Zecwallet uses a bespoke format for storing wallet data on disk.
The data is written and read linearly using Rust's BufReader
The following snippet was taken from here.
In v1.0 of zecwallet-cli, there was a bug that incorrectly derived HD wallet keys after the first key. That is, the first key, address was correct, but subsequent ones were not.
The issue was that the 32-byte seed was directly being used to derive then subsequent addresses instead of the 64-byte pkdf2(seed). The issue affected both t and z addresses.
Note that no funds are at risk. The issue is that, if in the future, you import the seed into a different wallet, you might not see all your addresses in the new wallet, so it's better to fix it now.
If you start a wallet that has this bug, you'll be notified. The bug can be automatically fixed by the wallet by running the
command. Just startzecwallet-cli
and typefixbip39bug
.If you have any funds in the incorrect addresses, they'll be sent to yourself, and the correct addresses re-derived.
More information in the Zecwallet-CLI v1.1.0 release notes.
Wallet storage is implemented in the following files:
The top-level functions used to write/read wallet data is in lib/src/lightwallet.rs#439
Note: all numeric types are written as little endian.
The data stored comes from the LightWallet
struct, and is written as follows:
Keyname | Value Type | Description |
Version | u64 | LightWallet struct version. |
Keys | Keys |
Wallet keys. |
Blocks | Vector<BlockData > |
Blocks. |
Transactions | WalletTxns |
Transactions. |
Chain Name | String | Chain name. |
Wallet Options | WalletOptions |
Options. |
Birthday | u64 | Wallet birthday height. |
Verified Tree | Option | Commitment tree state. |
Price | WalletZecPriceInfo | Price information. |
Orchard Witnesses | Option<BridgeTree<MerkleHashOrchard, 32>> | Orchard Witnesses Tree. |
Private keys are encrypted using the secretbox
Rust crate, by getting the doublesha256 of the user's password and
a randomly generated nonce. The seal function, used to encrypt the private key,
is crypto_secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305
, a particular combination of Salsa20 and Poly1305 specified in Cryptography in NaCl.
For more information, read https://cr.yp.to/highspeed/naclcrypto-20090310.pdf.
SECRET_KEY_SIZE: u8 = 32 (0x20)
MERKLE_DEPTH: u8 = 32 (0x20)
SER_V1: u8 = 1
Strings are written as len + utf8.
u64 // length
bytes // utf8 bytes
u64 // Keys struct version
u8 // Encrypted (1 = true, 0 = false)
[u8; 48] // Encrypted seed bytes. Check the `Encryption` section.
u8 // Nonce
[u8; 32] // Seed
Vector<WalletOKey> // Orchard keys
Vector<WalletZKey> // ZKeys (combination of HD keys derived from the seed, viewing keys and imported spending keys)
Vector<WalletTKey> // Transparent private keys
String // Network name: "main" or "test"
u64 // Block height
String // Block ID (hash)
u32 // Unix epoch time when the block was mined
String // Sapling commitment tree state
String // Orchard commitment tree state
A struct that holds orchard private keys or viewing keys.
u64 // WalletOKey struct version
WalletOKeyType // keytype
u8 // Locked/encrypted (1 = true, 0 = false)
Option<u32> // HD Key number. Only present if it is an HD key
orchard::FullViewingKey // Full viewing key
Option<orchard::SpendingKey> // Spending key
// Encrypted Spending Key
Option<Vector<u8>> // Output of secretbox::seal(secret_key, nonce, doublesha256(password)). Check `Encryption` for more information.
Option<Vector<u8>> // Nonce
A struct that holds z-address private keys or viewing keys.
u64 // WalletZKey struct version
WalletZKeyType // keytype
u8 // Locked/encrypted (1 = true, 0 = false)
Option<ExtendedSpendingKey> // Extended Spending key
ExtendedFullViewingKey // Extended Full Viewing key
Option<u32> // HD Key number. Only present if it is an HD key
// Encrypted Extended Spending Key
Option<Vector<u8>> // Output of secretbox::seal(secret_key, nonce, doublesha256(password)). Check `Encryption` for more information.
