The official Solana wallet adapter works only with React/Next other javascript frameworks. We created this library to be able to use it with Vanilla Javascript.
- Node and NPM
- Yarn
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Build the js library:
npm run build:dev
npm run build:prod
export enum WalletAdapterNetwork {
Mainnet = 'mainnet-beta',
Testnet = 'testnet',
Devnet = 'devnet',
// Adapter Config Props
interface AdapterConfig {
network?: WalletAdapterNetwork; // default: "devnet", to connect to other networks "testnet" or "mainnet-beta
wallets?: string[];
connectionConfig?: ConnectionConfig;
autoConnect?: boolean; // will reconnecto the last connected wallet when the page or component is loaded.
onConnect?: (wallet: Wallet) => void; // call back when a wallet connets
onConnecting?: (wallet: Wallet) => void; // call back when a wallet is connecting
onDisconnect?: () => void; // call back when a wallet is disconnected\
onError?: (e: Error, wallet?: Wallet) => void; // callback when a wallet errors out
class Adapter {
showWalletModal(): this;
hideWalletModal(): this;
selectWallet(name: string): this;
isConnected(): boolean | undefined;
getPublicKey(): PublicKey | null | undefined;
disconnect(): this;
connect(): void;
SignMessage(message: string): Promise<any>;
requestAirdrop({onAirdropRequest,onSuccess,onError}:any): Promise<void>;
sendTransaction(reciever:string,amount:number,{onError,onSuccess, onTransactionSent}: any): Promise<void>;
close(): void;
getWallet(): Wallet | undefined;
const wallet = new SolanaAdapter();
wallet.sendTransaction('public-key-to-send-to', 1, {
onTransactionSent: (signature) => {},
onSuccess: (signature) => {},
onError: (error) => {}
const wallet = new SolanaAdapter();
wallet.sendTokenTransaction("to-address", 1, 6, "token-mint-address", {
onTransactionSent: (signature) => {},
onSuccess: (signature) => {},
onError: (error) => {}
TLDR: By default all wallets are loaded which is also why the bundle is size
const wallet = new SolanaAdapter({
wallets: ["BitKeep", "Bitpie", "Phantom"]