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simen edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 2 revisions

1. Overview

zstack-constants exports all constants used in TI's zigbee z-stack.

2. Installation

$ npm install zstack-constants --save

3. Usage

To use a constant, just access it within the correct layer, namespace, and the property name. Here is a quick example to access the constant ACK_REQUEST of AF options:

var ZSC = require('zstack-constants');

// Access properties under root space  
console.log(ZSC.BEACON_MAX_DEPTH);          // 15
console.log(ZSC.DEF_NWK_RADIUS);            // 30
console.log(ZSC.AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS);         // 30

// Access constants in config and cmdStatus namespaces  
console.log(ZSC.config.NWK_MAX_DEVICES);    // 21
console.log(ZSC.cmdStatus.BUFFER_FULL);     // 17

// Access constants in options and interpanCtl namespaces under AF layer
console.log(ZSC.AF.options.ACK_REQUEST);    // 16
console.log(ZSC.AF.interpanCtl.SET);        // 1

// Access constants in adcResolution and gpioOperation namespaces under SYS layer
console.log(ZSC.SYS.adcResolution.BIT_10);  // 1
console.log(ZSC.SYS.gpioOperation.TOGGLE);  // 4

// Access constants in stackProfileId and deviceLogicalType namespaces under ZDO layer
console.log(ZSC.ZDO.stackProfileId.ZIGBEEPRO_PROFILE);  // 2
console.log(ZSC.ZDO.deviceLogicalType.ROUTER);          // 1

4. Status Getter

zstack-constants provides you with an API getStatus() to get the defintion of a status code. This may help in showing error message when a bad status code coming back.


Get the definition of a status code. This method accepts an input code in string or in number, and it will return an object like { key: 'BUFFER_FULL', value: 17 } to tell the status definition. This method will return undefined if the given status code is not found.


  1. code (Number | String): Status code in string or in number.


  • (Object): Status definition


var ZSC = require('zstack-constants');

ZSC.getStatus(16);              // { key: 'MEM_ERROR', value: 16 }
ZSC.getStatus(183);             // { key: 'APS_NO_ACK', value: 183 }
ZSC.getStatus('APS_NO_ACK');    // { key: 'APS_NO_ACK', value: 183 }

5. Table of Constants

  • The following table lists the layers and namespaces that zstack-constants exports. (The namespaces given with a link are those collected in common.json)
Layer Namespace
- Root space, acces constants with ZSC.fooNamespace or ZSC.barProperty. The exported properties include BEACON_MAX_DEPTH, DEF_NWK_RADIUS, and AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS. The exported namespaces include cmdStatus and config.
AF The exported namespaces of AF layer include cmdStatus, addressMode, interpanCtl, networkLatencyReq, and options.
MAC The exported namespaces of MAC layer include cmdStatus, capabInfoMask, logicalChannels, channelMask, securityLevel, addressMode, scanDuration, assocStatus, channelPage, txOpt, commReason, disassocReason, keyIdMode, beaconOrder, scanType, frontEndMode, and pidAttr.
SYS The exported namespaces of SYS layer include cmdStatus, nvItemIds, resetType, capabilities, osalTimerEvent, adcChannels, adcResolution, gpioOperation, sysStkTune, resetReason, nvItemInitStatus, and nvItemDeleteStatus.
UTIL The exported namespaces of UTIL layer include cmdStatus, devStates, channelMask, securityLevel, addressMode, getNvStatus, subsystemId, deviceType, keyEvent, keyValue, ledMode, ledNum, subsAction, ackPendingOption, and nodeRelation.
ZDO The exported namespaces of ZDO layer include cmdStatus, capabInfoMask, devStates, logicalChannels, channelMask, scanDuration, status, initDev, serverCapability, appDevVer, stackProfileId, deviceLogicalType, addrReqType, leaveAndRemoveChild, leaveIndRequest, leaveIndRemove, leaveIndRejoin, and descCapability.
SAPI The exported namespaces of SAPI layer include cmdStatus, nvItemIds, zbDeviceInfo, bindAction, searchType, txOptAck, and nvItemIdsUint8.
DBG The exported namespaces of DBG layer include debugThreshold and componentId.

  • Common Properties
    • config
            'ZDO_MGMT_MAX_NWKDISC_ITEMS': 5,
            'ZDO_MGMT_MAX_RTG_ITEMS': 10,
            'ZDO_MGMT_MAX_BIND_ITEMS': 3,
            'ZDO_MGMT_MAX_LQI_ITEMS': 2,
            'NWK_MAX_DEVICE_LIST': 20,
            'NWK_MAX_DEVICES': 21
    • cmdStatus
            "SUCCESS": 0,
            "FAILURE": 1,
            "INVALID_PARAM": 2,
            "MEM_ERROR": 16,
            "BUFFER_FULL": 17,
            "UNSUPPORTED_MODE": 18,
            "MAC_MEM_ERROR": 19,
            "MAC_BAD_STATE": 25,
            "MAC_NO_RESOURCES": 26,
            "MAC_ACK_PENDING": 27,
            "MAC_NO_TIME": 28,
            "MAC_TX_ABORTED": 29,
            "SAPI_IN_PROGRESS": 32,
            "SAPI_TIMEOUT": 33,
            "SAPI_INIT": 34,
            "NOT_AUTHORIZED": 126,
            "MALFORMED_CMD": 128,
            // please see common.json for more information
  • AF Layer Namespace and Properties: af.json
  • MAC Layer Namespace and Properties: mac.json
  • SYS Layer Namespace and Properties: sys.json
  • UTIL Layer Namespace and Properties: util.json
  • ZDO Layer Namespace and Properties: zdo.json
  • SAPI Layer Namespace and Properties: sapi.json
  • DBG Layer Namespace and Properties: dbg.json