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ujh edited this page Aug 6, 2010 · 25 revisions

Mission statement

Node.js on it’s own is bare bones by design. So if you want to have really fast code you’ll have the option to get just that without added baggage. However, there are also merits to the Python “batteries included” approach. This page is to be used to collect thoughts on libraries needed for application development and pointers to actual code and/or code that can be adapted to work with node’s asynchronous nature.


Actual libraries

haml-js A haml like web-templating language
postgres-js A PostgreSQL driver

Wish list

node_mysql A MySQL driver
node_crypt Cryptographic routines
node_http A webserver, i.e. also handling static files like Apache does, etc.
node_extlib A grab bag of useful extensions to the standard classes
modules A better way to handle modules. With somewhat bigger projects load/require are just to hard to use
testing A library that allows easy unit tests. Right now there’s no easy way to easily setup tests that only pass when all the code in callbacks has passed

Other code

php.js Implementation of PHP functions in JavaScript
narwhal Might not work out of the box, but could be used as inspiration
ServerJS An effort to standardize server side JavaScript