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Zscaler Posture Control (ZPC) - Vulnerable Terraform Infrastructure

Maintained by Zsclaer-BD-SA Team

This is "Vulnerable by Design" Terraform repository.

Table of Contents


This repository was built to enable DevSecOps design and implement a sustainable misconfiguration prevention strategy. It can be used to test a policy-as-code framework, inline-linters, pre-commit hooks or other code scanning methods.

Important notes

Before you proceed please take a note of these warning:

⚠️ These examples creates intentionally vulnerable AWS resources into your account.

⚠️ DO NOT deploy this template examples in a production environment or alongside any sensitive AWS resources.

⚠️ All passwords in this repo are used as an example and should not be used in production


  • Terraform 0.13
  • aws cli
  • azure cli

To prevent vulnerable infrastructure from arriving to production and static analysis tool for infrastructure as code see: Zscaler Posture Control

Getting started

AWS Setup

Installation (AWS)

You can deploy multiple ZPC stacks in a single AWS account using the parameter TF_VAR_environment.

Create an S3 Bucket backend to keep Terraform state

export ZPC_STATE_BUCKET="zpcdevsecops-bucket"
export TF_VAR_company_name=acme
export TF_VAR_environment=mydevsecops
export TF_VAR_region="us-west-2"

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $ZPC_STATE_BUCKET \
    --region $TF_VAR_region --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$TF_VAR_region

# Enable versioning
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket $ZPC_STATE_BUCKET --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled

# Enable encryption
aws s3api put-bucket-encryption --bucket $ZPC_STATE_BUCKET --server-side-encryption-configuration '{
  "Rules": [
      "ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {
        "SSEAlgorithm": "aws:kms"

Apply ZPC (AWS)

cd terraform/aws/
terraform init \
-backend-config="bucket=$ZPC_STATE_BUCKET" \
-backend-config="key=$TF_VAR_company_name-$TF_VAR_environment.tfstate" \

terraform apply

Remove ZPC (AWS)

terraform destroy

Creating multiple ZPC AWS stacks

cd terraform/aws/
export ZPC_ENV=$TF_VAR_environment
for i in $(seq 1 $ZPC_STACKS_NUM)
    export TF_VAR_environment=$ZPC_ENV$i
    terraform init \
    -backend-config="bucket=$ZPC_STATE_BUCKET" \
    -backend-config="key=$TF_VAR_company_name-$TF_VAR_environment.tfstate" \

    terraform apply -auto-approve

Deleting multiple ZPC stacks (AWS)

cd terraform/aws/
export TF_VAR_environment = $ZPC_ENV
for i in $(seq 1 $ZPC_STACKS_NUM)
    export TF_VAR_environment=$ZPC_ENV$i
    terraform init \
    -backend-config="bucket=$ZPC_STATE_BUCKET" \
    -backend-config="key=$TF_VAR_company_name-$TF_VAR_environment.tfstate" \

    terraform destroy -auto-approve

Azure Setup

Installation (Azure)

You can deploy multiple ZPC stacks in a single Azure subscription using the parameter TF_VAR_environment.

Create an Azure Storage Account backend to keep Terraform state

export ZPC_STATE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT="mydevsecopssa"
export ZPC_STATE_CONTAINER="mydevsecops"
export TF_VAR_environment="dev"
export TF_VAR_region="westus"

# Create resource group
az group create --location $TF_VAR_region --name $ZPC_RESOURCE_GROUP

# Create storage account
az storage account create --name $ZPC_STATE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT --resource-group $ZPC_RESOURCE_GROUP --location $TF_VAR_region --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2 --https-only true --encryption-services blob

# Get storage account key
ACCOUNT_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $ZPC_RESOURCE_GROUP --account-name $ZPC_STATE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT --query [0].value -o tsv)

# Create blob container
az storage container create --name $ZPC_STATE_CONTAINER --account-name $ZPC_STATE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT --account-key $ACCOUNT_KEY

Apply ZPC (Azure)

cd terraform/azure/
terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config="resource_group_name=$ZPC_RESOURCE_GROUP" \
    -backend-config "storage_account_name=$ZPC_STATE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" \
    -backend-config="container_name=$ZPC_STATE_CONTAINER" \
    -backend-config "key=$TF_VAR_environment.terraform.tfstate"

terraform apply

Remove ZPC (Azure)

terraform destroy

GCP Setup

Installation (GCP)

You can deploy multiple ZPC stacks in a single GCP project using the parameter TF_VAR_environment.

