- The best time to release a video is 12:00 PM (Lunch time).
- The “worst” day to release a video is on Saturday.
- Tags apparently are not required to video go to trending state.
- For Brazil: The football (soccer) is incredible consumed until nowadays and minecraft contents.
- There are some correlations with the number of views with the likes, dislikes, and number of comments. The most correlated are the likes.
- Put a lot of exclamation mark in the title.
Analysis of the YouTube trending video using the dataset provided by Rishav Sharma - Kaggle. For that propose was used PySpark to process the data. The Jupyter Notebok contains my analysis of the data and can be done more analysis on top of.
Note: If you want another country, change the config.yml file.
"Youtube" by clasesdeperiodismo is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 .
You can use the Kaggle Public API or just download manually the dataset from the website.
$ pip install --user pyspark pandas matplotlib seaborn PyYaml kaggle
Alternative (container): https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks/tree/main/images/pyspark-notebook
MIT License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
© 2023 BrenoAV