We currently provide
- Before running the skeleton action recognition demo, make sure you have installed
. You should first installmmcv-full
, and then installmmpose
. You can use the following installation commands:
pip install openmim
mim install mmcv-full
mim install mmdetection
mim install mmpose
# Then you can switch to `$PYSKL` directory and install PYSKL from source.
pip install -e .
- Before running the gesture recognition demo, you need to install
first. This can be completed simply bypip install mediapipe
. - You should run the provided scripts under the directory
The provided skeleton action recognition demo is offline, which means it takes a video clip as input and return the action detection. The demo runs on GPU. By default, this demo recognizes 120 actions categories defined in NTURGB+D 120.
For human skeleton extraction, we use Faster-RCNN (R50 backbone) for human detection and HRNet_w32 for human pose estimation. All based on OpenMMLab implementations.
# Running the demo with PoseC3D trained on NTURGB+D 120 (Joint Modality), which is the default option. The input file is demo/ntu_sample.avi, the output file is demo/demo.mp4
python demo/demo_skeleton.py demo/ntu_sample.avi demo/demo.mp4
# Running the demo with STGCN++ trained on NTURGB+D 120 (Joint Modality). The input file is demo/ntu_sample.avi, the output file is demo/demo.mp4
python demo/demo_skeleton.py demo/ntu_sample.avi demo/demo.mp4 --config configs/stgcn++/stgcn++_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j_vanilla.py --checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/pyskl/ckpt/stgcnpp/stgcnpp_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j.pth
Note that for running demo on an arbitrary input video, you need a tracker to formulate pose estimation results for each frame into multiple skeleton sequences. Currently we are using a naive tracker based on inter-frame pose similarities. You can also try to write your own tracker.
We provide an online gesture recognition demo that runs real-time on CPU. The demo takes a video stream as input and predict the current gesture performed (It only supports the single-hand scenario now). By default, this demo recognizes 15 gestures defined in HaGRID, including: Call, Dislike, Fist, Four, Like, Mute, OK, One, Palm, Peace, Rock, Stop, Three [Middle 3 Fingers], Three [Left 3 Fingers], Two Up.
For hand keypoint extraction, we use the opensource solution mediapipe. For skeleton-based gesture recognition, currently we adopt a light variant of ST-GCN++ model trained on the HaGRID gesture recognition dataset.
# Run the real time skeleton-based gesture recognition demo
python demo/demo_gesture.py