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Chee Yong edited this page Nov 18, 2022 · 21 revisions


The following assumes basic knowledge about the library discord.js and event handling

... index.js
const utils = new (require('./manager'))(client, collection);

utils.on('threadCreate', (user) => {
  var embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
     .setTitle('Thread Created')
     .setDescription('The staff team will get back to you as soon as possible.')
   user.send({ embeds: [embed] })

utils.on('threadClose', (user, staff) => { 
  var embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
     .setTitle('Thread Closed')
     .setDescription(`Thread closed by ${staff.username}`)
   user.send({ embeds: [embed] })


You should only use a plugin made by trusted developers (from our list of plugins) as they'll have access to your entire bot (e.g. Sending messages, reading threads, tokens, deleting threads)

  • You will not be able to get support in our official support channel if you're using any third party plugins,however, you can still report your issue in the #third-party-plugins channel

To add a plugin (example):

const utils = new (require('./manager'))(client, collection);
const examplePlugin = require('example-modmail-plugin');


Custom Commands

It is possible to implement a custom command for your modmail bot !


  • Implementing your own commands that are not officially verified by the developers may break the bot, implement a command at your own risk.
  • We don't give support for custom commands
  • You should only implement a command from a developer that you trust, the command modules are given access to your entire bot, this includes your token, and some serious data.
  • Only the modmail staff (users with the modmail role) are able to execute these commands


Your command module should look like so

module.exports = {
    name: 'ping', // command name (required)
    description: 'Reply with pong', // description for this command, for the help command (required)
    run: async ({ message }) => { // function that will be executed when the command is triggered.


Functions that are available to command modules

Key Description
bot The client, utils & manager objects (basically access to your entire bot)
config Your config file
message The message content
args Arguments of the command
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