crypto = FeistelBlockCipher(padding_char="@", text_encoding="utf-8")
- padding_char (optional): one character which is used for padding if the message is of odd length
- text_encoding (optional): used for converting from and to bytes. Default is "utf-8".
Encode message:
encoded_message = crypto.encode_message(message, keys, crypto_func)
- message: message that should be encoded as a string.
- keys: keys used for encryption as a list of strings. Each key should be unique.
- crypto_func (optional): You can pass any cryptographical function that returns bytes. Must also take 2 inputs (message, key). Default is salted md5 which uses key as salt.
Decode message:
decoded_message = crypto.decode_message(encoded, keys, crypto_func)
- message: message that should be encoded as a string.
- keys: keys used for decryption as a list of strings. This must be identical to what was used to encrypt the message.
- crypto_func (optional): You can pass any cryptographical function that returns bytes. Must also take 2 inputs (message, key). Default is salted md5 which uses key as salt. Requires the same encryption algorithm as used to encrypt the message.
Encode message:
from FeistelBlockCipher import FeistelBlockCipher
message="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."
keys = ["secret_key1", "secret_key2"]
crypto = FeistelBlockCipher()
encoded = crypto.encode_message(message, keys)
print("\nEncoded message:")
-->Encoded message:
Decode message:
from FeistelBlockCipher import FeistelBlockCipher"
crypto = FeistelBlockCipher()
keys = ["secret_key1", "secret_key2"]
encoded_message = "8392cefb63d7a06763ac72c1724d29ed32d4838a216a33551468cfb4"
decoded = crypto.decode_message(encoded_message, keys)
print("\nDecoded message:")
-->Decoded message:
-->Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.