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Releases: zzampax/pyide

Python Project Templater (PyIDE) v1.0.1

07 Nov 14:35
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Fix error in which the project was not created successfully if no module was passed:

fn install_modules(project_name: &str, modules: Vec<String>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    if modules.is_empty() {
        return Ok(());

    let install_modules: ExitStatus = Command::new(format!("{}/.venv/bin/pip3", project_name))

    if !install_modules.success() {
        return Err(Box::from("Failed to install modules"));


Python Project Templater (PyIDE) v1.0.0

07 Nov 13:37
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Simple Working implementation that creates a new Python3 project with the following:

The newly created project will have version control (git), a virtual environment, a .gitignore file in which the .venv directory is flagged, and a file.
The newly created project can be opened in zed, pycharm and obviously vscode

See for more instructions.