#include <stdio.h> #include #include #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include #include <string.h> #include
using namespace std;
int subtractSecondsFromTime( int, int); //int getSecondsBetweenTime ( int,int ); //int addSecondsToTime(int,int ); int subtractSecondsFromTime(int ,int ); int addSecondsToTime(int ,int ); int copychar (const char* , char* );
void getPriceDirection(char *p); double getRounded(double); int getRounded1(int);
int EQ_double(double , double ); int GT_double(double , double ); int LT_double(double , double ); double chopPrecision (double);
void getSmartExpStr(string );
string getExpStr(int,double);
template string ToString(const I&);
/********/ const int POINTS= 25; //from 0 to 25 = 26 ( 9:30 = OPEN, 945,1000 .... 1545) typedef struct { double priceCurve[POINTS]; int index; int first; } DATAPOINTS2;
DATAPOINTS2* ptrDataPoint2;
typedef struct { int qty; double price; double notional; } SMART_EXP_STR;
SMART_EXP_STR* smartExpStr;
double roundPrice(string , double ); double * testPtrReturn(); string& testStrRefRtrn();
/********/ class A { public: A() { printf ("In Ctor of A \n"); }
}; /********/ class MZSingleton {
public: static MZSingleton* getMZSingleton1(); static MZSingleton* getMZSingleton2(); protected: MZSingleton(); MZSingleton(const MZSingleton&); MZSingleton& operator=(const MZSingleton&); private: static MZSingleton* MZSingleton_ptr;
MZSingleton* MZSingleton::MZSingleton_ptr=0;// initialize pointer
MZSingleton* MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1() { if (MZSingleton_ptr == 0) // is it the first call? { MZSingleton_ptr = new MZSingleton; // create sole instance } return MZSingleton_ptr; // address of sole instance } MZSingleton* MZSingleton::getMZSingleton2() { static MZSingleton MZSingleton_ref; return &MZSingleton_ref; } MZSingleton::MZSingleton() {
/********/ /* string& testStrRefRtrn() { string &strt123; strt123 = new string("foo"); return strt123; } / double testPtrReturn() { double fo = 23.45;
double* p=&fo;
return p;
// double w = 880.24; // double *ws = &w; // double **wwss = &ws;
// return wwss;
string getExpStr(int qty, double price ) {
double notional = qty*price;
char str[50];
//sprintf_s(str,"%-20.4f",notional); sprintf(str,"%-20.4f",notional);
string retstr; retstr = ToString(qty); retstr += "@$"; retstr += ToString(price); retstr += "=$"; //retstr += ToString(notional); retstr += str;
return retstr;
} template std::string ToString(const T& val) { std::stringstream strm; strm << val; return strm.str(); }
void setSmartExpStr(SMART_EXP_STR* sPtr,int qty,double px,double notional) {
sPtr = (SMART_EXP_STR*) malloc(sizeof(*sPtr));
sPtr->qty=qty; sPtr->price=px; sPtr->notional=notional;
//SMART_EXP_STR* getSmartExpStr(string smartExpStr) {
void getSmartExpStr(string smartExpStr) { //char stet[]="152345-152623"; // // //
//int len = strlen(smartExpStr.c_str()); char *stet= const_cast<char *> (smartExpStr.c_str()); char * ptr_stet;
printf("test29 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"@"); printf("test29 Qty:%d \n",atoi(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"@"); printf("test29 px:%f \n",atoi(ptr_stet));
double roundPrice(string side, double price){ double returnPrice = -1; if (side=="buy"){ double tmp1 = 100price; int tmp2 = (int)tmp1; double buying = (double)(tmp2)/100; returnPrice = buying; }else{ double tmp3 = price + 0.009; double tmp4 = 100tmp3; int tmp5 = (int)tmp4; double selling = ((double)tmp5)/100; returnPrice = selling; } return returnPrice; }
int subtractSecondsFromTime(int time1,int secs){ int temp = time1/100003600 + (time1%10000)/10060 + time1%100; temp-=secs; return temp/360010000 + temp%3600/60100 + temp%60; }
int addSecondsToTime(int time1,int secs){ int temp = time1/100003600+ (time1%10000)/10060 + time1%100; temp+=secs; return temp/360010000+temp%3600/60100+temp%60; }
/* // pass in 123425,29 (will subtract 29 seconds from 123425) // return 123356 int subtractSecondsFromTime( int timeHHMMSS,int seconds) { time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",timeHHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 23 || hourint <10) { return -1; }
min[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[2]; min[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[3]; min[2] ='\0'; int minint = atoi(min); if (minint <0 || minint > 59) { return -1; }
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec); if (secint <0 || secint > 59) { return -1; }
tm newTime = tm(); newTime.tm_sec=secint; newTime.tm_min=minint; newTime.tm_hour=hourint; newTime.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&newTime); newTime.tm_sec = newTime.tm_sec - seconds; newTime.tm_min = newTime.tm_min; mktime(&newTime);
printf ("tm_min tim_min %d tim_min100 %d \n",newTime.tm_min,newTime.tm_min100); int timeMinusSeconds =newTime.tm_hour10000 + newTime.tm_min100 + newTime.tm_sec; } */
// pass in 123356,123429 // return 34 int getSecondsBetweenTime ( int time1HHMMSS,int time2HHMMSS) { time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",time1HHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 24 || hourint < 10) { return -1; }
min[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[2]; min[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[3]; min[2] ='\0'; int minint = atoi(min);
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec);
tm newTime1 = tm(); newTime1.tm_sec=secint; newTime1.tm_min=minint; newTime1.tm_hour=hourint; newTime1.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime1.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime1.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t mynewTimeT1 = mktime(&newTime1);
char strtime2HHMMSS[6]; //sprintf(strtime2HHMMSS,"%d",time2HHMMSS); sprintf(strtime2HHMMSS,"%d",time2HHMMSS);
char hour2[2]; char min2[2]; char sec2[2];
hour2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[0]; hour2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[1]; hour2[2] ='\0'; int hourint2 = atoi(hour2);
min2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[2]; min2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[3]; min2[2] ='\0'; int minint2 = atoi(min2);
sec2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[4]; sec2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[5]; sec2[2] ='\0'; int secint2 = atoi(sec2);
tm newTime2 = tm(); newTime2.tm_sec=secint2; newTime2.tm_min=minint2; newTime2.tm_hour=hourint2; newTime2.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime2.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime2.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t mynewTimeT2 = mktime(&newTime2); return (int) difftime(mynewTimeT2,mynewTimeT1);
} /* //pass in 123356,34 (will add 34 seconds to 123356) //return 123429 int addSecondsToTime(int timeHHMMSS,int seconds){
time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",timeHHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 24 || hourint < 10) { return -1; }
min[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[2]; min[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[3]; min[2] ='\0'; int minint = atoi(min); if (minint <0 || minint > 60) { return -1; }
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec); if (secint <0 || secint > 60) { return -1; }
tm newTime = tm(); newTime.tm_sec=secint; newTime.tm_min=minint; newTime.tm_hour=hourint; newTime.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&newTime); newTime.tm_sec = newTime.tm_sec + seconds; mktime(&newTime);
int timePlusSeconds =newTime.tm_hour10000 + newTime.tm_min100 + newTime.tm_sec;
return timePlusSeconds; } */ // // This will get the direction based off off all points in the structure // //
void getPriceDirection(char p) { double pCurve=NULL; int size= ((DATAPOINTS2)p)->index; pCurve= ((DATAPOINTS2)p)->priceCurve;
int differencePtm1_Pt=0; int differencePt_Ptm1=0; double lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1=0.0;
for (int x =0; x < size; x++ ) { differencePtm1_Pt += (int)( pCurve[x] - pCurve[x+1]); differencePt_Ptm1 += (int)( pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]); //lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 += log (abs((int) (pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]))); lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 += log (fabs((pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]))); } printf("-----> differencePt_Ptm1 %d differencePtm1_Pt %d lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 %f \n\n ", differencePt_Ptm1,differencePtm1_Pt, lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1); }
/* double getRounded (double quantity) { double remainder = (int) quantity / 100 ;
if (remainder >= 50) {
double foo = quantity-remainder+100;
printf(" remainder %f returning %f\n",remainder,foo);
else {
double foo = quantity - remainder;
printf(" remainder %f returning %f\n",remainder,foo);
return (remainder >= 50) ? quantity - remainder + 100 : quantity-remainder