Create a GCS backend to keep Terraform state

To use terraform, a Service Account and matching set of credentials are required. If they do not exist, they must be manually created for the relevant project. To create the Service Account:

  1. Sign into your GCP project, go to IAM > Service Accounts.
  3. Give a name to your service account (for example - ZPC) and click CREATE.
  4. Grant the Service Account the Project > Editor role and click CONTINUE.
  5. Click DONE.

To create the credentials:

  1. Sign into your GCP project, go to IAM > Service Accounts and click on the relevant Service Account.
  2. Click ADD KEY > Create new key > JSON and click CREATE. This will create a .json file and download it to your computer.

We recommend saving the key with a nicer name than the auto-generated one (i.e. ZPC_credentials.json), and storing the resulting JSON file inside terraform/gcp directory of ZPC. Once the credentials are set up, create the BE configuration as follows:

export TF_VAR_environment="dev"
export TF_ZPC_STATE_BUCKET=remote-state-bucket-ZPC
export TF_VAR_credentials_path=<PATH_TO_CREDNETIALS_FILE> # example: export TF_VAR_credentials_path=ZPC_credentials.json

# Create storage bucket
gsutil mb gs://${TF_ZPC_STATE_BUCKET}

Apply ZPC (GCP)

cd terraform/gcp/
terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config="bucket=$TF_ZPC_STATE_BUCKET" \
    -backend-config "credentials=$TF_VAR_credentials_path" \
    -backend-config "prefix=ZPC/${TF_VAR_environment}"

terraform apply

Remove ZPC (GCP)

terraform destroy

Zscaler IaC Scanning Projects


Contribution is welcomed!

We would love to hear about more ideas on how to find vulnerable infrastructure-as-code design patterns.


Zscaler-BD-SA Team builds and maintains this repository to encourage the adoption of policy-as-code.

If you need direct support you can contact us at

Existing vulnerabilities (Auto-Generated)

