This is an Example Project to demonstrate the usage of the following technologies:
- Entity Framework Core
- Cosmos DB
- Graph QL (via HotChocolate)
- Queries
- Mutations
- RESTful Api
- Azure KeyVault
- Options Pattern
- Pull down the latest version of main
- You'll need to have a Cosmos DB instance running. You can use the Azure Cosmos Emulator for local development. In addition, The Cosmos DB will need to have a container named "Products", another named "Inventory", and a third named "Suppliers"
- If you are NOT using KeyVault, edit your appsettings.json with the following entries:
- Make sure that you have a ProductApi section within your appsettings.json
- You will need to add an "AllowedHosts" value, this is for CORS
{ "AllowedHosts": "*" }
- If you are using a local Cosmos Emulator
{ "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "AccountEndpoint=https://localhost:8081/;AccountKey=<YOUR_EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_KEY_HERE>" } }
- Your ProductApi section should look something like this
{ "ProductApi": { "AllowedHosts": "*", "CosmosDb": { "ConnectionString": "AccountEndpoint=https://localhost:8081/;AccountKey=C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw==", "DatabaseName" : "SampleInventory" } } }
- If you are connecting to Azure KeyVault, you will need the following entries in your appsettings.json:
NOTE: KeyValut is not required for this project, but it is a good practice to use it for storing sensitive information. TIP: "KeyVault" should be at the same level with "ProductApi" in your appsettings.json, not within it
{ "KeyVault": { "Name": "YOUR_KEY_VAULT_NAME", "AzureAd": { "DirectoryId": "YOUR_DIRECTORY_ID", "ApplicationId": "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID", "ClientId": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "ClientSecret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET", "CertificateThumbprint": "YOUR_REGISTERED_X509_CERT_THUMBPRINT" } } }
TIP #2: Make sure your KeyVault settings reflect the proper pattern. For example, ConnectionsString should be stored under "ProductApi--CosmosDb--ConnectionString" in KeyVault