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Releases: BowlerHatLLC/dts2as

dts2as 0.13.0

14 Jul 22:09
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  • The --target option now supports a value of Latest, and it is now the default.
  • If the type of a property, method, or function parameter is not found, still prints an error, but attempts to continue parsing the file.
  • Fixed issue where optional members in TypeScript interfaces became required members in ActionScript.
  • Fixed issue where references to other type definitions in the style of /// <reference types="module-name" /> were not detected as dependencies.
  • Fixed issue where multiple declarations of the same variable was considered an error.
  • Fixed issue where number literal types that were negative failed to be translated to Number in ActionScript.
  • Fixed issue where keyof SomeType failed to be translated to String in ActionScript.
  • Fixed issue where type alias in parent module could not be resolved from submodule.
  • Fixed issue where type alias in submodule could not be resolved from parent module.
  • Fixed issue where null, undefined, and never types failed to be translated to an appropriate ActionScript type.
  • Upgraded to TypeScript 2.4.

dts2as 0.12.0

13 May 18:52
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  • Fixed issue where errors were reported when case insensitive folder names did not match case sensitive package names.
  • Upgraded to TypeScript 2.3.

dts2as 0.11.0

06 Nov 21:41
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  • If a module name contains dashes, it will be converted to camel case in ActionScript identifiers.
  • Fixed issue where overloads of different length did not make some parameters optional.

dts2as 0.10.1

26 May 21:30
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  • Added --moduleMetadata argument to add [JSModule] to generated output when a TypeScript external module is encountered. This metadata is used by Apache FlexJS to automatically require modules in generated JavaScript.
  • dts2as can now fully parse the Node.js standard library, which is available on DefinitelyTyped as node.d.ts.
  • Generated code will use * instead of Object when certain conflicts occur.
  • Fixed issue where parser could not handle code where TypeScript uses this as a return type.
  • Fixed issues with importing and exporting in TypeScript modules.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by interfaces that extend other interfaces with duplicate members.
  • Fixed issue where overloaded functions did not correctly mark some parameters as optional.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by a class or interface having the same name as one of its members.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by ambiguous reference to class name if super class or interface had the same name, and one of the types was referenced in a member.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by public, private, protected, or internal being used as a member name. These members are now skipped.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by class method signature that did not match interface method signature because TypeScript allows some tweaks that ActionScript does not.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by multiple parameters having the same name when merging overloads.

dts2as 0.9.0

01 Apr 00:10
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  • Fixed compiler error caused by imports not being resolved in sub-modules.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by certain types being output as internal when they should be public.
  • Fixed compiler error caused by duplicate members in an interface that extends another interface. TypeScript allows overloads, but ActionScript does not.
  • Disables warnings building SWC to make it easier to report real compiler errors as bugs in dts2as.

dts2as 0.8.2

01 Apr 00:12
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  • Fixed another file path issue on Windows.

dts2as 0.8.1

01 Apr 00:14
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  • Fixed file path issue on Windows.

dts2as 0.8.0

04 Mar 23:52
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  • dts2as can now parse the full ES6/ES2015 standard library, which is included with the TypeScript compiler in a file named lib.es6.d.ts.
  • TypeScript enums are now supported.
  • Many of the error messages now include more information about where parsing fails.
  • Upgraded to TypeScript 1.8.

dts2as 0.7.0

29 Dec 22:22
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  • Fixes issue where ActionScript generated from TypeScript files containing references to external files using /// <reference path="path/to/file.ts" /> would not compile when dts2as --outSWC argument was used.
  • Fixes issue where some generated ActionScript would not compile because Apache FlexJS was missing some types defined in the TypeScript standard library.
  • Upgraded to TypeScript 1.7.

dts2as 0.6.2

03 Dec 19:57
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  • Fixed issue where dts2as could incorrectly use TypeScript 1.7 instead of TypeScript 1.6. Values of certain constants defined by the compiler changed unexpectedly in 1.7, resulting in failed parsing of d.ts files.