This is a userscript for web browsers to:
- make YouTube keyboard controls (arrow keys) more intuitive,
- fix annoyances like focusing volume slider and progressbar,
- make Tab-navigation more user-friendly by highlighting focus on player buttons.
Userscript registry page:
Installation instructions below.
- Left,Right -> jump 5sec backwards / forwards
- Home,End -> jump to video start / end - ONLY WHEN page is scrolled to top, otherwise scrolls page
- Up,Down -> volume up / down - ONLY WHEN page is scrolled to top, otherwise scrolls page
- Can't be focused: video player, volume slider, progress bar, fine seeking bar, subtitle
- Space -> play/pause on the whole page, not only when player is focused
- K -> play/pause
- C -> toggle closed captions (subtitles)
- M -> mute
- T -> theater mode
- F -> fullscreen
- +/- -> change subtitle font size
- 0-9 -> jump to 0%-90%
- J,L -> jump 10sec backwards / forwards
- , -> previous frame (when paused)
- . -> next frame (when paused)
- Shift-, -> speed -0.25
- Shift-. -> speed +0.25
- Shift-N -> next video
- Shift-P -> previous video
- / -> focus searchfield
- ? -> show keyboard shortcuts
- ENTER -> push the focused button
Fixes the following awkward behaviour of YouTube player controls after clicking them (making the individual control focused):
- After clicking the progressbar Up/Down will jump in the video instead of changing the volume.
- After clicking the volume slider Left/Right will change the volume instead of jumping in the video.
- 2010 (flash player?) -
Install an addon to manage userscripts, for example one of the following:
- Violentmonkey
- FireMonkey (FireFox only)
- Tampermonkey
- GreaseMonkey (FireFox only)
Then install the userscript from the registry:
Or install directly from this repository:
For the latest in-development version install from the dev
, branch (not guaranteed to be reliable):