Thi is my personal utility tools library used in Cmder.
My goal is to work in cmd easier and more smooth.
Here is some preparations need to be done first.
- Add UTOOLS environment variable
- Copy the code below to your Cmder init.bat file (find here %ConEmuDir%..\init.bat), just replace the first line.
@echo off
:: Custom by Me
if not defined UTOOLS (
echo UTOOLS variable not defined. Default set to c:\UTools
if not exist %UTOOLS%\.meta (
echo Not a valid UTools folder.
echo You can git clone to %UTOOLS%
:: Set my envrionment
call "%UTOOLS%\.meta\setenv.bat"
::End of custom
shebang simulation on windows
some very basic commands
type url in cmd(e.g. u and will open that url in browser
copy the entity after copied that path (Maybe workflow)
Use .gitmessage file as commit template
git config [--global] commit.template .gitmessage
Maybe a GUI editor is friendly
git config [--global] core.editor c:\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Setting from vender
histroy setting: by default clink writes history only on exit, to change it:
clink set history_io 1
or modifyhistory_io
value in %ConEmuDir%....\config\settings (see here)