, you can still use the rest of the guide to build and customize your applet.

  1. Install Node.js (see .nvmrc file for the recommended version). Alternately, install something like nvm to manage your node installations.
  2. Create a copy of this repo. Three options:
    • Create a local clone of this repo
    • Use Github's template feature to create a new repo
    • Fork this repo to create a new linked repo. (This is recommended in order to easily receive future changes from this repo)
  3. Delete any existing node_modules folder.
  4. Run npm install to install dependencies specified in the package.json file into a node_modules folder. If you are new to npm, see the npm documentation for more information.
  5. Set a unique name and ID for the applet in package.json (see the Metadata Configuration section below).
  6. Build a production version of the applet with the command npm run build.
  7. Upload the built zip from the xui/dist folder to CloudBolt in the Admin UI Extensions interface.
  8. Visit the SSP to see your new Applet at the top of the page. Congratulations! You've built and installed a CB Applet from scratch!

Customizing the Applet

The main component is TheApplet.vue. Start there to see some inline documentation for the highlights of CB Applets and Vue features. If you've never written a Vue app before, reference the Vue.js documentation as you go. It's a powerful, approachable framework that is easy to learn.

Conventions in this project are based on the Vue.js style guide using the Composition API and the <script setup> syntax. This is vue's recommended approach for new projects.

For API calls to CloudBolt, use the CloudBolt JS SDK. Usage examples are included throughout this repo and the SDK's documentation.

Dev Mode

When developing, it's useful to have the applet auto-build and to see your changes locally without having to upload the zip to CloudBolt or affect other users. This workflow replaces a live version of the applet with a local version using Chrome's devtools.


  • Working on your local workstation (or having mapped the CloudBolt server's filesystem to your local workstation)
  • Google Chrome
  • A version of this applet must be uploaded to CloudBolt and enabled for your user.
  • An environment variable "VITE_CB_URL" set to the url for your Cloudbolt instance. The easiest way to do this is to:
    1. Create a file in this project root called .env.local
    2. Add the line: export VITE_CB_URL=<the localhost path your dev runs on> to the file.
    3. Save the file
      • e.g. export VITE_CB_URL=http://localhost:8001

Run the script npm run build:dev. This watches for file changes and auto-builds the applet when changes are saved. It then copies files to subfolders in xui/src/tmp/devtools. To use use these files:

  1. In Chrome, navigate to the SSP.
  2. Open the devtools and navigate to the Sources tab's Overrides panel.
  3. Click "Select folder for overrides".
  4. Select the xui/src/tmp/devtools folder.
  5. Click "Allow" when prompted.
  6. Navigate to the SSP and refresh the page.

You should see your local version of the applet. You can now make changes to the applet and see them reflected in the SSP upon a page refresh without having to upload a new zip to CloudBolt.

See this article for more information on how Chrome overrides work.

NOTE: This does not automatically upload the applet to CloudBolt. You will need to do that manually once you are done with your changes.

Development Tooling

The repo has been set up with some basic developer tooling as well:

  • Dev Mode (see above) (npm run build:dev [url])
  • ESLint for linting (npm run lint)
  • Prettier for code formatting (npm run format)
  • Vite for bundling (npm run build)

Metadata (package.json) configuration

Near the top of package.json is xuiConfig. This is used for metadata in the built Applet zip file. Some fields should not be changed for xui bundling to work - others must be updated for each new Applet. A fragment of the file looks something like this:

  "xuiConfig": {
    "name": "ssp-applet",
    "id": "APL-12345678",
    "icon": "xui/ssp-applet.png",
    "met_description": "Hello World applet for extending the CloudBolt SSP",
    "met_label": "SSP Applet Hello World",
    "met_is_applet": true,
    "met_entry_point": "static/",
    "met_maximum_version_required": "",
    "met_minimum_version_required": "2023.5.1",
    "met_required_ui_extensions": [
        "name": "ssp",
        "minimum_version": "2023.5.1",
        "maximum_version": ""
    "met_targets": {
      "ssp": {
        "resourceDetail": [
        "all": [

Fields of note:

  • Configurable Fields:
    • name: Should be unique to this applet and contain only alphanumerics and - characters. Used as a programatic reference to the base component name. The page may throw warnings if they are not unique.
    • id: MUST BE UNIQUE to this applet. It should be in the form APL-xxxxxxxx where x is alphanumeric. The applet will overwrite any existing applet with the same id when uploading applets. This is used as a programatic reference to the applet.
    • icon: The relative path of the icon file to use on the management page in the HUI.
    • met_description: The description seen on the management page in the HUI.
    • met_label: The label seen on the management page in the HUI.
    • met_minimum_version_required: The optional minimum CloudBolt version compatible with this Applet.
    • met_maximum_version_required: The optional maximum CloudBolt version compatible with this Applet.
    • met_required_ui_extensions: The UI extensions required for this Applet to function. See the example above for the required format (NOTE: versions are optional).
    • met_targets: Which applications, pages, and page areas you want to load this applet. See the example above and the extra note below. *
  • Non-Configurable Fields (leave as-is):
    • met_is_applet: MUST be true.
    • met_entry_point: MUST be static/