check_id file resource check_name guideline
0 ZS-GCP-00001 /aws/ google_compute_instance.server Ensure that instances are not configured to use the default service account
1 ZS-GCP-00002 /aws/ google_compute_instance.server Ensure that Compute instances have Confidential Computing enabled
2 ZS-GCP-00006 /aws/ google_compute_instance.server Ensure that IP forwarding is not enabled on Instances
3 ZS-GCP-00008 /aws/ google_compute_instance.server Ensure Compute instances are launched with Shielded VM enabled
4 ZS-GCP-00009 /aws/ google_compute_instance.server Ensure that Compute instances do not have public IP addresses
5 ZS-GCP-00011 /aws/ google_bigquery_dataset.dataset Ensure that a Default Customer-managed encryption key (CMEK) is specified for all BigQuery Data Sets
6 ZS-GCP-00014 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure that the 'log_checkpoints' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'on'
7 ZS-GCP-00016 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure 'log_min_error_statement' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'Error' or stricter
8 ZS-GCP-00017 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure 'log_error_verbosity' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'DEFAULT' or stricter
9 ZS-GCP-00019 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure 'log_statement' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set appropriately
10 ZS-GCP-00020 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure 'log_duration' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'on'
11 ZS-GCP-00022 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure that the 'log_connections' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'on'
12 ZS-GCP-00023 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure that the 'log_disconnections' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'on'
13 ZS-GCP-00024 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure that the 'log_lock_waits' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'on'
14 ZS-GCP-00025 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure that the 'log_min_messages' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set appropriately
15 ZS-GCP-00026 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure that the 'log_temp_files' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to '0' (on)
16 ZS-GCP-00037 /aws/ google_sql_database_instance.master_instance Ensure that the Cloud SQL database instance requires all incoming
17 ZS-GCP-00056 /aws/ google_storage_bucket.zs-terraform-iac-scanning_website Ensure that Cloud Storage buckets have uniform bucket-level access enabled
18 ZS-GCP-00128 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Ensure clusters are created with Private Endpoint Enabled and Public Access Disabled
19 ZS-GCP-00129 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Ensure Integrity Monitoring for Shielded GKE Nodes is Enabled
20 ZS-GCP-00130 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Ensure the GKE Metadata Server is Enabled
21 ZS-GCP-00131 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Ensure Shielded GKE Nodes are Enabled
22 ZS-GCP-00132 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Ensure Secure Boot for Shielded GKE Nodes is Enabled
23 ZS-GCP-00133 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Ensure clusters are created with Private Nodes
24 ZS-GCP-00134 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Ensure use of Binary Authorization
25 ZS-GCP-00135 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Kubernetes RBAC users are not managed with Google Groups for GKE
26 ZS-GCP-00136 /aws/ google_container_cluster.workload_cluster Enable VPC Flow Logs and Intranode Visibility
27 ZS-AWS-00030 /aws/ aws_db_instance.default Ensure that EC2 has detailed monitoring enabled
28 ZS-AWS-00031 /aws/ aws_db_instance.default Ensure that EC2 instance should have IMDS disabled or require IMDSv2
29 ZS-AWS-00032 /aws/ aws_db_instance.default Ensure that backup retention is enabled for RDS Instances
30 ZS-AWS-00007 /aws/ aws_db_instance.default Ensure that encryption is enabled for RDS MySQL Instances
31 ZS-AWS-00028 /aws/ aws_ebs_volume.web_host_storage Ensure that encryption is enabled for EBS volumes
32 ZS-AWS-0002 /aws/ aws_kms_key.key Ensure rotation for customer created CMKs is enabled
33 ZS-AWS-00054 /aws/ aws_security_group.web-node Ensure that Security Groups does not have unrestricted public access
34 ZS-AWS-00044 /aws/ aws_security_group.web-node Ensure that Security Groups does not have unrestricted HTTP access
35 ZS-AWS-00020 /aws/ aws_security_group.web-node Ensure that Security Groups does not have unrestricted SSH access
36 ZS-AWS-00035 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.financials Ensure that object versioning is enabled for S3 buckets
37 ZS-AWS-00035 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.flowbucket Ensure that object versioning is enabled for S3 buckets
38 ZS-AWS-00035 /aws/ Ensure that object versioning is enabled for S3 buckets
39 ZS-AWS-00026 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.logs Ensure MFA Delete is enable on S3 buckets
40 ZS-AWS-00026 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.data_science Ensure MFA Delete is enable on S3 buckets
41 ZS-AWS-00026 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.financials Ensure MFA Delete is enable on S3 buckets
