What's Changed
- 更新作业比赛页面列表中的按钮 by @3382308510 in #1056
- 应对新的menu做出的调整index.php by @SDadudu in #1059
- 更新menu2.php的CSS样式 by @SDadudu in #1057
- Group statistics by @zhblue in #1060
- The ranking page is more aesthetically pleasing by @SDadudu in #1062
- 待完成任务页面标题与其他页面不同 by @SDadudu in #1063
- 给syzoj主题的index.php增加轮播图功能 by @SDadudu in #1061
- Contest type by @zhblue in #1064
- Fix fatal error: mysql/mysql.h by @mxdabc in #1066
- ko.php synchronized to cn.php by @melongist in #1069
New Contributors
- @3382308510 made their first contribution in #1056
- @SDadudu made their first contribution in #1059
- @mxdabc made their first contribution in #1066
Full Changelog: 24.12.25...25.01.31