diff --git a/docs/.vitepress/config.mts b/docs/.vitepress/config.mts
index fdf91e44..2f544d93 100644
--- a/docs/.vitepress/config.mts
+++ b/docs/.vitepress/config.mts
@@ -1,185 +1,181 @@
-import {defineConfigWithTheme} from "vitepress";
-const pkg=require('../../zhin/package.json')
+import { defineConfigWithTheme } from 'vitepress';
+const pkg = require('../../zhin/package.json');
export default defineConfigWithTheme({
- title: '知音(Zhin)',
- titleTemplate: ':title - 知音(Zhin)',
- head: [['meta', {name: 'theme-color', content: '#3c8772'}]],
- srcDir: './src',
- outDir: './dist',
- description: '轻量、优雅的开发机器人',
- lang: 'zh-CN',
- lastUpdated: true,
- ignoreDeadLinks: true,
- themeConfig: {
- search:{
- provider:'algolia',
- options:{
- appId: 'JJ7HNQWQ9J',
- apiKey: 'be3cc799b1d0dd165a4bd11a006690b8',
- indexName: 'zhin',
- locales:{
- zh:{
- placeholder:'搜索文档',
- translations:{
- button: {
- buttonText: '搜索文档',
- buttonAriaLabel: '搜索文档'
- },
- modal:{
- searchBox: {
- resetButtonTitle: '清除查询条件',
- resetButtonAriaLabel: '清除查询条件',
- cancelButtonText: '取消',
- cancelButtonAriaLabel: '取消'
- },
- startScreen: {
- recentSearchesTitle: '搜索历史',
- noRecentSearchesText: '没有搜索历史',
- saveRecentSearchButtonTitle: '保存至搜索历史',
- removeRecentSearchButtonTitle: '从搜索历史中移除',
- favoriteSearchesTitle: '收藏',
- removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle: '从收藏中移除'
- },
- errorScreen: {
- titleText: '无法获取结果',
- helpText: '你可能需要检查你的网络连接'
- },
- footer: {
- selectText: '选择',
- navigateText: '切换',
- closeText: '关闭',
- searchByText: '搜索提供者'
- },
- noResultsScreen: {
- noResultsText: '无法找到相关结果',
- suggestedQueryText: '你可以尝试查询',
- reportMissingResultsText: '你认为该查询应该有结果?',
- reportMissingResultsLinkText: '点击反馈'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- nav: [
- {text: '开始', link: '/guide/start', activeMatch: '/guide/'},
- {text: '配置', link: '/config/common', activeMatch: '/config/'},
- { text: 'API', link: '/api/zhin', activeMatch: '/api/' },
- { text: '插件商店', link: '/store', activeMatch: '/store' },
- // { text: 'Playground', link: 'https://playground.zhin.icu', activeMatch: '/playground/' },
- {
- text: pkg.version,
- items: [
- {
- text: 'Changelog',
- link: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md'
- },
- {
- text: '贡献成员',
- link: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin/graphs/contributors'
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- sidebar: {
- '/guide/': [
- {
- text: '介绍',
- collapsible: true,
- items: [
- {text: `准备工作`, link: '/guide/prepare'},
- {text: `安装`, link: '/guide/start'},
- {text: `编写第一个插件`, link: '/guide/plugin-guide'},
- ]
- },
- {
- text: '深入了解',
- collapsible: true,
- items: [
- {text: `插件 - Plugin`, link: '/guide/plugin-introduce'},
- {text: `指令 - Command`, link: '/guide/command'},
- {text: `可交互输入 - Prompt`, link: '/guide/prompt'},
- {text: `组件 - Component`, link: '/guide/component'},
- {text: `Bot API`, link: '/guide/bot'},
- {text: `装饰器(实验性)`, link: "/guide/decorator"},
- ]
- },
- {
- text: '部署',
- link: '/guide/deploy',
- },
- ],
- '/api/': [
- {text: `目录`, link: '/api/'},
- {
- text: '核心模块',
- collapsible: true,
- items: [
- {text: `知音`, link: '/api/zhin'},
- {text: `服务`, link: '/api/service'},
- {text: `适配器`, link: '/api/adapter'},
- {text: `机器人`, link: '/api/bot'},
- {text: `指令`, link: '/api/command'},
- {text: `上下文`, link: '/api/context'},
- {text: `会话`, link: '/api/session'},
- ]
+ title: '知音(Zhin)',
+ titleTemplate: ':title - 知音(Zhin)',
+ head: [['meta', { name: 'theme-color', content: '#3c8772' }]],
+ srcDir: './src',
+ outDir: './dist',
+ description: '轻量、优雅的开发机器人',
+ lang: 'zh-CN',
+ lastUpdated: true,
+ ignoreDeadLinks: true,
+ themeConfig: {
+ search: {
+ provider: 'algolia',
+ options: {
+ appId: 'JJ7HNQWQ9J',
+ apiKey: 'be3cc799b1d0dd165a4bd11a006690b8',
+ indexName: 'zhin',
+ locales: {
+ zh: {
+ placeholder: '搜索文档',
+ translations: {
+ button: {
+ buttonText: '搜索文档',
+ buttonAriaLabel: '搜索文档',
+ },
+ modal: {
+ searchBox: {
+ resetButtonTitle: '清除查询条件',
+ resetButtonAriaLabel: '清除查询条件',
+ cancelButtonText: '取消',
+ cancelButtonAriaLabel: '取消',
- {
- text: '消息定义',
- link: '/api/message',
+ startScreen: {
+ recentSearchesTitle: '搜索历史',
+ noRecentSearchesText: '没有搜索历史',
+ saveRecentSearchButtonTitle: '保存至搜索历史',
+ removeRecentSearchButtonTitle: '从搜索历史中移除',
+ favoriteSearchesTitle: '收藏',
+ removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle: '从收藏中移除',
- {
- text: '内置服务',
- collapsible: true,
- items: [
- {text: `server`, link: '/api/service-server'},
