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Create my Shoppingify app. Use any front-end libraries of your choice. Create your API. Don’t look at the existing solution.


  • User story: When I select the items tab, I can see a list of items under different categories.
  • User story: I can add a new item with name, category, note, and image.
  • User story: When I add a new item, I can select one from the existing categories or add a new one if the category does not exist
  • User story: When I select an item, I can see its details and I can choose to add the current list or delete the item.
  • User story: I can add items to the current list
  • User story: I can increase the number of item in the list
  • User story: I can remove the item from the list User story: I can save/update the list with a name (user can have only one active list at a time)
  • User story: I can toggle between editing state and completing state
  • User story: When I am at completing state, I can save my progress by selecting the item
  • User story: I can cancel the active list
  • User story: When I try to cancel a list, I can see a confirmation notification
  • User story: I can see my shopping history and I can see the details of it
  • User story: I can see some statistics: top items, top categories, and monthly comparison. (Tips: use libraries like recharts for the graph)
  • User story (optional): I can search for items


  • The task includes creatiom of frontend of the Shoppingify. I was able to fulfill all the user stories.
  • But there are so many things to handle, I was overwhelmed once.
  • I could have use any CSS Framework, it would save tons of the time but now-a-days I am exploring vanilla css therefore tried with vanilla css.
  • Using reducer was the most challenging part also interesting because there are a lot of things I have learned.
  • I have used Date-fns library before but this time I had to dig deep because there are quite a lot of stuffs related to Date time.


Built with

  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS
  • Reducer
  • date-fns
  • Reacharts

What I learned

  • Of course, for the first time managed state using reducer. There was a lot of learning.
  • Beside that, I used Yup and Formik for form and validation. It was also interesting.

Continued development

  • So many things I have plan to work with, among them I need to define types properly.
  • There are still few bugs that needs to go away.
  • I will transform this to a fullstack project.
  • Also, I will add user authentication.

Useful resources
