CyberedgeImage is a C# image processing program. Downloadable distributions are available for Windows. It can display, edit, analyze, process, save and print 8–bit, 16–bit and 32–bit images.
It can read many image formats including TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP and DICOM. It does geometric transformations such as scaling, rotation and flips. Image can be zoomed up to 32 : 1 and down to 1 : 32. All processing functions are available at any magnification factor. The program supports any number of windows (images) simultaneously, limited only by available memory.
Some of the structures and codes are referenced from ImageJ (Copyright © 2003 - 2021 Broad Institute, Inc), and we would like to express our gratitude.
项目依赖: Emgu.CV, Emgu.CV.Bitmp, fo-dicom, Newtonsoft.Json
框架: .NetCore 8
可打开bmp、jpeg; *.jpeg、png、PBM、PGM、PPM、SR、RAS、tiff、exr、jpeg2000、gif和dcm格式的图像文件。
图像窗口 打开图像后图像会出现在图像窗口中。图像窗口的标题是图像文件名称和缩放倍数。图像的上方显示图像的分辨率和其他信息。
图像缩放 鼠标点击图像窗口后,可以滚动滚轮缩放图像。
当图像放大后图像窗口无法完全显示图像时,在图像的左上角会出现一个红色的方框,表示现在显示出来的是图像的哪个部分。可以按工具栏上的 图像后拖动图像进行移动。
最近打开 显示最近打开的文件名称,可以直接点击再次打开。
ROI 点击工具栏上的 按钮,可以在图像窗口中画出兴趣区域,已让图像处理只在其中处理。