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78 lines (59 loc) · 2.79 KB

File metadata and controls

78 lines (59 loc) · 2.79 KB

alt:V Server developer tools

Tools include:

  • Powerful in-game code editor
  • Model inspector
  • Fly
  • Freecam
  • Teleport to the map waypoint

Code editor

Code editor Code editor themes

In-game code editor allows you to execute some JS code on client- or server- side directly in the game, while having autocompletion, hints, and so on.


  • Resizable and movable window
  • File persistence (files are saved in the local storage, so they don't reset after a reconnect/server restart)
  • Autocompletion with the newest typings (dynamically downloaded from the typings repo)
  • Ability to use code editor with keybinds only (Press Ctrl Alt / to see all the keybinds)
  • Autocompletion snippets (Press Ctrl Alt ' to see all the autocompletion snippets)
  • Allows using top level await
  • Shows all code's logs (even with colors!) and the return value in the editor
  • Has half-transparent mode (F5)
  • Is pretty customizable, has a plenty of editor themes

Model inspector

Model inspector

Model inspector allows you to get basic information about the entity


  • Ability to select entity via crosshair or a cursor (F2)
  • Shows model boundaries
  • If the entity is alt:V Entity, shows its type and id



  • Third person fly available
  • Holding Shift while entering fly will enable freecam
  • Leaving fly will teleport you to the ground (unless you're holding Space)
  • You can change speed by scrolling mouse wheel
  • Q - Fly Down, E - Fly Up
  • Hold Ctrl - Slow down, Hold Shift - speed up



F2 - Toggle cursor
F3 - Model inspector
F4 - Fly
Space F4 - Leave fly without teleportation to the ground
Shift F4 - Freecam
F5 - Code editor half-transparent mode
F6 - Code editor
F9 - Teleport to a waypoint on a map

Code editor

Ctrl Alt N - Create client file
Ctrl Alt B - Create server file
Ctrl Alt D - Delete current file
Ctrl Alt R - Rename current file
Ctrl Alt F - Focus editor
Ctrl Alt ↑ (Arrow up) - Previous file
Ctrl Alt ↓ (Arrow down) - Next file
F7 or Ctrl Alt E - Execute code
Ctrl Alt ' - Snippets list


  1. yarn install
  2. yarn build