//used to test if doubles are equal int EQ_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (fabs(p1 - p2) <= 0.0001) { printf ("test.c: EQ_double: p1 %f - p2 %f = %f < 0.0001 \n",p1,p2,fabs(p1 - p2)); return 1; } else { printf ("test.c: EQ_double: p1 %f - p2 %f = %f > 0.0001 \n",p1,p2,fabs(p1 - p2)); return 0; } }
//used to test if doubles are equal int GT_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (p1>p2) return 1; else return 0; } //used to test if doubles are equal int LT_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (p1 < p2) return 1; else return 0; }
//returns a large
int getRounded1 (int quantity) { //return (quantity % 100 == 0); int remain= quantity % 100; return remain; }
//Give 65.378765; //return 65.37000 //non rounding, unlike sprintf // double chopPrecision(double p1) {
double fractpart,intpart,intpart2; double one=1; fractpart=modf(p1,&intpart); fractpart=modf(fractpart*100,&intpart2);
if(fractpart > one || EQ_double(fractpart,1)) { printf (" >=1 routine:p1 %f fractpart %f\n",p1,fractpart); return p1; } else { printf (" <1 routine:p1 %f fractpart %f --subtract fabs(one - fractpart) %f \n",p1, fractpart, fabs(one-fractpart)); return (intpart + intpart2/100); }
int main() { static const char* SEP=","; printf("%s Seperator",SEP);
/**** TEST *********/ double currentVolume = 12000; double volumeAtStartOfOrder = 10000; double volPct = 33;
double qtyToExecute = (currentVolume - volumeAtStartOfOrder) * (volPct/100);
if (qtyToExecute <= 0) { printf ("KNICKS!!!!\n"); } printf("\n %f qtyToExecute\n",qtyToExecute); // //double val = getRounded(502); // printf(" %f getRounded \n",val);
double value= 602;
int val1 = getRounded1((int) value);
printf(" %d getRounded \n",val1);
- test char msg[2]; int t=0; while ( t<40){
sprintf(msg,"%s %s\n","foodoo");
printf ("t:%d msg %s sizeof %d\n ---\n",t,msg,sizeof(msg));
int myint=400000; printf ("test myint %f \n",myint); t++; } */
char charMon[2]; int month=10; sprintf(charMon,"%02d",month); printf( "test2: the charMon %s \n",charMon);
/* TEST 3*/
char cvar='A';
(cvar == 'T' || cvar =='B' ) ? printf(" test 3: YES\n") : printf("test 3: no\n");
/TEST 4/
char charMon1[1];
char * month1="ONETWOTHREEFOUR";
sprintf(charMon1,"I am testing %s",month1);
printf( "test 4: 1: the charMon %s sizeof(charMon1) %d strlen %d \n",charMon1,sizeof(charMon1),strlen(charMon1));
month1="SIZESEVE"; sprintf(charMon1,"%s",month1); printf( "test 4: 2: the charMon %s sizeof(charMon1) %d strlen %d \n",charMon1,sizeof(charMon1),strlen(charMon1));
/TEST 5/
char buffer [10];
int n, a=5, b=3;
n=sprintf (buffer, "%d plus %d is %d", a, b, a+b);
printf ("test 5 [%s] is a %d chars string:strlen %d\n",buffer,n,strlen(buffer));
/TEST 6/ double mydbl=0; int myint =23; mydbl = (double) myint; printf ("test 6 mydl %f\n",mydbl);
/TEST7/ double mydbl1=0; char * mycptr1 ="234"; mydbl1 = atoi(mycptr1); printf ("test 7 mydl1 %f\n",mydbl1);
/*Test 8 */
double wait_time = 10 + (rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*2;
printf("test8: random time 10+rand()/double RAND_MAX= %f ,rand() %f\n",wait_time,(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*2);
/*Test 9 */
double one =7.213478; double two =7.217567;
char foo[4]; sprintf(foo,"%.2f",one);
double onechanged=atof(foo);
double twochanged=atof(foo);
if ( one < two ) { printf("test 9 Expected\n"); } else if (one == two) { printf("test9 Equal\n"); }
if (onechanged <twochanged) { printf("test9 DEAD ON, onechanged %f, twochanged %f \n",onechanged,twochanged); } else if (onechanged == twochanged ) { printf("test9 Equal , onechanged %f, twochanged %f \n",onechanged,twochanged); }
/*test 10 */ double p1 =2.269876; double p2 =2.270001;
printf ( "test10 fabs (p1 - p2) %f\n",fabs(p1 -p2));
if (fabs(p1 - p2) <= 0.01){
printf ( "test10 they are equal \n"); } else { printf ( "test10 not equal \n"); }
double p3=65.51; double p4=65.519345;
double fractpart,intpart,intpart2;
printf ( "test10 --- p4 %.3f \n",p4); printf ( "test10 --- floor(p4) %.3f \n",floor(p4));
fractpart=modf(p4,&intpart); printf("1. fractpart %f \n ", fractpart); double temp=fractpart*100; printf("temp %f \n ", temp);
fractpart=modf(temp,&intpart2); printf("2. fractpart %f intpart2 %f \n ", fractpart,intpart2); double toadd=intpart2/100; printf("toadd %f \n ", toadd);
printf ( "test10 was p4 %f now is intpart %f \n",p4,intpart+toadd); printf ( "test10 was p4 %f now is chopPrecision(p4) %f \n",p4,chopPrecision(p4));
if (EQ_double(p3,p4)) { printf ( "test10 --- equal p3 %f p4 %f \n",p3,p4); }
if (GT_double(p3,p4)) { printf ( "test10 --- p3 %f > p4 %f \n",p3,p4); }
if (LT_double(p3,p4)) { printf ( "test10 --- p3 %f < p4 %f \n",p3,p4); }
/* Test 11 */
double p5=65.54; printf ( "\n\n test11 was p5 %f now is chopPrecision(p5) %f \n",p5,chopPrecision(p5));
double e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7=0;
/* Test 12 */ char str[7]; sprintf(str,"%s","Test");
if (strstr(str,"est")) { printf("test 12 got a match\n"); } else { printf("test12 no match \n"); }
/* test 13 */ printf ("test13 Pctage %f\n",((39.05-39.01)/39.05 ) * 100 );
/* test 14 */ double foo23= 0.021234; char cstr14[5]; sprintf (cstr14,"%.2f\n",fabs(foo23)); double fooresult=atof(cstr14);
printf ("test14 2. deviation %f\n",fooresult);
/*test 15 */ int num=0; 2 > 4 ? num=1 :num =2; printf ("test 15:num is %d \n",num);
/*test 16 */
int dlbarr[]= {1,2,3,4,5};
printf("test16 size is %d\n", sizeof(dlbarr));
/*** test 17 ***********/
ptrDataPoint2 = (DATAPOINTS2*) malloc(sizeof(*ptrDataPoint2)); //simulate Get_UserPointer char *cptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(ptrDataPoint2);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=25; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=14; ptrDataPoint2->index=7;
printf("test17:mixed but major down trend direction:getPriceDirection() -->\n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=25; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=15; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=13; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=12;
printf("test17 :Pure down trend direction:getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=24; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=28; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=29;
printf("test17 : Pure upTrend direction:getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=10; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=22;
printf("test17 : mixed but major upTrend direction: getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=61.85; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=61.84; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=61.75; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=61.80; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=61.79; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=61.75;
printf("test17 : mixed -->getPriceDirection() \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
/*** test 18****/
printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 1000000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 100000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 10000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 10000);
/*** test 19****/
char stet[]="152345-152623"; char * ptr_stet;
printf("test19 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"-"); while(ptr_stet!=NULL) { printf("test19 time:%f \n",atof(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"-");
/**Test 20 ****/ time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * timeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(timeNow);
int startTime = 120000; //int startTime = 155800; int endTime = 121000; int numSlices= 5; int unloadTime = 500;
int currentTime =timeNow->tm_hour10000+timeNow->tm_min100+timeNow->tm_sec; timeNow->tm_sec += 900;
int currentTimePlus15Min =timeNow->tm_hour10000+timeNow->tm_min100+timeNow->tm_sec; int currentTimeAsInt = currentTime/100003600 + currentTime/10060+ currentTime%100; int start = startTime/100003600 + startTime/10060+ startTime%100; int end = endTime/100003600 + endTime/10060 + endTime%100; int temp1 = endTime/100003600 + endTime/100%10060 + endTime%100- unloadTime; int temp2 =temp1/360010000+(temp1/60)%60100+temp1%60;
int nextTimeToSendSlice = 121020+300; int nextTimeToSendSlice2 = nextTimeToSendSlice/100003600 + nextTimeToSendSlice/10060+nextTimeToSendSlice%100;
if (nextTimeToSendSlice%100>=60){ nextTimeToSendSlice+=100; nextTimeToSendSlice-=60; printf("1. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2 %d nextTimetoSendSlice%d\n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice);
if (nextTimeToSendSlice%10000>=6000){
nextTimeToSendSlice+=10000; nextTimeToSendSlice-=6000; printf("2. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2%d nextTimeToSendSlice %d\n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice);
