The goal of drcHelper is to assist with routine dose-response analysis by providing a collection of helper functions and standalone functions that are generic and may be useful beyond our organization.
As part of the GLP stat pilot project, this package serves as a cornerstone for the second use case, EFX Statistics. It will streamline GLP statistical analyses for various dose-response studies and test assays within our registration data package. This ensures that the analyses remain current, state-of-the-art, and flexible enough to adapt to new regulatory requirements while complying with GLP standards.
The package also includes test cases and examples to help the regulatory statistical community understand the reasons behind different outcomes. For instance, point estimations and p-values may vary depending on the parties involved, the functions used, or the packages selected. It aims to promote a harmonized understanding of methodologies and provide a foundation for standardized practices in the regulatory statistics field for plant protection product registration. Additionally, it is hoped that this project will contribute to the ongoing OECD 54 revision process.
You can install the development version of drcHelper from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
sum1 <- oecd201 %>% group_by(Time,Treatment) %>% summarise(Yield_mean=mean(Yield),Yield_sd=sd(Yield),GrowthRate_mean=mean(GrowthRate),GrowthRate_sd=sd(GrowthRate))
sum0 <- sum1%>%filter(Treatment=="Control")%>%rename(Yield0=Yield_mean,GrowthRate0=GrowthRate_mean)%>%dplyr::select(c(Time,Yield0,GrowthRate0))
# sum0
sumtab <- left_join(sum1%>%filter(Time>0),sum0) %>% mutate(Yield_Inhibition=(Yield0-Yield_mean)/Yield0*100,GrowthRate_Inhibition=(GrowthRate0-GrowthRate_mean)/GrowthRate0*100) %>% dplyr::select(c(Time,Treatment,Yield_mean,Yield_sd,Yield_Inhibition,GrowthRate_mean,GrowthRate_sd,GrowthRate_Inhibition))
sumtab%>%dplyr::select(c(Yield_mean,Yield_sd,Yield_Inhibition))%>%filter(Time==72)%>%knitr::kable(.,digits = 2,caption="<center><strong>Yield Summary at Time 72h<strong><center>",escape = FALSE)##%>% kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped")##%>%kableExtra::kable_classic_2()
Yield Summary at Time 72hTime | Yield_mean | Yield_sd | Yield_Inhibition |
72 | 56.26 | 3.97 | 0.00 |
72 | 51.57 | 2.79 | 8.33 |
72 | 52.11 | 4.72 | 7.38 |
72 | 19.22 | 0.49 | 65.84 |
72 | 2.47 | 0.13 | 95.61 |
72 | 0.45 | 0.62 | 99.20 |
72 | 0.64 | 1.07 | 98.86 |
sumtab%>%dplyr::select(c(GrowthRate_mean,GrowthRate_sd,GrowthRate_Inhibition))%>%filter(Time==72)%>%knitr::kable(.,digits = 2,caption="<center><strong>Growth Rate Summary at Time 72h<strong><center>",escape = FALSE)##%>%kableExtra::kable_classic()
Growth Rate Summary at Time 72hTime | GrowthRate_mean | GrowthRate_sd | GrowthRate_Inhibition |
72 | 1.35 | 0.02 | 0.00 |
72 | 1.32 | 0.02 | 2.09 |
72 | 1.32 | 0.03 | 1.89 |
72 | 1.00 | 0.01 | 25.69 |
72 | 0.41 | 0.01 | 69.25 |
72 | 0.09 | 0.18 | 93.04 |
72 | 0.09 | 0.28 | 93.16 |
datTn<- subset(oecd201,Time==72)
mod <- drm(Yield~Concentration,data=datTn,fct=LL.3())
fctList <- list(LL2.3(),W2.3(),W1.3(),EXD.3(),EXD.2(),LN.3(),W2.4(),LL.4(),LL2.4())
res <-,fctList = fctList )
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
#> [1] "Model not Converged, Please consult a statistician."
modList <- res$modList
edResTab <- mselect.ED(modList = modList,respLev = c(10,20,50),trend=datTn$Trend_Yield[1])
resComp <- drcCompare(modRes = res,trend="Decrease")
Note that by default settings, the fitted models did not converge except for the LL.3 model.
