diff --git a/results/v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb/lpcxpresso54114_lpc54114_m4.xml b/results/v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb/lpcxpresso54114_lpc54114_m4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba68acbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/results/v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb/lpcxpresso54114_lpc54114_m4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4103 @@
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE test_pbuf
+START - test_stress
+Reading from an interrupt, writing from a thread
0% remaining:500 ms
+Ztress execution report:
+ context 0:
+ - executed:3726, preempted:0
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ context 1:
+ - executed:2306, preempted:326
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ Average CPU load:21%, measurements:15
+Writes:3481 unsuccessful: 0
+Writing from an interrupt, reading from a thread
100% remaining:500 ms
+Ztress execution report:
+ context 0:
+ - executed:3726, preempted:0
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ context 1:
+ - executed:2208, preempted:379
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ Average CPU load:26%, measurements:15
+Writes:8521 unsuccessful: 542
+ PASS - test_stress in 3.077 seconds
+START - test_retcodes
+----------stats start-----------
+cfg->rd_idx_loc: 0x20000260, val: 0
+cfg->wr_idx_loc: 0x20000280, val: 0
+cfg->data_loc: 0x20000284
+cfg->len: 220
+cfg->dcache_alignment: 32
+data.rd_idx: 0
+data.wr_idx: 0
+-----------stats end------------
+----------stats start-----------
+cfg->rd_idx_loc: 0x20000260, val: 0
+cfg->wr_idx_loc: 0x20000264, val: 0
+cfg->data_loc: 0x20000268
+cfg->len: 248
+cfg->dcache_alignment: 0
+data.rd_idx: 0
+data.wr_idx: 0
+-----------stats end------------
+----------stats start-----------
+cfg->rd_idx_loc: 0x20000260, val: 0
+cfg->wr_idx_loc: 0x20000264, val: 0
+cfg->data_loc: 0x20000268
+cfg->len: 12
+cfg->dcache_alignment: 4
+data.rd_idx: 0
+data.wr_idx: 0
+-----------stats end------------
+ PASS - test_retcodes in 0.067 seconds
+START - test_rw
+ PASS - test_rw in 0.001 seconds
+START - test_rw
+ PASS - test_rw in 0.001 seconds
+START - test_retcodes
+----------stats start-----------
+cfg->rd_idx_loc: 0x20000260, val: 0
+cfg->wr_idx_loc: 0x20000280, val: 0
+cfg->data_loc: 0x20000284
+cfg->len: 220
+cfg->dcache_alignment: 32
+data.rd_idx: 0
+data.wr_idx: 0
+-----------stats end------------
+----------stats start-----------
+cfg->rd_idx_loc: 0x20000260, val: 0
+cfg->wr_idx_loc: 0x20000264, val: 0
+cfg->data_loc: 0x20000268
+cfg->len: 248
+cfg->dcache_alignment: 0
+data.rd_idx: 0
+data.wr_idx: 0
+-----------stats end------------
+----------stats start-----------
+cfg->rd_idx_loc: 0x20000260, val: 0
+cfg->wr_idx_loc: 0x20000264, val: 0
+cfg->data_loc: 0x20000268
+cfg->len: 12
+cfg->dcache_alignment: 4
+data.rd_idx: 0
+data.wr_idx: 0
+-----------stats end------------
+ PASS - test_retcodes in 0.067 seconds
+START - test_stress
+Reading from an interrupt, writing from a thread
0% remaining:500 ms
+Ztress execution report:
+ context 0:
+ - executed:3726, preempted:0
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ context 1:
+ - executed:2301, preempted:353
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ Average CPU load:23%, measurements:15
+Writes:3445 unsuccessful: 542
+Writing from an interrupt, reading from a thread
100% remaining:500 ms
+Ztress execution report:
+ context 0:
+ - executed:3726, preempted:0
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ context 1:
+ - executed:2204, preempted:394
+ - ticks initial:4, optimized:4
+ Average CPU load:26%, measurements:15
+Writes:8457 unsuccessful: 1071
+ PASS - test_stress in 3.077 seconds
+START - test_rw
+ PASS - test_rw in 0.001 seconds
+START - test_stress
+Reading from an interrupt, writing from a thread
0% remaining:500 msE: ***** USAGE FAULT *****
+E: Attempt to execute undefined instruction
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000010 r2/a3: 0x20001e4d
+E: r3/a4: 0x20001e77 r12/ip: 0x00000679 r14/lr: 0x00001f3d
+E: xpsr: 0x41000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000150
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x200005a0 (ztress_0)
+E: Halting system
+START - test_write_once_flag
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:122: secure_storage_psa_its_test_write_once_flag: (ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS)
+FAIL - test_write_once_flag in 0.022 seconds
+START - test_max_num_entries
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:90: secure_storage_psa_its_test_max_num_entries: max_num_entries > 1 is false
+FAIL - test_max_num_entries in 0.020 seconds
+START - test_all_offsets
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:67: secure_storage_psa_its_test_all_offsets: ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS
+FAIL - test_all_offsets in 0.021 seconds
+START - test_all_sizes
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:38: secure_storage_psa_its_test_all_sizes: ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS
+FAIL - test_all_sizes in 0.020 seconds
+START - test_write_once_flag
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:122: secure_storage_psa_its_test_write_once_flag: (ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS)
+FAIL - test_write_once_flag in 0.020 seconds
+START - test_max_num_entries
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:90: secure_storage_psa_its_test_max_num_entries: max_num_entries > 1 is false
+FAIL - test_max_num_entries in 0.019 seconds
+START - test_all_offsets
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:67: secure_storage_psa_its_test_all_offsets: ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS
+FAIL - test_all_offsets in 0.019 seconds
+START - test_all_sizes
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/its/src/main.c:38: secure_storage_psa_its_test_all_sizes: ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS
+FAIL - test_all_sizes in 0.019 seconds
+START - test_persistent_key_usage
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/crypto/src/main.c:96: secure_storage_psa_crypto_test_persistent_key_usage: ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS
+FAIL - test_persistent_key_usage in 0.022 seconds
+START - test_its_caller_isolation
+E: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/subsys/secure_storage/psa/crypto/src/main.c:48: secure_storage_psa_crypto_test_its_caller_isolation: ret not equal to PSA_SUCCESS
+FAIL - test_its_caller_isolation in 0.022 seconds
+START - test_flash_copy
+Test will run on device flash-controller@4009c000
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/drivers/flash/common/src/main.c:399: test_flash_copy_inner: flash_fill(flash_dev, 0xaa, page_info.start_offset, page_info.size) is non-zero
+FAIL - test_flash_copy in 0.126 seconds
+START - test_flash_flatten
+Test will run on device flash-controller@4009c000
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/drivers/flash/common/src/main.c:242: flash_driver_test_flash_flatten: (rc not equal to 0)
+Fill failed
+FAIL - test_flash_flatten in 0.222 seconds
+START - test_flash_fill
+Test will run on device flash-controller@4009c000
+Assertion failed at WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/tests/drivers/flash/common/src/main.c:210: flash_driver_test_flash_fill: (rc not equal to 0)
+Fill failed
+FAIL - test_flash_fill in 0.222 seconds
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE tinycrypt
+START - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text
+AES128 tinycrypt_test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text (NIST fixed-key and variable-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_fixed_key_variable_text in 0.155 seconds
+START - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text
+AES128 test #4 (NIST variable-key and fixed-text):
+ PASS - test_aes_variable_key_fixed_text in 0.043 seconds
+START - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt
+Performing CBC tests:
+CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
+CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
+ PASS - test_cbc_sp_800_38a_encrypt_decrypt in 0.015 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_1
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_1: Performing CCM test #1 (RFC 3610 test vector #1):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_1 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_2
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_2: Performing CCM test #2 (RFC 3610 test vector #2):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_2 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_3
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_3: Performing CCM test #3 (RFC 3610 test vector #3):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_3 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_4
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_4: Performing CCM test #4 (RFC 3610 test vector #7):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_4 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_5
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_5: Performing CCM test #5 (RFC 3610 test vector #8):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_5 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_6
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_6: Performing CCM test #6 (RFC 3610 test vector #9):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_6 in 0.011 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_7
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_7: Performing CCM test #7 (no associated data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_7 in 0.010 seconds
+START - test_ccm_vector_8
+tinycrypt_test_ccm_vector_8: Performing CCM test #8 (no payload data):
+ PASS - test_ccm_vector_8 in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_cmac_mode
+Performing CMAC test #1 (GF(2^128) double):
+Performing CMAC test #2 (SP 800-38B test vector #1):
+Performing CMAC test #3 (SP 800-38B test vector #2):
+Performing CMAC test #4 (SP 800-38B test vector #3):
+Performing CMAC test #5 (SP 800-38B test vector #4)
+All CMAC tests succeeded!