printf("3. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2%d nextTimeToSendSlice %d nextTimeToSendSlice2 %d \n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice,nextTimeToSendSlice2);
/*************** test 21 ****************************/ tm tmpTime= tm();
tmpTime.tm_sec=57; tmpTime.tm_min=41; tmpTime.tm_hour=14; tmpTime.tm_mday=2; tmpTime.tm_mon= 1; tmpTime.tm_year=2006-1900;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&tmpTime);
tm tmpTime1= tm(); tmpTime1.tm_sec=02; tmpTime1.tm_min=42; tmpTime1.tm_hour=14; tmpTime1.tm_mday=2; tmpTime1.tm_mon= 1; tmpTime1.tm_year=2006-1900;
time_t myTimeT2 = mktime(&tmpTime1);
printf(" test21: the diff %f \n\n\n",difftime(myTimeT2,myTimeT));
/********** test 22 ***********/
int st1=150000; //int subtractsecs= 30; int subtractsecs= 30;
int st2=154500; int st3=154607;
//int st4=154558; //int addsecs =35;
int st4=150000; //int addsecs =35; int addsecs =300;
printf("test22:1 :st1 %d subtractSeconds %d subtractSecondsfromTime %d \n",st1,subtractsecs,subtractSecondsFromTime(st1,subtractsecs));
/****************** test 24 *************/
time_t now123; time(&now123);
struct tm * timeNow123 = localtime(&now123); mktime(timeNow123);
int currentTime123 =timeNow123->tm_hour10000+timeNow123->tm_min100+timeNow123->tm_sec; int current123 = currentTime123/100003600 + currentTime123/10060+currentTime123%100;
printf("test 24 timeNow123->tm_hour %d,timeNow123->tm_hour10000 %d,timeNow123->tm_min %d,timeNow123->tm_min100 %d,timeNow123->tm_sec %d \n",
printf("test 24 currentTime123 %d \n",currentTime123); /* int startTime= int endTime = int end = endTime/100003600 + endTime/10060+endTime%100; int start = startTime/100003600 + startTime/10060+startTime%100; */
/*********************test 25 **************/ / char stet[]="152345-152623"; char * ptr_stet;
printf("test19 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"-"); while(ptr_stet!=NULL) { printf("test19 time:%f \n",atof(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"-");
char strfoo[] ="34.58-10000-34.89-250000-36.78-24000"; char * ptr_strfoo=NULL;
ptr_strfoo = strtok(strfoo,"-");
//printf("test25 1:%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); //printf("test 25 strlen ptr_strfoo %d\n",strlen(ptr_strfoo));
while(ptr_strfoo != NULL) { /* char pxvol[strlen(ptr_strfoo)]; strcpy(pxvol,ptr_strfoo); char * ptr_pxvol=NULL; ptr_pxvol= strtok(pxvol,":");
while(ptr_pxvol != NULL) { printf("test25 -----b Value-->%f \n",atof(ptr_pxvol)); ptr_pxvol= strtok(NULL,":"); } / / Below work printf("test25 Price:%s \n",ptr_strfoo); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); printf("test25 Qty :%s \n",ptr_strfoo); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); */
printf("test25 Price:%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); printf("test25 Qty :%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); }
/*********** test 26 *********/ char * fooarr[5]; fooarr[0]= (char)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[0],"1 This is test26.Array of char ptrs");
fooarr[1]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[1],"2 test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[2]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[2],"3 test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[3]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[3],"4. test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[4]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[4],"5. test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[5]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[5],"6. test 26 .Box car racers ar here"); /* Need to malloc more space or else below will run out of space for (int x =0; x< 5;x++) {
printf("test26 fooarr x %d %s\n ",x,fooarr[x]); } */
/*********** test 27 **********/
/*** test 27****/
char symstr[]="ABC.O"; char * place;
place = strtok(symstr,".");
printf("test27 1 time:%s \n",place); place = strtok(NULL,"."); printf("test27 2 time:%s \n",place);
/*********** test 28 **********/
double price1 = 28.75;
double price2 = 28.7589;
double price3 = 28.7524;
double price4 = 28.7;
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price1,roundPrice("buy",price1));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price2,roundPrice("buy",price2));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price3,roundPrice("buy",price3));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price4,roundPrice("buy",price4));
/*********** test 29 **********/
string sfoo = "5000@20=100000"; getSmartExpStr(sfoo);
/*********** test 30 **********/
// string sf=getExpStr(500,20.2);
// printf("getExpStr %s\n",sf.c_str()); string sf= ToString(42); printf("test 30 sf %s\n",sf.c_str());
string p1977=getExpStr(1000000,180.98); printf("test 30 getExpStr %s\n",p1977.c_str());
p1977=getExpStr(500,20.2); printf("test 30 getExpStr %s\n",p1977.c_str());
/*********** test 31 **********/
printf ("test 31 percentd %d \n",25/2); printf ("test 31 percentf %f \n",25/2); printf ("test 31 percentfABS %f \n",abs(25/2));
/*********** test 32 **********/
double * ptr_double = testPtrReturn(); printf("test 32 ptr_double :testPtrReturn() %f\n", *ptr_double);
double ptr_double2 = *testPtrReturn(); printf("test 32 ptr_double2 :testPtrReturn() %f\n", ptr_double2);
/*********** test 34 **********/
//printf("testing 34 ref return %s\n", testStrRefRtrn());
/*********** test 35 **********/
A aobj; A* aptr = new A(); A& aref=(*aptr); delete (aptr);
/*********** test 35 **********/ //FOO foo foo
class Ins { public: virtual void foo() { printf("Test 35 : class Ins: foo \n"); } virtual ~Ins(){}
class fx : public Ins { public: virtual void foo() { printf("Test 35 : class fx: foo \n"); }
virtual ~fx(){} };
Ins *iptr = new Ins(); fx * fptr = new fx(); iptr=&(*fptr);
iptr->foo(); delete (iptr); // fptr will be gone as wellss //delete (fptr);
/***** test 37************/
MZSingleton *myptrz = MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1(); MZSingleton *myptrz2 = myptrz->getMZSingleton1(); // MZSingleton & myrefz =MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1(); // Singleton *p2 = p1->Instance(); // Singleton & ref = * Singleton::Instance();
return 0; } /*
#include <sys/time.h> typedef unsigned long long timestamp_t;
static timestamp_t
get_timestamp ()
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday (&now, NULL);
return now.tv_usec + (timestamp_t)now.tv_sec * 1000000;
timestamp_t t0 = get_timestamp();
// Process
timestamp_t t1 = get_timestamp();
double secs = (t1 - t0) / 1000000.0L;
uint64 GetTimeMs64() { #ifdef _WIN32 /* Windows */ FILETIME ft; LARGE_INTEGER li;
/* Get the amount of 100 nano seconds intervals elapsed since January 1, 1601 (UTC) and copy it
- to a LARGE_INTEGER structure. */ GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); li.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
uint64 ret = li.QuadPart; ret -= 116444736000000000LL; /* Convert from file time to UNIX epoch time. / ret /= 10000; / From 100 nano seconds (10^-7) to 1 millisecond (10^-3) intervals */
return ret; #else /* Linux */ struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
uint64 ret = tv.tv_usec; /* Convert from micro seconds (10^-6) to milliseconds (10^-3) */ ret /= 1000;
/* Adds the seconds (10^0) after converting them to milliseconds (10^-3) */ ret += (tv.tv_sec * 1000);
return ret; #endif }
/* *what went bang */
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include#define NUM_THREADS 20
using namespace std;
int subtractSecondsFromTime( int, int); //int getSecondsBetweenTime ( int,int ); //int addSecondsToTime(int,int ); int subtractSecondsFromTime(int ,int ); int addSecondsToTime(int ,int ); int copychar (const char* , char* );
void getPriceDirection(char *p); double getRounded(double); int getRounded1(int);
int EQ_double(double , double ); int GT_double(double , double ); int LT_double(double , double ); double chopPrecision (double);
void getSmartExpStr(string );
string getExpStr(int,double);
template string ToString(const I&);
/********/ const int POINTS= 25; //from 0 to 25 = 26 ( 9:30 = OPEN, 945,1000 .... 1545) typedef struct { double priceCurve[POINTS]; int index; int first; } DATAPOINTS2;
DATAPOINTS2* ptrDataPoint2;
typedef struct { int qty; double price; double notional; } SMART_EXP_STR;
SMART_EXP_STR* smartExpStr;
double roundPrice(string , double ); double * testPtrReturn(); string& testStrRefRtrn();
/********/ class A { public: A() { printf ("In Ctor of A \n"); }
}; /********/ class MZSingleton {
public: static MZSingleton* getMZSingleton1(); static MZSingleton* getMZSingleton2(); protected: MZSingleton(); MZSingleton(const MZSingleton&); MZSingleton& operator=(const MZSingleton&); private: static MZSingleton* MZSingleton_ptr;
MZSingleton* MZSingleton::MZSingleton_ptr=0;// initialize pointer
