This software implements a ROS 2 node for collision avoidance control of robots or autonomous vehicles using the Dynamic Window Approach. It calculates and outputs velocity and angular velocity commands to efficiently navigate the robot.
- OS : Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS2 : Humble
cd ~/ros2_ws
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch dwa_planner
├── CMakeLists.txt - CMake build configuration file for the DWA planner
├── package.xml - ROS 2 package metadata file
├── config/ - Directory for YAML parameter/config files
│ └── dwa_params.yaml - YAML file specifying DWA parameters (max_vel, etc.)
├── launch/ - Directory for ROS 2 launch files
│ └── - Launch script for the DWA planner node and parameter loading
├── include/ - Directory for header files
│ └── dwa_planner/ - Header files for the dwa_planner package
│ ├── dwa_planner_component.hpp - Header file for the DWA planner core component (algorithm)
│ └── dwa_planner_node.hpp - Header file for the DWA planner ROS Node
└── src/ - Directory for source files
├── dwa_planner_component.cpp - Implementation of the DWA planner core (algorithm)
├── dwa_planner_node.cpp - Node implementation for the DWA planner, handling ROS interfaces
└── dwa_planner.cpp - Main entry point (executable) that spins the dwa_planner node
Variable Name | Type | Description |
odom |
nav_msgs::msg::Odometry |
Odometry information of the robot |
tgt_path |
nav_msgs::msg::Path |
Target trajectory of the robot |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
cmd_vel |
geometry_msgs::msg::Twist |
Velocity and angular velocity commands for the robot |
Variable Name | Type | Description |
x , y , yaw |
double |
Current position and orientation of the robot |
v , w |
double |
Velocity and angular velocity of the robot |
cx , cy ,cyaw , ck |
std::vector<double> |
List of x and y coordinates of the path |
target_ind |
int |
Current target index |
target_vel |
double |
Target velocity |
goal_threshold |
double |
Threshold for goal judgment |
k , Lfc , Kp , dt |
double |
Pure Pursuit parameters |
oldNearestPointIndex |
int |
Index of the nearest point in the previous iteration |
current_vel |
double |
Current velocity of the robot |
minCurvature ,maxCurvature |
double |
Minimum and maximum curvature values |
minVelocity ,maxVelocity |
double |
Minimum and maximum velocity values |
class DWA {
+DynamicWindowApproach(x, model, goal, evalParam, ob, R, robotR) : vector<double>
-CalcDynamicWindow(x, model) : array<double, 4>
-GenerateTrajectory(x, vt, ot, evaldt) : array<double, 5>
-CalcHeadingEval(x, goal) : double
-CalcDistEval(x, ob, R, robotR) : double
-NormalizeEval(evalDB) : void
-SelectBestControl(evalDB, evalParam) : vector<double>
class DWAPlannerNode {
-timerCallback() : void
-odomCallback(msg) : void
-local_obstacle_callback(msg) : void
-target_callback(msg) : void
-send_static_transform() : void
-x_ : array<double, 5>
-goal_ : array<double, 2>
-obstacle_ : vector<array<double, 2>>
-kinematic_ : array<double, 6>
-eval_param_ : array<double, 4>
-robot_radius_ : double
-obstacle_radius_ : double
-received_obstacles_ : bool
-received_goal_ : bool
-received_odom_ : bool
DWAPlannerNode "1" --> "1" DWA : Uses
DWAPlannerNode o-- rclcpp::Node : Extends
rclcpp::Node <|-- DWAPlannerNode
DWA : <<static_methods_only>>
%% Other related components
class rclcpp::Node {
flowchart TD
Start["Start: DWAPlannerNode Initialized"] --> CheckOdom
CheckOdom{"Received Odometry?"}
CheckOdom -->|No| WaitOdom[Display "Waiting for /odom..."]
WaitOdom --> CheckOdom
CheckOdom -->|Yes| CheckObstacles{"Received Obstacles?"}
CheckObstacles -->|No| WaitObstacles[Display "Waiting for local_obstacle_markers..."]
WaitObstacles --> CheckObstacles
CheckObstacles -->|Yes| CheckGoal{"Received Goal?"}
CheckGoal -->|No| WaitGoal[Display "Waiting for /waypoint..."]
WaitGoal --> CheckGoal
CheckGoal -->|Yes| ComputeDWA
ComputeDWA["Call DWA::DynamicWindowApproach"] --> EvaluateDynamicWindow
EvaluateDynamicWindow["CalcDynamicWindow"] --> EvaluateTrajectories
EvaluateTrajectories["GenerateTrajectory for Each (vt, ot)"] --> EvaluateMetrics
EvaluateMetrics["CalcHeadingEval, CalcDistEval, CalcVel"] --> FilterValidPaths
FilterValidPaths{"Valid Paths Available?"}
FilterValidPaths -->|No| NoPath[Display "No path to goal! Return [0.0, 0.0]"]
FilterValidPaths -->|Yes| NormalizeEvals
NormalizeEvals["NormalizeEval"] --> SelectBest
SelectBest["SelectBestControl"] --> PublishCommand
PublishCommand["Publish /cmd_vel Command"] --> End["End"]
class PathPublisher {
+void loadPathData(string&)
+void publishPath()
-rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr path_pub_
-rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr visualize_path_pub_
-rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_
-nav_msgs::msg::Path path_
-nav_msgs::msg::Path visualize_path_
class PurePursuitNode {
-void updateControl()
-std::pair<double, double> purePursuitControl(int&)
-std::pair<int, double> searchTargetIndex()
-double calcDistance(double, double) const
-void odometry_callback(nav_msgs::msg::Odometry::SharedPtr)
-void path_callback(nav_msgs::msg::Path::SharedPtr)
-void publishCmd(double, double)
-rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>::SharedPtr cmd_vel_pub
-rclcpp::Subscription<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>::SharedPtr odom_sub
-rclcpp::Subscription<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr path_sub
-rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer
-std::vector<double> cx
-std::vector<double> cy
-std::vector<double> cyaw
-std::vector<double> ck
-double x, y, yaw, v, w
-int target_ind
-int oldNearestPointIndex
-double target_vel
-double current_vel
-bool path_subscribe_flag
-double goal_threshold
-const double k
-const double Lfc
-const double Kp
-const double dt
-double minCurvature
-double maxCurvature
-double minVelocity
-double maxVelocity
PathPublisher --|> PurePursuitNode: path_
class OdometryPublisher {
-rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>::SharedPtr odom_pub
-rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr path_pub
-rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid>::SharedPtr localmap_pub
-rclcpp::Publisher<visualization_msgs::msg::Marker>::SharedPtr laser_range_pub
-rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>::SharedPtr cmd_vel_subscriber
-std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster> odom_broadcaster
-std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::StaticTransformBroadcaster> static_broadcaster_
-rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_
-nav_msgs::msg::Path path
-double x, y, th, vx, vth
-rclcpp::Time current_time, last_time
-void cmd_vel_callback(const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist::SharedPtr)
-void timer_callback()
-void send_static_transform()
PurePursuitNode --|> OdometryPublisher: v, w
OdometryPublisher --|> PurePursuitNode: x, y, th