[simple] means slider of simply images and text without seperate animation. [complex] means each slider contains seperate objectes on each contains different animation and time delay etc.
(default) simple
[domID](string):the string of id to append the dom to.
if type is simple:
[showCapital](default:true): display the capital part
[hover](default:false) sub option for showCapital
[animateCapital] swipe up the capital when changing slides.
[showPaginator](default:true): show paginator part
domID domId, sliders,option domID, option[type=simple]
show paginator
1.create dom: 1) create #sliders 2) create .page 3) create .capital append to .page 4) append .capital to .page 5) create paginator; 2)
things to do: make copy of variable sliders; error check function;
create page dom; create img; +url +title +alt
Effect: stack; swipe; fade; swipe fade;