MZSingleton* MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1() { if (MZSingleton_ptr == 0) // is it the first call? { MZSingleton_ptr = new MZSingleton; // create sole instance } return MZSingleton_ptr; // address of sole instance } MZSingleton* MZSingleton::getMZSingleton2() { static MZSingleton MZSingleton_ref; return &MZSingleton_ref; } MZSingleton::MZSingleton() {
/********/ /* string& testStrRefRtrn() { string &strt123; strt123 = new string("foo"); return strt123; } / double testPtrReturn() { double fo = 23.45;
double* p=&fo;
return p;
// double w = 880.24; // double *ws = &w; // double **wwss = &ws;
// return wwss;
string getExpStr(int qty, double price ) {
double notional = qty*price;
char str[50];
//sprintf_s(str,"%-20.4f",notional); sprintf(str,"%-20.4f",notional);
string retstr; retstr = ToString(qty); retstr += "@$"; retstr += ToString(price); retstr += "=$"; //retstr += ToString(notional); retstr += str;
return retstr;
} template std::string ToString(const T& val) { std::stringstream strm; strm << val; return strm.str(); }
void setSmartExpStr(SMART_EXP_STR* sPtr,int qty,double px,double notional) {
sPtr = (SMART_EXP_STR*) malloc(sizeof(*sPtr));
sPtr->qty=qty; sPtr->price=px; sPtr->notional=notional;
//SMART_EXP_STR* getSmartExpStr(string smartExpStr) {
void getSmartExpStr(string smartExpStr) { //char stet[]="152345-152623"; // // //
//int len = strlen(smartExpStr.c_str()); char *stet= const_cast (smartExpStr.c_str()); char * ptr_stet;
printf("test29 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"@"); printf("test29 Qty:%d \n",atoi(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"@"); printf("test29 px:%f \n",atoi(ptr_stet));
double roundPrice(string side, double price){ double returnPrice = -1; if (side=="buy"){ double tmp1 = 100price; int tmp2 = (int)tmp1; double buying = (double)(tmp2)/100; returnPrice = buying; }else{ double tmp3 = price + 0.009; double tmp4 = 100tmp3; int tmp5 = (int)tmp4; double selling = ((double)tmp5)/100; returnPrice = selling; } return returnPrice; }
int subtractSecondsFromTime(int time1,int secs){ int temp = time1/100003600 + (time1%10000)/10060 + time1%100; temp-=secs; return temp/360010000 + temp%3600/60100 + temp%60; }
int addSecondsToTime(int time1,int secs){ int temp = time1/100003600+ (time1%10000)/10060 + time1%100; temp+=secs; return temp/360010000+temp%3600/60100+temp%60; }
/* // pass in 123425,29 (will subtract 29 seconds from 123425) // return 123356 int subtractSecondsFromTime( int timeHHMMSS,int seconds) { time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",timeHHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 23 || hourint <10 -1="" if="" int="" min="" minint="" return="" strtimehhmmss=""> 59) { return -1; }
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec); if (secint <0 secint=""> 59) { return -1; }
tm newTime = tm(); newTime.tm_sec=secint; newTime.tm_min=minint; newTime.tm_hour=hourint; newTime.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&newTime); newTime.tm_sec = newTime.tm_sec - seconds; newTime.tm_min = newTime.tm_min; mktime(&newTime);
printf ("tm_min tim_min %d tim_min100 %d \n",newTime.tm_min,newTime.tm_min100); int timeMinusSeconds =newTime.tm_hour10000 + newTime.tm_min100 + newTime.tm_sec; } */
// pass in 123356,123429 // return 34 int getSecondsBetweenTime ( int time1HHMMSS,int time2HHMMSS) { time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",time1HHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 24 || hourint < 10) { return -1; }
min[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[2]; min[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[3]; min[2] ='\0'; int minint = atoi(min);
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec);
tm newTime1 = tm(); newTime1.tm_sec=secint; newTime1.tm_min=minint; newTime1.tm_hour=hourint; newTime1.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime1.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime1.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t mynewTimeT1 = mktime(&newTime1);
char strtime2HHMMSS[6]; //sprintf(strtime2HHMMSS,"%d",time2HHMMSS); sprintf(strtime2HHMMSS,"%d",time2HHMMSS);
char hour2[2]; char min2[2]; char sec2[2];
hour2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[0]; hour2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[1]; hour2[2] ='\0'; int hourint2 = atoi(hour2);
min2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[2]; min2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[3]; min2[2] ='\0'; int minint2 = atoi(min2);
sec2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[4]; sec2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[5]; sec2[2] ='\0'; int secint2 = atoi(sec2);
tm newTime2 = tm(); newTime2.tm_sec=secint2; newTime2.tm_min=minint2; newTime2.tm_hour=hourint2; newTime2.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime2.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime2.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t mynewTimeT2 = mktime(&newTime2); return (int) difftime(mynewTimeT2,mynewTimeT1);
} /* //pass in 123356,34 (will add 34 seconds to 123356) //return 123429 int addSecondsToTime(int timeHHMMSS,int seconds){
time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",timeHHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 24 || hourint < 10) { return -1; }
min[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[2]; min[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[3]; min[2] ='\0'; int minint = atoi(min); if (minint <0 minint=""> 60) { return -1; }
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec); if (secint <0 secint=""> 60) { return -1; }
tm newTime = tm(); newTime.tm_sec=secint; newTime.tm_min=minint; newTime.tm_hour=hourint; newTime.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&newTime); newTime.tm_sec = newTime.tm_sec + seconds; mktime(&newTime);
int timePlusSeconds =newTime.tm_hour10000 + newTime.tm_min100 + newTime.tm_sec;
return timePlusSeconds; } */ // // This will get the direction based off off all points in the structure // //
void getPriceDirection(char p) { double pCurve=NULL; int size= ((DATAPOINTS2)p)->index; pCurve= ((DATAPOINTS2)p)->priceCurve;
int differencePtm1_Pt=0; int differencePt_Ptm1=0; double lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1=0.0;
for (int x =0; x < size; x++ ) { differencePtm1_Pt += (int)( pCurve[x] - pCurve[x+1]); differencePt_Ptm1 += (int)( pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]); //lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 += log (abs((int) (pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]))); lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 += log (fabs((pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]))); } printf("-----> differencePt_Ptm1 %d differencePtm1_Pt %d lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 %f \n\n ", differencePt_Ptm1,differencePtm1_Pt, lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1); }
/* double getRounded (double quantity) { double remainder = (int) quantity / 100 ;
if (remainder >= 50) { double foo = quantity-remainder+100; printf(" remainder %f returning %f\n",remainder,foo); } else { double foo = quantity - remainder;
printf(" remainder %f returning %f\n",remainder,foo); } return (remainder >= 50) ? quantity - remainder + 100 : quantity-remainder } *///used to test if doubles are equal int EQ_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (fabs(p1 - p2) <= 0.0001) { printf ("test.c: EQ_double: p1 %f - p2 %f = %f < 0.0001 \n",p1,p2,fabs(p1 - p2)); return 1; } else { printf ("test.c: EQ_double: p1 %f - p2 %f = %f > 0.0001 \n",p1,p2,fabs(p1 - p2)); return 0; } }
//used to test if doubles are equal int GT_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (p1>p2) return 1; else return 0; } //used to test if doubles are equal int LT_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (p1 < p2) return 1; else return 0; }
//returns a large
int getRounded1 (int quantity) { //return (quantity % 100 == 0); int remain= quantity % 100; return remain; }
//Give 65.378765; //return 65.37000 //non rounding, unlike sprintf // double chopPrecision(double p1) {
double fractpart,intpart,intpart2; double one=1; fractpart=modf(p1,&intpart); fractpart=modf(fractpart*100,&intpart2);
if(fractpart > one || EQ_double(fractpart,1)) { printf (" >=1 routine:p1 %f fractpart %f\n",p1,fractpart); return p1; } else { printf (" <1 --subtract="" -="" 38:="" ::::hello="" _thread_data_t="" arg="" argument="" create="" ctr="" d="" data-="" data="(thread_data_t" double="" f="" fabs="" for="" fractpart="" from="" function="" i="" id:="" int="" intpart2="" intpart="" n="" one-fractpart="" one="" p1="" printf="" return="" routine:p1="" struct="" stuff="" test38::::="" test="" thr_func="" thread="" thread_data_t="" tid="" typedef="" void="">tid,i); }
pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main() { static const char* SEP=","; printf("%s Seperator",SEP);
/**** TEST *********/ double currentVolume = 12000; double volumeAtStartOfOrder = 10000; double volPct = 33;
double qtyToExecute = (currentVolume - volumeAtStartOfOrder) * (volPct/100);
