asdeep: Deep-learning tool to interpret variatn function by allelic imbalance.
The tool was written in Python 3 and depends on a set of well-developed packages, mainly including the followings:
- numpy == 1.21.4
- h5py == 3.6.0
- pymc3 == 3.11.4
- pysam == 0.18.0
- torch == 1.10.0
- captum == 0.4.1
- tensorboard == 2.7.0
- torchvision == 0.11.1
- scikit-learn == 1.0.1
We highly recommend to use a Python virtual environment.
Here is an example to create one by the venv
module shiped with Python 3.
$> python -m venv .env
$> source .env/bin/activate
Then, clone the repository and install it using pip
(.env) $> git clone
(.env) $> python -m pip install -e .
Or you can install it from PyPi.
(.env) $> python -m pip install asdeep
We also provide a small dataset for (potential) users to play with. The dataset is permantly available by the link at Zenodo
- Model state
- Evaluation matrix
- Prediction results
- Feature attribution plot
No section: 'blas'
problem raised bypymc3
The pymc3
package depends on Theano-PyMC
which is a special Theano
However, one knownd issues when importing pymc3 is the No section: 'blas'
if this is the issues you come across, please check if the BLAS installed
correctly in your system.
If you have issue or question, please create a new issue or send an email to the following address.
Zhenhua Zhang