42 ZS-AWS-00026 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.flowbucket Ensure MFA Delete is enable on S3 buckets
43 ZS-AWS-00026 /aws/ Ensure MFA Delete is enable on S3 buckets
44 ZS-AWS-00026 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.operations Ensure MFA Delete is enable on S3 buckets
45 ZS-AWS-00034 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.logs Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
46 ZS-AWS-00034 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.data_science Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
47 ZS-AWS-00034 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.financials Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
48 ZS-AWS-00034 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.flowbucket Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
49 ZS-AWS-00034 /aws/ Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
50 ZS-AWS-00034 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.operations Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
51 ZS-AWS-00018 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.logs Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
52 ZS-AWS-00018 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.financials Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
53 ZS-AWS-00018 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.flowbucket Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
54 ZS-AWS-00018 /aws/ Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
55 ZS-AWS-00018 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.operations Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
56 ZS-AWS-00025 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.data_science Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
57 ZS-AWS-00025 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.financials Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
58 ZS-AWS-00025 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.flowbucket Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
59 ZS-AWS-00025 /aws/ Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
60 ZS-AWS-00025 /aws/ aws_s3_bucket.operations Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
61 ZS-AWS-00139 /aws/ aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster Ensure Kubernetes Secrets are encrypted using Customer Master Keys (CMKs) managed in AWS KMS
62 ZS-AWS-00030 /aws/ aws_instance.db_app Ensure that EC2 has detailed monitoring enabled
63 ZS-AWS-00030 /aws/ aws_instance.web_host Ensure that EC2 has detailed monitoring enabled
64 ZS-AWS-00001 /aws/ aws_instance.web_host Ensure that IAM instance roles used to provision access to AWS resources
65 ZS-AWS-00031 /aws/ aws_instance.db_app Ensure that EC2 instance should have IMDS disabled or require IMDSv2
66 ZS-AWS-00031 /aws/ aws_instance.web_host Ensure that EC2 instance should have IMDS disabled or require IMDSv2
67 ZS-AWS-00031 /aws/ aws_instance.default Ensure that backup retention is enabled for RDS Instances
68 ZS-AWS-00007 /aws/ aws_instance.default Ensure that encryption is enabled for RDS MySQL Instances
69 ZS-AZURE-00018 /aws/ azurerm_sql_server.example Ensure that 'Advanced Data Security' on a SQL server is set to 'On'
70 ZS-AZURE-00006 /aws/ Ensure FTP deployments are disabled for API app
71 ZS-AZURE-00006 /aws/ Ensure FTP deployments are disabled for API app
72 ZS-AZURE-00029 /aws/ Ensure that 'HTTP Version' is the latest, if used to run the web app
73 ZS-AZURE-00029 /aws/ Ensure that 'HTTP Version' is the latest, if used to run the web app app
74 ZS-AZURE-00044 /aws/ Ensure that 'HTTP Version' is the latest, if used to run the web app app
75 ZS-AZURE-00044 /aws/ Ensure web app has 'Client Certificates (Incoming client certificates)' set to 'On'
76 ZS-AZURE-00034 /aws/ Ensure that Register with Azure Active Directory is enabled on App Service
77 ZS-AZURE-00034 /aws/ Ensure that Register with Azure Active Directory is enabled on App Service
78 ZS-AZURE-00020 /aws/ Ensure that 'App Service Authentication' is enabled for API Apps
79 ZS-AZURE-00020 /aws/ Ensure that 'App Service Authentication' is enabled for API Apps
80 ZS-AZURE-00045 /aws/ Ensure web app is using the latest version of TLS encryption
81 ZS-AZURE-00045 /aws/ Ensure web app is using the latest version of TLS encryption
82 ZS-AZURE-00046 /aws/ Ensure web app redirects all HTTP traffic to HTTPS in Azure App Service
83 ZS-AZURE-00004 /aws/ azurerm_mysql_server.example Ensure 'Enforce SSL connection' is set to 'ENABLED' for MySQL Database Server
84 ZS-AZURE-00004 /aws/ azurerm_storage_account.example Ensure that 'Secure transfer required' is 'Enabled' for Storage Account
85 ZS-AZURE-00003 /aws/ azurerm_storage_account.example Ensure default network access rule for Storage Accounts is set to deny
86 ZS-AZURE-00003 /aws/ azurerm_storage_account.security_storage_account Ensure default network access rule for Storage Accounts is set to deny
87 ZS-AZURE-00039 /aws/ azurerm_managed_disk.example Ensure that 'Unattached disks' are encrypted
88 ZS-AZURE-00002 /aws/ azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.k8s_cluster Ensure that 'Unattached disks' are encrypted
89 ZS-AZURE-00005 /aws/ azurerm_postgresql_server.example Ensure 'Enforce SSL connection' is set to 'true' for PostgreSQL Database Server


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