if (qtyToExecute <= 0) { printf ("KNICKS!!!!\n"); } printf("\n %f qtyToExecute\n",qtyToExecute); // //double val = getRounded(502); // printf(" %f getRounded \n",val);
double value= 602;
int val1 = getRounded1((int) value); printf(" %d getRounded \n",val1);/*
- test char msg[2]; int t=0; while ( t<40 ---="" -="" -p2="" 0.01="" 10="" 1:="" 2:="" 3:="" 3="" 4:="" 4="" 5="" 6="" 7="" 8="" 9="" :="" a="" am="" are="" b="" buffer="" char="" charmon1="" charmon="" chars="" chopprecision="" cvar="=" d="" dead="" double="" else="" equal="" est="" expected="" f="" fabs="" floor="" foo="" foodoo="" fractpart="" if="" int="" intpart2="" intpart="" is="" month1="" month="" msg="" mycptr1="234" mydbl1="" mydbl="" mydl1="" mydl="" myint="" n="" no="" not="" now="" on="" one="=" onechanged="" p1="" p2="" p3="" p4="" plus="" printf="" rand="" rand_max="%f" random="" s="" sizeof="" sprintf="" string:strlen="" strlen="" t:="" t="" temp="" test10="" test2:="" test8:="" test9="" test="" testing="" the="" they="" time="" toadd="" two="" twochanged="" wait_time="" was="" yes=""> p4 %f \n",p3,p4); }
if (LT_double(p3,p4)) { printf ( "test10 --- p3 %f < p4 %f \n",p3,p4); }
/* Test 11 */
double p5=65.54; printf ( "\n\n test11 was p5 %f now is chopPrecision(p5) %f \n",p5,chopPrecision(p5));
double e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7=0;
/* Test 12 */ char str[7]; sprintf(str,"%s","Test");
if (strstr(str,"est")) { printf("test 12 got a match\n"); } else { printf("test12 no match \n"); }
/* test 13 */ printf ("test13 Pctage %f\n",((39.05-39.01)/39.05 ) * 100 );
/* test 14 */ double foo23= 0.021234; char cstr14[5]; sprintf (cstr14,"%.2f\n",fabs(foo23)); double fooresult=atof(cstr14);
printf ("test14 2. deviation %f\n",fooresult);
/*test 15 */ int num=0; 2 > 4 ? num=1 :num =2; printf ("test 15:num is %d \n",num);
/*test 16 */
int dlbarr[]= {1,2,3,4,5};
printf("test16 size is %d\n", sizeof(dlbarr));
/*** test 17 ***********/
ptrDataPoint2 = (DATAPOINTS2*) malloc(sizeof(*ptrDataPoint2)); //simulate Get_UserPointer char *cptr = reinterpret_cast(ptrDataPoint2);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=25; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=14; ptrDataPoint2->index=7;
printf("test17:mixed but major down trend direction:getPriceDirection() -->\n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=25; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=15; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=13; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=12;
printf("test17 :Pure down trend direction:getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=24; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=28; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=29;
printf("test17 : Pure upTrend direction:getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=10; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=22;
printf("test17 : mixed but major upTrend direction: getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=61.85; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=61.84; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=61.75; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=61.80; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=61.79; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=61.75;
printf("test17 : mixed -->getPriceDirection() \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
/*** test 18****/
printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 1000000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 100000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 10000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 10000);
/*** test 19****/
char stet[]="152345-152623"; char * ptr_stet;
printf("test19 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"-"); while(ptr_stet!=NULL) { printf("test19 time:%f \n",atof(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"-");
/**Test 20 ****/ time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * timeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(timeNow);
int startTime = 120000; //int startTime = 155800; int endTime = 121000; int numSlices= 5; int unloadTime = 500;
int currentTime =timeNow->tm_hour10000+timeNow->tm_min100+timeNow->tm_sec; timeNow->tm_sec += 900;
int currentTimePlus15Min =timeNow->tm_hour10000+timeNow->tm_min100+timeNow->tm_sec; int currentTimeAsInt = currentTime/100003600 + currentTime/10060+ currentTime%100; int start = startTime/100003600 + startTime/10060+ startTime%100; int end = endTime/100003600 + endTime/10060 + endTime%100; int temp1 = endTime/100003600 + endTime/100%10060 + endTime%100- unloadTime; int temp2 =temp1/360010000+(temp1/60)%60100+temp1%60;
int nextTimeToSendSlice = 121020+300; int nextTimeToSendSlice2 = nextTimeToSendSlice/100003600 + nextTimeToSendSlice/10060+nextTimeToSendSlice%100;
if (nextTimeToSendSlice%100>=60){ nextTimeToSendSlice+=100; nextTimeToSendSlice-=60; printf("1. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2 %d nextTimetoSendSlice%d\n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice);
if (nextTimeToSendSlice%10000>=6000){
nextTimeToSendSlice+=10000; nextTimeToSendSlice-=6000; printf("2. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2%d nextTimeToSendSlice %d\n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice);
printf("3. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2%d nextTimeToSendSlice %d nextTimeToSendSlice2 %d \n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice,nextTimeToSendSlice2);
/*************** test 21 ****************************/ tm tmpTime= tm();
tmpTime.tm_sec=57; tmpTime.tm_min=41; tmpTime.tm_hour=14; tmpTime.tm_mday=2; tmpTime.tm_mon= 1; tmpTime.tm_year=2006-1900;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&tmpTime);
tm tmpTime1= tm(); tmpTime1.tm_sec=02; tmpTime1.tm_min=42; tmpTime1.tm_hour=14; tmpTime1.tm_mday=2; tmpTime1.tm_mon= 1; tmpTime1.tm_year=2006-1900;
time_t myTimeT2 = mktime(&tmpTime1);
printf(" test21: the diff %f \n\n\n",difftime(myTimeT2,myTimeT));
/********** test 22 ***********/
int st1=150000; //int subtractsecs= 30; int subtractsecs= 30;
int st2=154500; int st3=154607;
//int st4=154558; //int addsecs =35;
int st4=150000; //int addsecs =35; int addsecs =300;
printf("test22:1 :st1 %d subtractSeconds %d subtractSecondsfromTime %d \n",st1,subtractsecs,subtractSecondsFromTime(st1,subtractsecs));
/****************** test 24 *************/
time_t now123; time(&now123);
struct tm * timeNow123 = localtime(&now123); mktime(timeNow123);
int currentTime123 =timeNow123->tm_hour10000+timeNow123->tm_min100+timeNow123->tm_sec; int current123 = currentTime123/100003600 + currentTime123/10060+currentTime123%100;
printf("test 24 timeNow123->tm_hour %d,timeNow123->tm_hour10000 %d,timeNow123->tm_min %d,timeNow123->tm_min100 %d,timeNow123->tm_sec %d \n",
printf("test 24 currentTime123 %d \n",currentTime123); /* int startTime= int endTime = int end = endTime/100003600 + endTime/10060+endTime%100; int start = startTime/100003600 + startTime/10060+startTime%100; */
/*********************test 25 **************/ / char stet[]="152345-152623"; char * ptr_stet;
printf("test19 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"-"); while(ptr_stet!=NULL) { printf("test19 time:%f \n",atof(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"-");
char strfoo[] ="34.58-10000-34.89-250000-36.78-24000"; char * ptr_strfoo=NULL;
ptr_strfoo = strtok(strfoo,"-");
//printf("test25 1:%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); //printf("test 25 strlen ptr_strfoo %d\n",strlen(ptr_strfoo));
while(ptr_strfoo != NULL) { /* char pxvol[strlen(ptr_strfoo)]; strcpy(pxvol,ptr_strfoo); char * ptr_pxvol=NULL; ptr_pxvol= strtok(pxvol,":");
while(ptr_pxvol != NULL) { printf("test25 -----b Value-->%f \n",atof(ptr_pxvol)); ptr_pxvol= strtok(NULL,":"); } / / Below work printf("test25 Price:%s \n",ptr_strfoo); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); printf("test25 Qty :%s \n",ptr_strfoo); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); */
printf("test25 Price:%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); printf("test25 Qty :%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); }
/*********** test 26 *********/ char * fooarr[5]; fooarr[0]= (char)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[0],"1 This is test26.Array of char ptrs");
fooarr[1]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[1],"2 test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[2]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[2],"3 test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[3]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[3],"4. test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[4]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[4],"5. test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[5]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[5],"6. test 26 .Box car racers ar here"); /* Need to malloc more space or else below will run out of space for (int x =0; x< 5;x++) {