Option<Vector<u8>> // Nonce
u64 // WalletTKey struct version
WalletTKeyType // keytype
u8 // Locked/encrypted (1 = true, 0 = false)
Option<SecretKey> // Secret key
String // Address
Option<u32> // HD Key number. Only present if it is an HD key
Option<Vector<u8>> // Encrypted Secret Key. Output of secretbox::seal(secret_key, nonce, doublesha256(password)). Check the `Encryption` section.
Option<Vector<u8>> // Nonce
u32 // 0 = HD key, 1 = Imported Spending key, 2 = Imported Viewing Key
u32 // 0 = HD key, 1 = Imported Spending key, 2 = Imported Full Viewing Key
u32 // 0 = HD key, 1 = imported key
[u8; SECRET_KEY_SIZE] // A secp256k1 secret key
Contains the encoded block data and the block height.
i32 // height
Vector<u8> // Block hash
CommitmentTree::<Node>::empty() // Commitment tree. Serialized as: (Optional(empty), Optional(empty), vec[] (also empty))
u64 // BlockData struct version
Vector<u8> // Encoded compact block (ecb)
This is not a Rust type, but a Protocol Buffer type.
u32 // Proto version
u64 // Height
Vector<u8> // Hash
Vector<u8> // Previous hash
u32 // Unix epoch time when the block was mined
Vector<u8> // (hash, prevHash, and time) OR (full header)
Vector<CompactTx> // Zero or more compact transactions from this block
This is not a Rust type, but a Protocol Buffer type.
u64 // Index within the full block
Vector<u8> // Transaction hash (ID), same as in block explorers
Option<u32> // Transaction fee (optional)
Vector<CompactSaplingSpend> // Sapling inputs
Vector<CompactSaplingOutput> // Sapling outputs
Vector<CompactOrchardAction> // Orchard actions
CompactSaplingSpend is a Sapling Spend Description as described in 7.3 of the Zcash protocol specification.
This is not a Rust type, but a Protocol Buffer type.
Vector<u8> // Nullifier (nf)
Output is a Sapling Output Description as described in section 7.4 of the Zcash protocol spec. Total size is 948.
This is not a Rust type, but a Protocol Buffer type.
Vector<u8> // Note commitment u-coordinate (cmu)
Vector<u8> // Ephemeral public key (epk)
Vector<u8> // First 52 bytes of ciphertext
This is not a Rust type, but a Protocol Buffer type.
Vector<u8> // Nullifier of the input note (32 bytes)
Vector<u8> // x-coordinate of the note commitment for the output note (cmx, 32 bytes)
Vector<u8> // Encoding of an ephemeral Pallas public key (ephemeralKey, 32 bytes)
Vector<u8> // Note plaintext component of the encCiphertext field (ciphertext, 52 bytes)
List of all transactions in a wallet.
u64 // WalletTxns struct version
// The hashmap, write a set of tuples. Store them sorted so that wallets are deterministically saved
TxId // Transaction id
WalletTx // Transaction data
[u8; 32] // Transaction id
V5 transaction data.
u64 // WalletTx struct version
u32 // Block height
u8 // Unconfirmed (1 = true, 0 = false)
u64 // Datetime
TxId // Transaction id
// Sapling notes
// UTXOs
u64 // Total Orchard value spent
u64 // Total Sapling value spent
u64 // Total Transparent value spent
// Outgoing transaction metadata
u8 // Full transaction scanned (1 = true, 0 = false)
Option<f64> // Zec price. Writes a IEEE754 double-precision (8 bytes) floating point number.