* met_targets note

CloudBolt applications interpret this field to determine where to render applets. The SSP and HUI use the following formats:

  "ssp": {
    "pageName": ["target1", "target2"],
    "anotherPageName": ["all"],
    "all": ["target3"]
  "hui": {
    "fullPage": {
      "label": "Applet Label",
      "position": ["huiTarget1", "huiTarget2"]
    "all": ["huiTarget3"]

In this example, the page called pageName will render in the target1 and target2 targets. The page called anotherPageName will render the applet in all targets. All pages will have the applet rendered in the target3 target if the page has a target3. This is especially useful for cross-app additions, like footers or navigation items added to every page. The HUI targets will differ on specific page and target names available and more closely match the exceptions listed below.

There will be a list of targets for the SSP and HUI in official documentation. However, all targets are discoverable by creating a simple applet that runs console.logs out the page and area props of the TheApplet component and setting the met_targets to {"ssp": {"all": ["all"]}, "hui": {"all": ["all"]}}

Two exceptions to this target discoverability are represented by these examples:

  "ssp": {
    "fullPage": [{ "slug": "my-url" }],
    "resourceDetailsTabs": [
        "resourceTypes": ["service"],
        "label": "Additional Info"
  "hui": {
    "fullPage": {
      "label": "Custom Applet",
      "position": ["user-dropdown"],
    "resourceDetailsTabs": [
        "resourceTypes": ["s3_bucket", "server"],
        "label": "Custom Applet",
        "position": ["post-jobs-tab"]

resourceDetailsTabs is a special target that will render the applet as a tab on the resource details page. It should be an array of a single configuration object with optional fields depending on if the target is on the SSP or HUI:

  • resourceTypes is an array of resource type names that the tab should be rendered for (defaults to ['all']).
  • label is the label that will be displayed on the tab (defaults to the applet's met_label).
  • position (HUI only) an array that informs where the tab will render among the other existing tabs

fullPage is a special target that will render the applet on the full page. The configuration differs between SSP and HUI usage

On the SSP, it should be an array of a single configuration object with one field:

  • slug is the string that will become the applet's url for the page that will be rendered (example applet will render at https://my.cloudbolt.url/ssp/applet/my-url)

On the HUI, it should be array of a single configuration object that contains two fields:

  • label is the string that will become the applet's label text in the navigation menus
  • position is an array of strings that determine where in the navigation the applet link renders (example applet will render a link Custom Applet inside the user-dropdown menu)

Getting Help

The main support forum for CB Applets is hosted in Github Discussions within this repo. Ask questions, request enhancements, share best practices, and discuss applets with CloudBolt and the CloudBolt community. You can also reach out directly to your CloudBolt contacts for help.

Repo Contents


  • dist: The output of Vite's build process.
  • node_modules: The output of npm install.
  • src: The source code for the applet.
    • plugins: Any plugin configuration. Starts with a single custom Vite plugin to automate bundling the xui.
    • TheApplet.vue: The main applet component.
    • NestedComponent.vue: A component that is nested inside the main applet component.
  • xui:
    • dist: The output of the xui bundling process. The zip in here is what you upload to CloudBolt.
    • src: Used as a staging directory when bundling the xui.
  • .eslintrc.js: Configuration for ESLint.
  • .gitignore: Files to ignore in git.
  • .nvmrc: Node version information.
  • index.html: The HTML used by Vite for dev mode (not used in the bundled applet).
  • jsconfig.json: Configuration for VSCode's intellisense.
  • package.json: Configuration for npm and the xui metadata.
  • package-lock.json: Lock file for npm (don't edit this directly).
  • This file.
  • vite.config.js: Configuration for Vite.
  • .vscode/extensions.json: If using VS Code editor, this file includes a list of helpful extension suggestions


We use a few libraries to make development easier and add features to the applet. These are listed in package.json ande are installed with npm install .... The most important ones are:

  • vuetify: Vuetify component library. Community-level components.
  • vue: Vue Used to build the applet.
  • vite: Vite Used to build the applet.
  • eslint: ESLint Linting to help keep code clean. Run it with npm run lint.
  • prettier: Prettier Code formatting to help keep code clean. Run it with npm run format.
  • @cloudbolt/js-sdk: CloudBolt JS SDK A library to make API calls to CloudBolt easier.

In addition to these, you're welcome to add anything you want to the applet or the development environment. Some recommendations are:

  • pinia: Pinia A Vue state management library for complex application state.
  • vitest: Vitest A fast testing suite that re-uses the vite setup and is api-compatible with Jest.


Hello World applet for extending the CloudBolt CUI






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