printf("test26 fooarr x %d %s\n ",x,fooarr[x]); } */
/*********** test 27 **********/
/*** test 27****/
char symstr[]="ABC.O"; char * place;
place = strtok(symstr,".");
printf("test27 1 time:%s \n",place); place = strtok(NULL,"."); printf("test27 2 time:%s \n",place);
/*********** test 28 **********/
double price1 = 28.75;
double price2 = 28.7589;
double price3 = 28.7524;
double price4 = 28.7;
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price1,roundPrice("buy",price1));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price2,roundPrice("buy",price2));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price3,roundPrice("buy",price3));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price4,roundPrice("buy",price4));
/*********** test 29 **********/
string sfoo = "5000@20=100000"; getSmartExpStr(sfoo);
/*********** test 30 **********/
// string sf=getExpStr(500,20.2);
// printf("getExpStr %s\n",sf.c_str()); string sf= ToString(42); printf("test 30 sf %s\n",sf.c_str());
string p1977=getExpStr(1000000,180.98); printf("test 30 getExpStr %s\n",p1977.c_str());
p1977=getExpStr(500,20.2); printf("test 30 getExpStr %s\n",p1977.c_str());
/*********** test 31 **********/
printf ("test 31 percentd %d \n",25/2); printf ("test 31 percentf %f \n",25/2); printf ("test 31 percentfABS %f \n",abs(25/2));
/*********** test 32 **********/
double * ptr_double = testPtrReturn(); printf("test 32 ptr_double :testPtrReturn() %f\n", *ptr_double);
double ptr_double2 = *testPtrReturn(); printf("test 32 ptr_double2 :testPtrReturn() %f\n", ptr_double2);
/*********** test 34 **********/
//printf("testing 34 ref return %s\n", testStrRefRtrn());
/*********** test 35 **********/
A aobj; A* aptr = new A(); A& aref=(*aptr); delete (aptr);
/*********** test 35 **********/ //FOO foo foo
class Ins { public: virtual void foo() { printf("Test 35 : class Ins: foo \n"); } virtual ~Ins(){}
class fx : public Ins { public: virtual void foo() { printf("Test 35 : class fx: foo \n"); }
virtual ~fx(){} };
Ins *iptr = new Ins(); fx * fptr = new fx(); iptr=&(*fptr);
iptr->foo(); delete (iptr); // fptr will be gone as wellss //delete (fptr);
/***** test 37************/
MZSingleton *myptrz = MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1(); MZSingleton *myptrz2 = myptrz->getMZSingleton1(); // MZSingleton & myrefz =MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1(); // Singleton *p2 = p1->Instance(); // Singleton & ref = * Singleton::Instance();
/*** test 38 create thread argument struct for thr_func() ***/
pthread_t thr[NUM_THREADS]; int i, rc; /* create a thread_data_t argument array */ thread_data_t thr_data[NUM_THREADS];
/* create threads / for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { thr_data[i].tid = i; if ((rc = pthread_create(&thr[i], NULL, thr_func, &thr_data[i]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Test38:test38: error: pthread_create, rc: %d\n", rc); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } / block until all threads complete */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { pthread_join(thr[i], NULL); }
return 0; }
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include#define NUM_THREADS 20
using namespace std;
int subtractSecondsFromTime( int, int); //int getSecondsBetweenTime ( int,int ); //int addSecondsToTime(int,int ); int subtractSecondsFromTime(int ,int ); int addSecondsToTime(int ,int ); int copychar (const char* , char* );
void getPriceDirection(char *p); double getRounded(double); int getRounded1(int);
int EQ_double(double , double ); int GT_double(double , double ); int LT_double(double , double ); double chopPrecision (double);
void getSmartExpStr(string );
string getExpStr(int,double);
template string ToString(const I&);
/********/ const int POINTS= 25; //from 0 to 25 = 26 ( 9:30 = OPEN, 945,1000 .... 1545) typedef struct { double priceCurve[POINTS]; int index; int first; } DATAPOINTS2;
DATAPOINTS2* ptrDataPoint2;
typedef struct { int qty; double price; double notional; } SMART_EXP_STR;
SMART_EXP_STR* smartExpStr;
double roundPrice(string , double ); double * testPtrReturn(); string& testStrRefRtrn();
/********/ class A { public: A() { printf ("In Ctor of A \n"); }
}; /********/ class MZSingleton {
public: static MZSingleton* getMZSingleton1(); static MZSingleton* getMZSingleton2(); protected: MZSingleton(); MZSingleton(const MZSingleton&); MZSingleton& operator=(const MZSingleton&); private: static MZSingleton* MZSingleton_ptr;
MZSingleton* MZSingleton::MZSingleton_ptr=0;// initialize pointer
MZSingleton* MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1() { if (MZSingleton_ptr == 0) // is it the first call? { MZSingleton_ptr = new MZSingleton; // create sole instance } return MZSingleton_ptr; // address of sole instance } MZSingleton* MZSingleton::getMZSingleton2() { static MZSingleton MZSingleton_ref; return &MZSingleton_ref; } MZSingleton::MZSingleton() {
/********/ /* string& testStrRefRtrn() { string &strt123; strt123 = new string("foo"); return strt123; } / double testPtrReturn() { double fo = 23.45;
double* p=&fo;
return p;
// double w = 880.24; // double *ws = &w; // double **wwss = &ws;
// return wwss;
string getExpStr(int qty, double price ) {
double notional = qty*price;
char str[50];
//sprintf_s(str,"%-20.4f",notional); sprintf(str,"%-20.4f",notional);
string retstr; retstr = ToString(qty); retstr += "@$"; retstr += ToString(price); retstr += "=$"; //retstr += ToString(notional); retstr += str;
return retstr;
} template std::string ToString(const T& val) { std::stringstream strm; strm << val; return strm.str(); }
void setSmartExpStr(SMART_EXP_STR* sPtr,int qty,double px,double notional) {
sPtr = (SMART_EXP_STR*) malloc(sizeof(*sPtr));
sPtr->qty=qty; sPtr->price=px; sPtr->notional=notional;
//SMART_EXP_STR* getSmartExpStr(string smartExpStr) {
void getSmartExpStr(string smartExpStr) { //char stet[]="152345-152623"; // // //
//int len = strlen(smartExpStr.c_str()); char *stet= const_cast (smartExpStr.c_str()); char * ptr_stet;
printf("test29 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"@"); printf("test29 Qty:%d \n",atoi(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"@"); printf("test29 px:%f \n",atoi(ptr_stet));
double roundPrice(string side, double price){ double returnPrice = -1; if (side=="buy"){ double tmp1 = 100price; int tmp2 = (int)tmp1; double buying = (double)(tmp2)/100; returnPrice = buying; }else{ double tmp3 = price + 0.009; double tmp4 = 100tmp3; int tmp5 = (int)tmp4; double selling = ((double)tmp5)/100; returnPrice = selling; } return returnPrice; }
int subtractSecondsFromTime(int time1,int secs){ int temp = time1/100003600 + (time1%10000)/10060 + time1%100; temp-=secs; return temp/360010000 + temp%3600/60100 + temp%60; }
int addSecondsToTime(int time1,int secs){ int temp = time1/100003600+ (time1%10000)/10060 + time1%100; temp+=secs; return temp/360010000+temp%3600/60100+temp%60; }
/* // pass in 123425,29 (will subtract 29 seconds from 123425) // return 123356 int subtractSecondsFromTime( int timeHHMMSS,int seconds) { time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",timeHHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 23 || hourint <10 -1="" if="" int="" min="" minint="" return="" strtimehhmmss=""> 59) { return -1; }
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec); if (secint <0 secint=""> 59) { return -1; }
tm newTime = tm(); newTime.tm_sec=secint; newTime.tm_min=minint; newTime.tm_hour=hourint; newTime.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&newTime); newTime.tm_sec = newTime.tm_sec - seconds; newTime.tm_min = newTime.tm_min; mktime(&newTime);
printf ("tm_min tim_min %d tim_min100 %d \n",newTime.tm_min,newTime.tm_min100); int timeMinusSeconds =newTime.tm_hour10000 + newTime.tm_min100 + newTime.tm_sec; } */
// pass in 123356,123429 // return 34 int getSecondsBetweenTime ( int time1HHMMSS,int time2HHMMSS) { time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",time1HHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 24 || hourint < 10) { return -1; }
min[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[2]; min[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[3]; min[2] ='\0'; int minint = atoi(min);
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec);
tm newTime1 = tm(); newTime1.tm_sec=secint; newTime1.tm_min=minint; newTime1.tm_hour=hourint; newTime1.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime1.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime1.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t mynewTimeT1 = mktime(&newTime1);
char strtime2HHMMSS[6]; //sprintf(strtime2HHMMSS,"%d",time2HHMMSS); sprintf(strtime2HHMMSS,"%d",time2HHMMSS);
char hour2[2]; char min2[2]; char sec2[2];
