Thanks for being willing to contribute!
Perfiz consists of
- Perfiz - Gatling Setup (Maven and Scala), Docker Files, Config Templates etc., Script Files
- Clone and open with Intellij Idea (our preferred IDE, we have not test it on others) as a Maven Project
- Set PERFIZ_HOME env variable to the location where you cloned the repo so that it is easy to test your changes quickly
- Perfiz CLI - GoLang Cobra Command line interface to orchestrate above project
- Clone and open with GoLand or your favourite IDE
- Please trying to make sure this project will work across Platforms. Example: Be watchful about slashes and directly call shell commands. Leverage OS libraries.
- To test changes quickly, point PERFIZ_HOME to actual Perfiz install dir or the location where you have cloned Perfiz
- Perfiz Documentation - Jekyll and JustTheDocs based GitHub pages website
- Perfiz Demo - Examples
- There are multiple branches on this repo which are self explanatory
- Please make sure you keep these up to date
Test your changes with the Perfiz Demo branches before pushing
- The main project and cli projects have independent versioning which follows the standard .. format
- To create a release on any of these projects
git tag -a <release version> -m "<release message>"
git push origin <release version>
Please checkout the the open issues
Also, please watch the repo and respond to questions/bug reports/feature requests! Thanks!