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Miden Web


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🔗 Miden Web

📖 Overview

Miden Web is a modern React + TypeScript application powered by Vite for fast development and optimized performance. It uses Tailwind CSS for styling and follows a structured, modular approach for scalability.

Getting Started

1️⃣ Prerequisites

Ensure you have the following installed before running the project:

  • Node.js (Latest LTS recommended)
  • npm (Comes with Node.js) or yarn

2️⃣ Installation

Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone  
cd miden-web  
npm install  # or yarn install

3️⃣ Running the Development Server

npm run dev  # or yarn dev

The app will be available at:
🔗 http://localhost:5173

🏗 Build for Production

To generate an optimized production build:

npm run build  # or yarn build

This will create a dist/ folder with the optimized output.

To preview the production build locally:

npm run preview  # or yarn preview

📂 Project Structure

│── src/                 # Source code  
│   ├── assets/          # Static assets (images, icons, etc.)  
│   │   └── images/      # Image files  
│   ├── components/      # Reusable UI components  
│   ├── utils/           # Utility functions  
│   ├── App.tsx         # Main App component  
│   ├── index.tsx       # Entry point  
│── styles.css          # Global styles  
│── .env                # Environment variables  
│── .eslintrc.json      # ESLint configuration  
│── .gitignore          # Files to ignore in Git  
│──           # Documentation  
│── index.html          # Main HTML file  
│── package.json        # Dependencies & scripts  
│── postcss.config.ts   # PostCSS configuration  
│── tailwind.config.ts  # Tailwind CSS configuration  
│── tsconfig.json       # TypeScript configuration  
│── vite.config.ts      # Vite configuration  

🔧 Available Scripts

Command Description
npm run dev Start the development server
npm run build Build the app for production
npm run preview Preview the production build
npm run lint Run ESLint for code quality
npm run format Format code using Prettier (if configured)

🎨 Styling

  • Tailwind CSS is used for styling.
  • Global styles are in styles.css.
  • Tailwind configuration: tailwind.config.ts.

🚀 Deployment

Miden Web is deployed on To manually deploy:

npm run build  

Then upload the dist/ folder to your hosting provider.

🛠 Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Vite + React + TypeScript
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS + PostCSS
  • Linting & Formatting: ESLint, Prettier
  • Deployment: Vercel /