.. glossary:: :sorted: Channel Channels are the key component of the ZeroVM I/O subsystem. On the host system side, channels are backed by the file system using regular files, pipes, character devices, or TCP sockets. On the guest side, each channel is a device file, which can either be used as a character or block device. Channels are the only way for ZeroVM to communicate with the "outside world", i.e., the host file system, other ZeroVM nodes, etc. Before a ZeroVM instance starts, channels must be declared in the :term:`manifest`. Daemon mode ZeroVM can be started in daemon mode to reduce startup of instances/nodes in a multi-node job. Although ZeroVM startup time is ~5ms, user programs, for example, running on :term:`zpython`, will incur an additional startup penalty. Daemon mode allows a multi-node computation to "pre-warm" an instance and fork additional copies for each unit of computation, thereby paying the additional startup time penalty only once. Manifest A text file which must be provided to ZeroVM in order to run a :term:`NaCL` application. Manifest files must include the following *mandatory* fields: - ``Version``: Manifest format version. - ``Program``: Full path to a :term:`NaCL` application to be validated and run. - ``Timeout``: Timeout, in seconds. ZeroVM will stop the user program and exit after the specified time has elapsed. Valid values are 1..2147483647. - ``Memory``: Memory space in bytes available for the user program. - ``Channel``: Mapping for I/O between a ZeroVM instance and the host system. Multiple channels be specified in a manifest. Manifests can also contain the following *optional* fields: - ``Nameserver``: Address of a nameserver which resolves network channel definitions. - ``Node``: Node ID number of a given ZeroVM instance in a cluster of VMs. Manditory if ``NameServer`` is specified. - ``Job``: Path to a Unix socket. Used for receiving commands/manifests and to send reports in :term:`daemon mode`. .. TODO(larsbutler): Add a more detailed `manifest` page and link .. it here. It would be nice to basically link to a detailed page .. containing all of this: .. https://github.com/zerovm/zerovm/blob/master/doc/manifest.txt Native Client NaCl See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Native_Client. NVRAM (configuration file) `INI-style <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file>`_ configuration file used by ZeroVM and the :term:`ZRT`. Includes the following: - ``[fstab]`` section: Channel definitions for ``tar`` images to be mounted as directory/file hierarchies in the in-memory file system. - ``[env]`` section: Environment variable definitions. - ``[mapping]`` section: Channel definitions for stdin, stdout, stderr, and other devices not included in ``[fstab]``. - ``[debug]`` section: Optional. Debug verbosity level configuration. - ``[time]`` section: Optional. Defines the starting time for the ZeroVM clock. With this you can define the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. (See `Unix time <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time>`_.) .. TODO(larsbutler): Linked more detailed docs page here, with a .. full description of the NVRAM file and all of its fields. System Map The system map is the JSON configuration file that is passed to the ZeroCloud middleware when executing a job within ZeroCloud. Trusted ZeroVM and the :term:`ZRT`. Provides a secure sandbox for running :term:`untrusted` code. Untrusted User code run inside the ZeroVM :term:`NaCL`-based sandbox. Untrusted code is `validated <https://github.com/zerovm/validator>`_ before it is run. .. TODO(larsbutler): This description needs expansion/improvement. ZeroVM Application zapp An archive file (typically created by :term:`zpm`) containing a ``zapp.yml`` configuration file and user application code. ZeroCloud Middleware for `OpenStack Swift <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Swift>`_ which provides the capability to run ZeroVM applications on object storage nodes. Can be used to initiate map/reduce-style jobs on collections of Swift objects. See https://github.com/zerovm/zerocloud. Zebra Custom-configured deployment of :term:`ZeroCloud`, hosted by `Rackspace <https://rackspace.com>`_. :term:`Zebra` is an alpha-testing service and playground for :term:`ZeroCloud`. ZeroVM Package Manager zpm Command-line utility which helps to create, bundle, deploy (to :term:`ZeroCloud`), and execute (on :term:`ZeroCloud`) ZeroVM user applications. See https://github.com/zerovm/zpm. zpython ZeroVM ports of CPython interpreters. There are ongoing efforts to port both `Python 2.7.3 <https://github.com/zerovm/zpython2>`_ and `Python 3.2.2 <https://github.com/zerovm/zpython>`_ to run inside ZeroVM. ZeroVM Runtime ZRT Provides a POSIX-like environment and in-memory file system for use by :term:`untrusted` user programs. ZeroVM Shell zvsh Utility program which makes ZeroVM easy to use by providing rich command-line options for running and debugging ZeroVM instances. Also includes manifest/NVRAM configuration file generation functionality (so you don't have to write all of your configuration files by hand). See https://github.com/zerovm/zerovm-cli. Zwift Deprecated synonym for :term:`ZeroCloud`.