hour2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[0]; hour2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[1]; hour2[2] ='\0'; int hourint2 = atoi(hour2);
min2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[2]; min2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[3]; min2[2] ='\0'; int minint2 = atoi(min2);
sec2[0]=strtime2HHMMSS[4]; sec2[1]=strtime2HHMMSS[5]; sec2[2] ='\0'; int secint2 = atoi(sec2);
tm newTime2 = tm(); newTime2.tm_sec=secint2; newTime2.tm_min=minint2; newTime2.tm_hour=hourint2; newTime2.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime2.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime2.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t mynewTimeT2 = mktime(&newTime2); return (int) difftime(mynewTimeT2,mynewTimeT1);
} /* //pass in 123356,34 (will add 34 seconds to 123356) //return 123429 int addSecondsToTime(int timeHHMMSS,int seconds){
time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * currentTimeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(currentTimeNow);
char strtimeHHMMSS[6]; sprintf(strtimeHHMMSS,"%d",timeHHMMSS);
char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2];
hour[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[0]; hour[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[1]; hour[2] ='\0'; int hourint = atoi(hour);
if (hourint == 0 || hourint > 24 || hourint < 10) { return -1; }
min[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[2]; min[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[3]; min[2] ='\0'; int minint = atoi(min); if (minint <0 minint=""> 60) { return -1; }
sec[0]=strtimeHHMMSS[4]; sec[1]=strtimeHHMMSS[5]; sec[2] ='\0'; int secint = atoi(sec); if (secint <0 secint=""> 60) { return -1; }
tm newTime = tm(); newTime.tm_sec=secint; newTime.tm_min=minint; newTime.tm_hour=hourint; newTime.tm_mday=currentTimeNow->tm_mday; newTime.tm_mon= currentTimeNow->tm_mon; newTime.tm_year=currentTimeNow->tm_year;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&newTime); newTime.tm_sec = newTime.tm_sec + seconds; mktime(&newTime);
int timePlusSeconds =newTime.tm_hour10000 + newTime.tm_min100 + newTime.tm_sec;
return timePlusSeconds; } */ // // This will get the direction based off off all points in the structure // //
void getPriceDirection(char p) { double pCurve=NULL; int size= ((DATAPOINTS2)p)->index; pCurve= ((DATAPOINTS2)p)->priceCurve;
int differencePtm1_Pt=0; int differencePt_Ptm1=0; double lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1=0.0;
for (int x =0; x < size; x++ ) { differencePtm1_Pt += (int)( pCurve[x] - pCurve[x+1]); differencePt_Ptm1 += (int)( pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]); //lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 += log (abs((int) (pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]))); lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 += log (fabs((pCurve[x+1] - pCurve[x]))); } printf("-----> differencePt_Ptm1 %d differencePtm1_Pt %d lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1 %f \n\n ", differencePt_Ptm1,differencePtm1_Pt, lnPricePoints_Pt_Ptm1); }
/* double getRounded (double quantity) { double remainder = (int) quantity / 100 ;
if (remainder >= 50) { double foo = quantity-remainder+100; printf(" remainder %f returning %f\n",remainder,foo); } else { double foo = quantity - remainder;
printf(" remainder %f returning %f\n",remainder,foo); } return (remainder >= 50) ? quantity - remainder + 100 : quantity-remainder } *///used to test if doubles are equal int EQ_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (fabs(p1 - p2) <= 0.0001) { printf ("test.c: EQ_double: p1 %f - p2 %f = %f < 0.0001 \n",p1,p2,fabs(p1 - p2)); return 1; } else { printf ("test.c: EQ_double: p1 %f - p2 %f = %f > 0.0001 \n",p1,p2,fabs(p1 - p2)); return 0; } }
//used to test if doubles are equal int GT_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (p1>p2) return 1; else return 0; } //used to test if doubles are equal int LT_double ( double p1 , double p2 ) { if (p1 < p2) return 1; else return 0; }
//returns a large
int getRounded1 (int quantity) { //return (quantity % 100 == 0); int remain= quantity % 100; return remain; }
//Give 65.378765; //return 65.37000 //non rounding, unlike sprintf // double chopPrecision(double p1) {
double fractpart,intpart,intpart2; double one=1; fractpart=modf(p1,&intpart); fractpart=modf(fractpart*100,&intpart2);
if(fractpart > one || EQ_double(fractpart,1)) { printf (" >=1 routine:p1 %f fractpart %f\n",p1,fractpart); return p1; } else { printf (" <1 --subtract="" -="" 38:="" ::::hello="" _thread_data_t="" arg="" argument="" create="" ctr="" d="" data-="" data="(thread_data_t" double="" f="" fabs="" for="" fractpart="" from="" function="" i="" id:="" int="" intpart2="" intpart="" n="" one-fractpart="" one="" p1="" printf="" return="" routine:p1="" struct="" stuff="" test38::::="" test="" thr_func="" thread="" thread_data_t="" tid="" typedef="" void="">tid,i); }
pthread_exit(NULL); }
int main() { static const char* SEP=","; printf("%s Seperator",SEP);
/**** TEST *********/ double currentVolume = 12000; double volumeAtStartOfOrder = 10000; double volPct = 33;
double qtyToExecute = (currentVolume - volumeAtStartOfOrder) * (volPct/100);
if (qtyToExecute <= 0) { printf ("KNICKS!!!!\n"); } printf("\n %f qtyToExecute\n",qtyToExecute); // //double val = getRounded(502); // printf(" %f getRounded \n",val);
double value= 602;
int val1 = getRounded1((int) value); printf(" %d getRounded \n",val1);/*
- test char msg[2]; int t=0; while ( t<40 ---="" -="" -p2="" 0.01="" 10="" 1:="" 2:="" 3:="" 3="" 4:="" 4="" 5="" 6="" 7="" 8="" 9="" :="" a="" am="" are="" b="" buffer="" char="" charmon1="" charmon="" chars="" chopprecision="" cvar="=" d="" dead="" double="" else="" equal="" est="" expected="" f="" fabs="" floor="" foo="" foodoo="" fractpart="" if="" int="" intpart2="" intpart="" is="" month1="" month="" msg="" mycptr1="234" mydbl1="" mydbl="" mydl1="" mydl="" myint="" n="" no="" not="" now="" on="" one="=" onechanged="" p1="" p2="" p3="" p4="" plus="" printf="" rand="" rand_max="%f" random="" s="" sizeof="" sprintf="" string:strlen="" strlen="" t:="" t="" temp="" test10="" test2:="" test8:="" test9="" test="" testing="" the="" they="" time="" toadd="" two="" twochanged="" wait_time="" was="" yes=""> p4 %f \n",p3,p4); }
if (LT_double(p3,p4)) { printf ( "test10 --- p3 %f < p4 %f \n",p3,p4); }
/* Test 11 */
double p5=65.54; printf ( "\n\n test11 was p5 %f now is chopPrecision(p5) %f \n",p5,chopPrecision(p5));
double e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7=0;
/* Test 12 */ char str[7]; sprintf(str,"%s","Test");
if (strstr(str,"est")) { printf("test 12 got a match\n"); } else { printf("test12 no match \n"); }
/* test 13 */ printf ("test13 Pctage %f\n",((39.05-39.01)/39.05 ) * 100 );
/* test 14 */ double foo23= 0.021234; char cstr14[5]; sprintf (cstr14,"%.2f\n",fabs(foo23)); double fooresult=atof(cstr14);
printf ("test14 2. deviation %f\n",fooresult);
/*test 15 */ int num=0; 2 > 4 ? num=1 :num =2; printf ("test 15:num is %d \n",num);
/*test 16 */
int dlbarr[]= {1,2,3,4,5};
printf("test16 size is %d\n", sizeof(dlbarr));
/*** test 17 ***********/
ptrDataPoint2 = (DATAPOINTS2*) malloc(sizeof(*ptrDataPoint2)); //simulate Get_UserPointer char *cptr = reinterpret_cast(ptrDataPoint2);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=25; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=14; ptrDataPoint2->index=7;
printf("test17:mixed but major down trend direction:getPriceDirection() -->\n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=25; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=15; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=13; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=12;
printf("test17 :Pure down trend direction:getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=20; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=24; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=28; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=29;
printf("test17 : Pure upTrend direction:getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=16; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=18; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=10; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=14; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=17; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=21; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=22;
printf("test17 : mixed but major upTrend direction: getPriceDirection() --> \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[0]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[1]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[2]=61.85; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[3]=61.84; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=61.75; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[5]=61.80; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[6]=61.79; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[4]=61.76; ptrDataPoint2->priceCurve[7]=61.75;
