What's Changed
- Added an Architecture section to the README by @AdamDotCom in #411
- Removed dependency-type definition by @AdamDotCom in #412
- Fix list of conversations rendering by @hkhanouchi in #413
- Fix import of cjs lib that causes errors in the tests by @dalefukami in #414
- Add top nav UserActions and user avatar by @dalefukami in #415
- Move notification popup to UserActions by @dalefukami in #416
- Toggle the conversation list with the UserAction by @dalefukami in #418
- Bump @zero-tech/zapp-nfts from 0.10.1 to 0.11.0 by @dependabot in #417
- Write tests for some channel filtering logic by @dalefukami in #420
- Fix mentions parsing by @hkhanouchi in #422
- Fix the polarity of the isChannel flag in redux by @dalefukami in #424
- Ability to remove link preview from message by @ratik21 in #405
- Add unread count to the UserActions Conversation icon by @dalefukami in #425
- Fix prettier failure by @dalefukami in #426
- unread notifications by @mrval5 in #419
- Style Conversation List title bar by @dalefukami in #427
- Change delete modal by @mrval5 in #428
- Prevent /mine endpoint call when a user is anonymous by @AdamDotCom in #423
- Remove unused props by @dalefukami in #430
- Fix lost input focus by @hkhanouchi in #433
- Resolves the Sendbird Session Expiry issue by @AdamDotCom in #421
- Move wallet disconnect to a user menu by @dalefukami in #431
- Render UserAction popups relative to the right nodes by @dalefukami in #432
- Render notification count in UserActions by @dalefukami in #436
- Fix the Notifcation popup title color by @dalefukami in #437
- Bump version by @dalefukami in #439
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0