Gradle plugin for generating scala case classes from Apache Avro schemas, datafiles and protocols. It is based on avrohugger scala library.
Plugin requires Gradle in version 7.0 or higher.
Use plugin in version
for compatibility down to Gradle 5.1
Use plugin in version0.2.5
for compatibility down to Gradle 4.3
For minimal usecase it is enough to add following to your build.gradle
plugins {
id 'com.zlad.gradle.avrohugger' version '0.9.0'
But usually scala
plugin and scala-library
dependency should be added to your build.gradle
to enable compilation of generated scala sources:
plugins {
id 'scala'
id 'com.zlad.gradle.avrohugger' version '0.9.0'
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.12.10'
Then by default scala classes generation will be triggered during build before compileScala
It will look into directory src/main/avro
for all files ending with .avsc
, .avdl
, .avro
or .avpr
Classes will be generated under ${buildDir}/generated-src/avro
and they will be added to main
scala source set.
You can always call
task to perform classes generation only
You can change default configuration in avrohugger
block like in following example:
avrohugger {
sourceDirectories = files('src-avro')
destinationDirectory = file('src-scala')
namespaceMapping = [ 'com.example' : 'com.zlad' ]
typeMapping {
protocolType = ScalaADT
sourceFormat = Standard
Name | Default | Description |
sourceDirectories | src/main/avro | Directories (can be multiple) used to look for .avsc , .avdl , .avro or .avpr files as an input for classes generation |
destinationDirectory | ${buildDir}/generated-src/avro | Directory where classes will be generated |
namespaceMapping | empty map | Map where key is name of namespace and value is it's replacement which will be used as package for resulting classes |
typeMapping | default type mapping | Defines how avro types are represented as scala types |
Name (avro type) | Default (scala type) | PossibleValues |
intType | ScalaInt | ScalaInt, ScalaLong, ScalaFloat, ScalaDouble |
longType | ScalaLong | ScalaInt, ScalaLong, ScalaFloat, ScalaDouble |
floatType | ScalaFloat | ScalaInt, ScalaLong, ScalaFloat, ScalaDouble |
doubleType | ScalaDouble | ScalaInt, ScalaLong, ScalaFloat, ScalaDouble |
recordType | ScalaCaseClass | ScalaCaseClass, ScalaCaseClassWithSchema |
enumType | ScalaEnumeration (JavaEnum for SpecificRecord) | ScalaEnumeration, JavaEnum, ScalaCaseObjectEnum, EnumAsScalaString |
unionType | OptionEitherShapelessCoproduct | OptionEitherShapelessCoproduct, OptionalShapelessCoproduct, OptionShapelessCoproduct |
arrayType | ScalaSeq | ScalaSeq, ScalaArray, ScalaList, ScalaVector |
protocolType | NoTypeGenerated | NoTypeGenerated, ScalaADT |
decimalType | ScalaBigDecimal | ScalaBigDecimal, ScalaBigDecimalWithPrecision |
dateType | JavaTimeLocalDate | JavaTimeLocalDate, JavaSqlDate |
timestampMillisType | JavaTimeInstant | JavaTimeInstant, JavaSqlTimestamp |
uuidType | JavaUuid | JavaUuid |
See avrohugger library for all details about types.
To set rounding mode for decimal types append underscore followed by rounding mode e.g. ScalaBigDecimal_UP
or ScalaBigDecimalWithPrecision_DOWN
where rounding mode could be one of UP
Standard - vanilla case classes
SpecificRecord - case classes implementing
with mutable fieldsThere is need additional dependency on Apache Avro to compile generated classes with
source format.dependencies { // ... other dependencies here implementation 'org.apache.avro:avro:1.8.2' }
See avrohugger library for all details about different formats
If you do not want generated scala classes be a part of main
source set you can change it as in following example to be a part of test
source set:
sourceSets {
test {
scala {
srcDir avrohugger.destinationDirectory
If you have schema files provided as part of one or more jar
files you can include them as dependencies and configure avrohugger
to use them:
Define new configuration
configurations { avroSchema }
Declare dependencies
dependencies { avroSchema 'sample:schema-one:0.1.0' avroSchema 'sample:schema-two:0.1.0' }
Configure avrohugger
avrohugger { sourceDirectories { from configurations.avroSchema.files.collect { zipTree(it) } } }
See following example of configuration made with Kotlin DSL:
import com.zlad.gradle.avrohugger.AvrohuggerExtension
plugins {
id ("scala")
id ("com.zlad.gradle.avrohugger") version "0.9.0"
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation ("org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.12.10")
avrohugger {
"example.idl" to "com.zlad"
typeMapping {
protocolType = AvrohuggerExtension.ScalaADT
enumType = AvrohuggerExtension.ScalaCaseObjectEnum
There is a restriction about maximum fields count for case classes in scala 2.10 and older. If some of your records has more then 22 fields and scala 2.10 is used simple serializable class will be generated instead of case class.
Plugin will get your scala version from
version in compile dependencies. If it is not able to found the dependency it will act as the version is 2.11.
Plugin can be built and tested using:
./gradlew clean build
Core generation logic is implemented by Julian Peeters in scala library called avrohugger. Plugin was inspired by it's sbt version sbt-avrohugger.
Thanks to all contributors.