printf("test17 : mixed -->getPriceDirection() \n"); getPriceDirection(cptr);
/*** test 18****/
printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 1000000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 100000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 10000); printf("test18 :%d \n",123423 % 10000);
/*** test 19****/
char stet[]="152345-152623"; char * ptr_stet;
printf("test19 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"-"); while(ptr_stet!=NULL) { printf("test19 time:%f \n",atof(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"-");
/**Test 20 ****/ time_t now; time(&now); struct tm * timeNow = localtime(&now); mktime(timeNow);
int startTime = 120000; //int startTime = 155800; int endTime = 121000; int numSlices= 5; int unloadTime = 500;
int currentTime =timeNow->tm_hour10000+timeNow->tm_min100+timeNow->tm_sec; timeNow->tm_sec += 900;
int currentTimePlus15Min =timeNow->tm_hour10000+timeNow->tm_min100+timeNow->tm_sec; int currentTimeAsInt = currentTime/100003600 + currentTime/10060+ currentTime%100; int start = startTime/100003600 + startTime/10060+ startTime%100; int end = endTime/100003600 + endTime/10060 + endTime%100; int temp1 = endTime/100003600 + endTime/100%10060 + endTime%100- unloadTime; int temp2 =temp1/360010000+(temp1/60)%60100+temp1%60;
int nextTimeToSendSlice = 121020+300; int nextTimeToSendSlice2 = nextTimeToSendSlice/100003600 + nextTimeToSendSlice/10060+nextTimeToSendSlice%100;
if (nextTimeToSendSlice%100>=60){ nextTimeToSendSlice+=100; nextTimeToSendSlice-=60; printf("1. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2 %d nextTimetoSendSlice%d\n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice);
if (nextTimeToSendSlice%10000>=6000){
nextTimeToSendSlice+=10000; nextTimeToSendSlice-=6000; printf("2. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2%d nextTimeToSendSlice %d\n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice);
printf("3. test20: currentTime %d currentTimePlus15Min %d currentTimeAsInt %d start %d end %d end-start %d SlicesTimeApart %d temp1 %d temp2%d nextTimeToSendSlice %d nextTimeToSendSlice2 %d \n\n", currentTime,currentTimePlus15Min,currentTimeAsInt,start,end,(end-start),(end-start)/numSlices,temp1,temp2,nextTimeToSendSlice,nextTimeToSendSlice2);
/*************** test 21 ****************************/ tm tmpTime= tm();
tmpTime.tm_sec=57; tmpTime.tm_min=41; tmpTime.tm_hour=14; tmpTime.tm_mday=2; tmpTime.tm_mon= 1; tmpTime.tm_year=2006-1900;
time_t myTimeT = mktime(&tmpTime);
tm tmpTime1= tm(); tmpTime1.tm_sec=02; tmpTime1.tm_min=42; tmpTime1.tm_hour=14; tmpTime1.tm_mday=2; tmpTime1.tm_mon= 1; tmpTime1.tm_year=2006-1900;
time_t myTimeT2 = mktime(&tmpTime1);
printf(" test21: the diff %f \n\n\n",difftime(myTimeT2,myTimeT));
/********** test 22 ***********/
int st1=150000; //int subtractsecs= 30; int subtractsecs= 30;
int st2=154500; int st3=154607;
//int st4=154558; //int addsecs =35;
int st4=150000; //int addsecs =35; int addsecs =300;
printf("test22:1 :st1 %d subtractSeconds %d subtractSecondsfromTime %d \n",st1,subtractsecs,subtractSecondsFromTime(st1,subtractsecs));
/****************** test 24 *************/
time_t now123; time(&now123);
struct tm * timeNow123 = localtime(&now123); mktime(timeNow123);
int currentTime123 =timeNow123->tm_hour10000+timeNow123->tm_min100+timeNow123->tm_sec; int current123 = currentTime123/100003600 + currentTime123/10060+currentTime123%100;
printf("test 24 timeNow123->tm_hour %d,timeNow123->tm_hour10000 %d,timeNow123->tm_min %d,timeNow123->tm_min100 %d,timeNow123->tm_sec %d \n",
printf("test 24 currentTime123 %d \n",currentTime123); /* int startTime= int endTime = int end = endTime/100003600 + endTime/10060+endTime%100; int start = startTime/100003600 + startTime/10060+startTime%100; */
/*********************test 25 **************/ / char stet[]="152345-152623"; char * ptr_stet;
printf("test19 strlen stet %d \n",strlen(stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(stet,"-"); while(ptr_stet!=NULL) { printf("test19 time:%f \n",atof(ptr_stet)); ptr_stet = strtok(NULL,"-");
char strfoo[] ="34.58-10000-34.89-250000-36.78-24000"; char * ptr_strfoo=NULL;
ptr_strfoo = strtok(strfoo,"-");
//printf("test25 1:%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); //printf("test 25 strlen ptr_strfoo %d\n",strlen(ptr_strfoo));
while(ptr_strfoo != NULL) { /* char pxvol[strlen(ptr_strfoo)]; strcpy(pxvol,ptr_strfoo); char * ptr_pxvol=NULL; ptr_pxvol= strtok(pxvol,":");
while(ptr_pxvol != NULL) { printf("test25 -----b Value-->%f \n",atof(ptr_pxvol)); ptr_pxvol= strtok(NULL,":"); } / / Below work printf("test25 Price:%s \n",ptr_strfoo); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); printf("test25 Qty :%s \n",ptr_strfoo); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); */
printf("test25 Price:%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); printf("test25 Qty :%f \n",atof(ptr_strfoo)); ptr_strfoo = strtok(NULL,"-"); }
/*********** test 26 *********/ char * fooarr[5]; fooarr[0]= (char)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[0],"1 This is test26.Array of char ptrs");
fooarr[1]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[1],"2 test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[2]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[2],"3 test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[3]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[3],"4. test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[4]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[4],"5. test 26 .Box car racers ar here");
fooarr[5]= (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(fooarr[5],"6. test 26 .Box car racers ar here"); /* Need to malloc more space or else below will run out of space for (int x =0; x< 5;x++) {
printf("test26 fooarr x %d %s\n ",x,fooarr[x]); } */
/*********** test 27 **********/
/*** test 27****/
char symstr[]="ABC.O"; char * place;
place = strtok(symstr,".");
printf("test27 1 time:%s \n",place); place = strtok(NULL,"."); printf("test27 2 time:%s \n",place);
/*********** test 28 **********/
double price1 = 28.75;
double price2 = 28.7589;
double price3 = 28.7524;
double price4 = 28.7;
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price1,roundPrice("buy",price1));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price2,roundPrice("buy",price2));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price3,roundPrice("buy",price3));
printf("test28 price %f roundPrice %f\n",price4,roundPrice("buy",price4));
/*********** test 29 **********/
string sfoo = "5000@20=100000"; getSmartExpStr(sfoo);
/*********** test 30 **********/
// string sf=getExpStr(500,20.2);
// printf("getExpStr %s\n",sf.c_str()); string sf= ToString(42); printf("test 30 sf %s\n",sf.c_str());
string p1977=getExpStr(1000000,180.98); printf("test 30 getExpStr %s\n",p1977.c_str());
p1977=getExpStr(500,20.2); printf("test 30 getExpStr %s\n",p1977.c_str());
/*********** test 31 **********/
printf ("test 31 percentd %d \n",25/2); printf ("test 31 percentf %f \n",25/2); printf ("test 31 percentfABS %f \n",abs(25/2));
/*********** test 32 **********/
double * ptr_double = testPtrReturn(); printf("test 32 ptr_double :testPtrReturn() %f\n", *ptr_double);
double ptr_double2 = *testPtrReturn(); printf("test 32 ptr_double2 :testPtrReturn() %f\n", ptr_double2);
/*********** test 34 **********/
//printf("testing 34 ref return %s\n", testStrRefRtrn());
/*********** test 35 **********/
A aobj; A* aptr = new A(); A& aref=(*aptr); delete (aptr);
/*********** test 35 **********/ //FOO foo foo
class Ins { public: virtual void foo() { printf("Test 35 : class Ins: foo \n"); } virtual ~Ins(){}
class fx : public Ins { public: virtual void foo() { printf("Test 35 : class fx: foo \n"); }
virtual ~fx(){} };
Ins *iptr = new Ins(); fx * fptr = new fx(); iptr=&(*fptr);
iptr->foo(); delete (iptr); // fptr will be gone as wellss //delete (fptr);
/***** test 37************/
MZSingleton *myptrz = MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1(); MZSingleton *myptrz2 = myptrz->getMZSingleton1(); // MZSingleton & myrefz =MZSingleton::getMZSingleton1(); // Singleton *p2 = p1->Instance(); // Singleton & ref = * Singleton::Instance();
/*** test 38 create thread argument struct for thr_func() ***/
pthread_t thr[NUM_THREADS]; int i, rc; /* create a thread_data_t argument array */ thread_data_t thr_data[NUM_THREADS];
/* create threads / for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { thr_data[i].tid = i; if ((rc = pthread_create(&thr[i], NULL, thr_func, &thr_data[i]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Test38:test38: error: pthread_create, rc: %d\n", rc); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } / block until all threads complete */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { pthread_join(thr[i], NULL); }
return 0; }