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Voiceflow x Dialogflow ES


Here are the tools you will need for this project:

  1. Dialogflow ES Agent
  2. Voiceflow Account

Voiceflow authentication

For authentication, we will need to get our VF Project API key.

To access the Project API key for a specific project:

  1. Open the project you want to connect with
  2. Select on the Integrations tab (shortcut: 3)
  3. Copy the Dialog API Key.

project api

Add the credentials into your .env file

VF_API_KEY= "VF.xxxxx"

Setting up the Project

Install and run the project:

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install

DialogFlow API

To setup the Dialogflow API with NodeJS, add the following code and add your credentials . To retrieve your credentials, see this video

const dialogflow = require("@google-cloud/dialogflow");

const CREDENTIALS = JSON.parse(process.env.CREDENTIALS);
const PROJECTID = CREDENTIALS.project_id;

  credentials: {
    private_key: CREDENTIALS["private_key"],
    client_email: CREDENTIALS["client_email"],

const sessionClient = new dialogflow.SessionsClient(CONFIGURATION);

Detect intent

The below detectIntent function is responsible for sending a user utterance to our Dialogflow agent and responding with the triggered intent and any relevant entity values.

Other data that may be useful in the detectIntent response body include languageCode. For more information of what is available, see here.

const detectIntent = async (languageCode, queryText, sessionId) => {
  let sessionPath = sessionClient.projectAgentSessionPath(PROJECTID, sessionId);

  let request = {
    session: sessionPath,
    queryInput: {
      text: {
        text: queryText,
        languageCode: languageCode,
  const responses = await sessionClient.detectIntent(request);
  const result = responses[0].queryResult;

  const confidence = result.intentDetectionConfidence;

  const obj = result.parameters.fields;
  const createIntent = (name, value) => ({ name, value });
  const intents = Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) =>
    createIntent(key, value.stringValue)

  return {
    response: result.intent.displayName,
    entities: intents,
    confidence: confidence,

NodeJS App

The below app allows us to interact with our chat assistant via the CLI.

We will be retrieving the userID by having the user enter their name. Once completed, we will send a launch request to Voiceflow to start the conversation and send the first steps to the channel.

async function main() {
  const userID = await cli.prompt("> What is your name?");
  // send a simple launch request starting the dialog
  let isRunning = await interact(userID, { type: "launch" });

Now on each new interaction from the user, we will be passing the userID and text input through the detectIntent function and returning the intent object that will be used in the next line of code to populate the request payload to Voiceflow.

  while (isRunning) {
    const nextInput = await cli.prompt("> Say something");
    // send a simple text type request with the user input
    let intent = await detectIntent(nextInput, userID);
    isRunning = await interact(userID, {
      type: "intent",
      payload: {
        intent: {
          name: intent.response,
        entities: intent.entities,
        confidence: intent.confidence,
  console.log("The end! Start me again with `npm start`");



What it might look like in action:

$ npm start

> What is your name?: zoran
what can I do for you?
> Say something: send email
who is the recipient?
> Say something:
what is the title of your email?
> Say something: How was your day?
sending the email for called "How was your day?". Is that correct?
> Say something: yes
successfully sent the email for called "How was your day?"
The end! Start me again with `npm start`


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