// Sapling spent nullifiers
// Orchard notes
// Orchard spent nullifiers
u64 // SaplingNoteData struct version
ExtendedFullViewingKey // Extended full viewing key
u8 // Key depth
[u8; 4] // Parent FVK tag
u32 // Child index
[u8; 32] // Chain code
sapling::FullViewingKey // [u8; 96]. Full viewing key
[u8; 32] // Diversifier key
u8 // Depth
[u8; 4] // Parent FVK tag
u32 // Child index
[u8; 32] // Chain code
sapling::ExpandedSpendingKey // [u8; 96]. Spending key
[u8; 32] // Diversifier key
[u64; 4] // ask
[u64; 4] // nsk
[u8; 32] // ovk
JubjubSubgroupPoint // [u8; 32]. ak
NullifierDerivingKey // [u8; 32]. nk
OutgoingViewingKey // ovk
jubjub::SubgroupPoint // ak
sapling::NullifierDerivingKey // nk
OutgoingViewingKey // ovk
[u8; 32] // ovk
u64 // Utxo struct version
u32 // Address length
String // Address
TxId // Transaction id
u64 // Output index
u64 // Value
i32 // Height
// Script
Option<TxId> // Spent
Option<i32> // Spent at height
// Unconfirmed spent
TxId // Transaction id
u32 // Height
u64 // WalletOptions struct version
u8 // Memo download option (0 = No memos, 1 = Wallet memos, 2 = All memos)
i64 // Spam threshold
u64 // Address length
String // Address
u64 // Value
MemoBytes // Memo serialized per ZIP 302
[u8; 512] // Memo
[u8; 32]
The base field of the Pallas and iso-Pallas curves, used to represent a unique nullifier for a note.
pallas::Base // Base field of the Pallas and iso-Pallas curves
Note that we don't write the unconfirmed_spent field, because if the wallet is restarted, we don't want to be beholden to any expired txns
u64 // OrchardNoteData struct version
orchard::FullViewingKey // Full viewing key
orchard::Address // Recipient
u64 // Note value
orchard::Nullifier // Note rho
[u8; 32] // Note rseed (random seed)
Option<u64> // Witness position
// Spent
TxId // Transaction id
u32 // Height
// Unconfirmed spent
TxId // Transaction id
u32 // Height
Option<MemoBytes> // Memo
u8 // Is change (1 = true, 0 = false)
u8 // Have spending key (1 = true, 0 = false)
[u8; 11] // Diversifier
[u8; 32] // Diversified Transmission Key
Zcash Protocol Spec § Orchard Raw Full Viewing Keys. Result is of length [u8; 96]
orchard::SpendValidatingKey // ak
orchard::NullifierDerivingKey // nk
orchard::CommitIvkRandomness // rivk
[u8; 32] // sk
A key used to validate spend authorization signatures. The point repr is the same as I2LEOSP of its x-coordinate. Orchard Key Components.
[u8; 32] // redpallas::VerificationKey<SpendAuth>
A key used to derive Nullifiers from Notes. Orchard Key Components.
[u8; 32] // pallas::Scalar
[u8; 32]
[u8; 32]
u64 // WalletZecPriceInfo struct version
Option<u64> // Last historical prices fetched at (timestamp)
u64 // Historical prices retry count
u64 // BridgeTree struct version
Vector<MerkleBridge> // Prior bridges
Option<MerkleBridge> // Current bridge
// Witnessed indices. A map from positions for which we wish to be able to compute an authentication path to index in the bridges vector.
u64 // Position
u64 // Index
Vector<Checkpoint> // Checkpoints
u64 // Max checkpoints
Option<u64> // Prior position. The position of the final leaf in the frontier of the bridge that this bridge is the successor of.
// Bridge auth fragments
u64 // Position
u64 // Position
u64 // Altitudes observed
pallas::Base // Hash
u64 // Position
if (leaf is left) {
H // Left hash
Optional<None> // Right hash
} else {
H // Left hash
Optional<H> // Right hash
Vector<H> // Frontier ommers
u64 // Bridge length
u8 // Is witnessed (1 = true, 0 = false)
Vector<u64> // Witnessed positions
// The set of previously-witnessed positions that have had their witnesses removed during the period that this checkpoint is the current checkpoint
u64 // Position
u64 // Index
Unlike other wallets, Zecwallet always derives the scope (change) as 0