- {text: `router`, link: '/api/service-router'},
- {text: `koa`, link: '/api/service-koa'},
- ]
+ errorScreen: {
+ titleText: '无法获取结果',
+ helpText: '你可能需要检查你的网络连接',
- {
- text: `事件系统`,
- collapsible: true,
- items: [
- {text: `事件地图`, link: '/api/event/map'},
- ]
+ footer: {
+ selectText: '选择',
+ navigateText: '切换',
+ closeText: '关闭',
+ searchByText: '搜索提供者',
- ],
- '/config': [
- {
- text: '通用配置',
- link: '/config/common',
+ noResultsScreen: {
+ noResultsText: '无法找到相关结果',
+ suggestedQueryText: '你可以尝试查询',
+ reportMissingResultsText: '你认为该查询应该有结果?',
+ reportMissingResultsLinkText: '点击反馈',
- {
- text: '适配器',
- collapsible: true,
- items: [
- {text: `icqq`, link: '/config/adapter-icqq'},
- {text:`onebot`,link:'/config/adapter-onebot'},
- ]
- },
- {
- text: '内置插件',
- link: '/config/built-plugin',
- },
- ]
+ },
+ },
+ },
- footer: {
- message: 'Released under the MIT License.',
- copyright: 'Copyright © 2022-2023 凉菜'
+ },
+ },
+ nav: [
+ { text: '开始', link: '/guide/start', activeMatch: '/guide/' },
+ { text: '配置', link: '/config/common', activeMatch: '/config/' },
+ { text: 'API', link: '/api/zhin', activeMatch: '/api/' },
+ { text: '插件商店', link: '/store', activeMatch: '/store' },
+ // { text: 'Playground', link: 'https://playground.zhin.icu', activeMatch: '/playground/' },
+ {
+ text: pkg.version,
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: 'Changelog',
+ link: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md',
+ },
+ {
+ text: '贡献成员',
+ link: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin/graphs/contributors',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ sidebar: {
+ '/guide/': [
+ {
+ text: '介绍',
+ collapsible: true,
+ items: [
+ { text: `准备工作`, link: '/guide/prepare' },
+ { text: `安装`, link: '/guide/start' },
+ { text: `编写第一个插件`, link: '/guide/plugin-guide' },
+ ],
- editLink: {
- pattern: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin/edit/main/docs/src/:path',
- text: '修正文档',
+ {
+ text: '深入了解',
+ collapsible: true,
+ items: [
+ { text: `插件 - Plugin`, link: '/guide/plugin-introduce' },
+ { text: `指令 - Command`, link: '/guide/command' },
+ { text: `可交互输入 - Prompt`, link: '/guide/prompt' },
+ { text: `组件 - Component`, link: '/guide/component' },
+ { text: `Bot API`, link: '/guide/bot' },
+ { text: `装饰器(实验性)`, link: '/guide/decorator' },
+ ],
- socialLinks: [
- {icon: 'github', link: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin'}
- ],
- lastUpdatedText: '上次更新时间',
- docFooter: {
- prev: '上一节',
- next: '下一节'
- }
- }
+ {
+ text: '部署',
+ link: '/guide/deploy',
+ },
+ ],
+ '/api/': [
+ { text: `目录`, link: '/api/' },
+ {
+ text: '核心模块',
+ collapsible: true,
+ items: [
+ { text: `知音`, link: '/api/zhin' },
+ { text: `服务`, link: '/api/service' },
+ { text: `适配器`, link: '/api/adapter' },
+ { text: `机器人`, link: '/api/bot' },
+ { text: `指令`, link: '/api/command' },
+ { text: `上下文`, link: '/api/context' },
+ { text: `会话`, link: '/api/session' },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ text: '消息定义',
+ link: '/api/message',
+ },
+ {
+ text: '内置服务',
+ collapsible: true,
+ items: [
+ { text: `server`, link: '/api/service-server' },
+ { text: `router`, link: '/api/service-router' },
+ { text: `koa`, link: '/api/service-koa' },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ text: `事件系统`,
+ collapsible: true,
+ items: [{ text: `事件地图`, link: '/api/event/map' }],
+ },
+ ],
+ '/config': [
+ {
+ text: '通用配置',
+ link: '/config/common',
+ },
+ {
+ text: '适配器',
+ collapsible: true,
+ items: [
+ { text: `icqq`, link: '/config/adapter-icqq' },
+ { text: `onebot`, link: '/config/adapter-onebot' },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ text: '内置插件',
+ link: '/config/built-plugin',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ footer: {
+ message: 'Released under the MIT License.',
+ copyright: 'Copyright © 2022-2025 凉菜',
+ },
+ editLink: {
+ pattern: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin/edit/main/docs/src/:path',
+ text: '修正文档',
+ },
+ socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: 'https://github.com/zhinjs/zhin' }],
+ lastUpdatedText: '上次更新时间',
+ docFooter: {
+ prev: '上一节',
+ next: '下一节',
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/docs/.vitepress/theme/components/ComponentStore.vue b/docs/.vitepress/theme/components/ComponentStore.vue
index 57ff7c78..4b20f8ac 100644
--- a/docs/.vitepress/theme/components/ComponentStore.vue
+++ b/docs/.vitepress/theme/components/ComponentStore.vue
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ onMounted(() => search());