knitr::kable(edResTab[1:3,],caption = "14 day TSL Yield",digits = 3)
.id | Estimate | Std. Error | Lower | Upper | NW | Rating | EC |
LL.3 | 0.120 | 0.020 | 0.078 | 0.162 | 0.700 | Fair | EC 10 |
LL.3 | 0.158 | 0.019 | 0.118 | 0.197 | 0.504 | Fair | EC 20 |
LL.3 | 0.251 | 0.013 | 0.225 | 0.277 | 0.206 | Good | EC 50 |
14 day TSL Yield
knitr::kable(resComp[1,],caption = "14 day TSL Yield, Model Comparison",digits = 3)
logLik | IC | Lack of fit | Res var | Certainty_Protection | Steepness | No Effect p-val | |
LL.3 | -67.245 | 142.489 | 0.117 | 7.994 | Medium | Medium | 0 |
14 day TSL Yield, Model Comparison
p <-plot.modList(modList[c(1)],scale="logx",npts=80)+theme(legend.position = "none")+ggtitle("14 day Total Shoot Length, \n3-parameter type II Weibull Model Fit")
addECxCI(p=p,object=modList[[1]],EDres=NULL,trend="Decrease",endpoint="EC", respLev=c(10,20,50),
textAjust.x=0.01,textAjust.y=1,useObsCtr=FALSE,d0=NULL,textsize = 4,lineheight = 1,xmin=0.012)+ylab("Total Shoot Length [cm]") + xlab("Concentration [µg a.s./L]")
## ggsave("TSL_14d_Yield.png")
resED <- t(edResTab[1:3, c(2,4,5,6)])
colnames(resED) <- paste("EC", c(10,20,50))
knitr::kable(resED,caption = "Total Shoot Length Growth Yield at 14 day",digits = 3)
EC 10 | EC 20 | EC 50 | |
Estimate | 0.120 | 0.158 | 0.251 |
Lower | 0.078 | 0.118 | 0.225 |
Upper | 0.162 | 0.197 | 0.277 |
NW | 0.700 | 0.504 | 0.206 |
Total Shoot Length Growth Yield at 14 day
mod <-modList[[1]]
edres <-,c(5,10,20,50),trend="Decrease")
Estimate | Std. Error | Lower | Upper | |
EC 5 | 0.09351 | 0.02005 | 0.05222 | 0.1348 |
EC 10 | 0.1201 | 0.02041 | 0.07812 | 0.1622 |
EC 20 | 0.1577 | 0.01929 | 0.118 | 0.1974 |
EC 50 | 0.251 | 0.01258 | 0.2251 | 0.2769 |
modsum <- summary(mod)
Estimate | Std. Error | t-value | p-value | |
b:(Intercept) | 2.982 | 0.5414 | 5.508 | 1.008e-05 |
d:(Intercept) | 54.27 | 1.017 | 53.37 | 1.391e-27 |
e:(Intercept) | 0.251 | 0.01258 | 19.95 | 3.579e-17 |
- Develop all test cases for NOEC functions
- Prepare the templates and standard outputs for all .
- Update the documentation.
- Please create a pull request to contribute to the development of
packages. Note that source branch is the branch you are currently
working on when you run the
gh pr create
gh pr create --title "Title of the pull request" --body "Description of the pull request"
gh pr create --title "Title of the pull request" --body "Description of the pull request" --base develop
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knitr::knit("vignettes/drcHelper.Rmd.orig", output = "vignettes/drcHelper.Rmd")
knitr::knit("vignettes/articles/Example_RSCABS.Rmd.orig", output = "vignettes/articles/Example_RSCABS.Rmd")
knitr::knit("vignettes/articles/Examples using NLS.Rmd.orig", output = "vignettes/articles/Examples using NLS.Rmd")
knitr::knit("vignettes/articles/Examples_drc.Rmd.orig", output = "vignettes/articles/Examples_drc.Rmd")
knitr::knit("vignettes/articles/Examples_oecd201.Rmd.orig", output = "vignettes/articles/Examples_oecd201.Rmd")