+ PASS - test_cmac_mode in 0.029 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_reseed
+CTR PRNG reseed test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_reseed in 0.008 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_robustness
+CTR PRNG robustness test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_robustness in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate
+CTR PRNG uninstantiate test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_uninstantiate in 0.004 seconds
+START - test_ctr_prng_vector
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #0
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #1
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #2
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #3
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #4
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #5
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #6
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #7
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #8
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #9
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #10
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #11
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #12
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #13
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #14
+[PASS] test_prng_vector #15
+CTR PRNG vector test succeeded
+ PASS - test_ctr_prng_vector in 0.116 seconds
+START - test_ecc_dh
+Performing cavp_ecdh test:
+Test #1: ECDHNIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check Z - success
+ Vector #01 check Z - success
+ Vector #02 check Z - success
+ Vector #03 check Z - success
+ Vector #04 check Z - success
+ Vector #05 check Z - success
+ Vector #06 check Z - success
+ Vector #07 check Z - success
+ Vector #08 check Z - success
+ Vector #09 check Z - success
+ Vector #10 check Z - success
+ Vector #11 check Z - success
+ Vector #12 check Z - success
+ Vector #13 check Z - success
+ Vector #14 check Z - success
+ Vector #15 check Z - success
+ Vector #16 check Z - success
+ Vector #17 check Z - success
+ Vector #18 check Z - success
+ Vector #19 check Z - success
+ Vector #20 check Z - success
+ Vector #21 check Z - success
+ Vector #22 check Z - success
+ Vector #23 check Z - success
+ Vector #24 check Z - success
+Performing cavp_keygen test:
+Test #2: ECC KeyGen NIST-p256
+ Vector #00 check prv - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #00 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #01 check prv - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #01 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #02 check prv - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #02 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #03 check prv - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #03 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #04 check prv - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #04 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #05 check prv - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #05 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #06 check prv - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #06 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #07 check prv - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #07 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #08 check prv - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #08 check pub.y - success
+ Vector #09 check prv - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.x - success
+ Vector #09 check pub.y - success
+Performing cavp_pkv test:
+Test #3: PubKeyVerify NIST-p256-SHA2-256
+ Vector #00 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #01 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #02 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #03 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #04 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #05 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #06 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #07 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #08 check - success (1=1)
+ Vector #09 check - success (0=0)
+ Vector #10 check - success (2=2)
+ Vector #11 check - success (2=2)
+Performing montecarlo_ecdh test:
+Test #4: Monte Carlo (10 Randomized EC-DH key-exchange) NIST-p256
+ ....E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
+E: Precise data bus error
+E: BFAR Address: 0x2bce3357
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x2bce3357
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000001 r12/ip: 0x00000001 r14/lr: 0x20001a54
+E: xpsr: 0x61000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00008d70
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 0: CPU exception on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20000180 (test_ecc_dh)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Starting application thread!
+OpenAMP[master] demo started
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Starting application thread!
+OpenAMP[master] demo started
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+WARNING: Using an insecure PSA ITS encryption key provider.
+[00:00:00.005,000] <wrn> secure_storage: Using an insecure PSA ITS encryption key provider.
+[00:00:00.005,000] <err> fs_nvs: Unsupported write block size
+[00:00:00.005,000] <inf> persistent_key: Persistent key sample started.
+[00:00:00.005,000] <inf> persistent_key: Generating a persistent key...
+[00:00:00.008,000] <err> secure_storage: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+[00:00:00.008,000] <err> persistent_key: Failed to generate the key. (-153)
+Philosopher 4 [C:-1] DROPPED ONE FORK
+Philosopher 4 [C:-1] THINKING [ 525 ms ]
+Philosopher 5 [C:-2] EATING [ 625 ms ]
+Philosopher 3 [P: 0] STARVING
+Philosopher 3 [P: 0] HOLDING ONE FORK
+Philosopher 3 [P: 0] EATING [ 625 ms ]
+Philosopher 2 [P: 1] DROPPED ONE FORK
+Philosopher 2 [P: 1] THINKING [ 475 ms ]
+Philosopher 1 [P: 2] EATING [ 325 ms ]
+Philosopher 1 [P: 2Philosopher 4 [C:-1] STARVING
+Philosopher 1 [P: 2] THINKING [ 525 ms ]
+Philosopher 5 [C:-2] DROPPED ONE FORK
+Philosopher 5 [C:-2] THINKING [ 75 ms ]
+Philosoph*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+WARNING: Using an insecure PSA ITS encryption key provider.
+[00:00:00.004,000] <wrn> secure_storage: Using an insecure PSA ITS encryption key provider.
+[00:00:00.005,000] <err> fs_nvs: Unsupported write block size
+[00:00:00.005,000] <inf> psa_its: PSA ITS sample started.
+[00:00:00.005,000] <inf> psa_its: Writing to and reading back from ITS...
+[00:00:00.007,000] <err> secure_storage: Failed to write data to storage. (-146)
+[00:00:00.007,000] <err> psa_its: Writing the data to ITS failed. (-146)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/results/v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb/mimxrt1015_evk_mimxrt1015.xml b/results/v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb/mimxrt1015_evk_mimxrt1015.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd3b0295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/results/v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb/mimxrt1015_evk_mimxrt1015.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE rng_common
+START - test_rand32
+Generating random numbers
+Generating bulk fill random numbers
+Generating bulk fill cryptographically secure random numbers
+ASSERTION FAIL [!status] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/drivers/entropy/entropy_mcux_trng.c:28
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000004 r1/a2: 0x0000001c r2/a3: 0x40184000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000004 r12/ip: 0x20201118 r14/lr: 0x600041a1
+E: xpsr: 0x21000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x600084e8
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel panic on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x20200040 (test_rand32)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+Running TESTSUITE uart_async_chain_read
+UART instance:uart@40190000
+E: No buffers to release from RX DMA!
+START - test_chained_read
+E: syscall z_vrfy_uart_rx_enable failed check: Memory region 0x20201180 (size 8) write access denied
+E: r0/a1: 0x00000000 r1/a2: 0x00000000 r2/a3: 0x00000000
+E: r3/a4: 0x00000000 r12/ip: 0x00000000 r14/lr: 0x00000000
+E: xpsr: 0x00000000
+E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00000000
+E: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
+E: Current thread: 0x202028c0 (test_chained_read)
+E: Halting system
+*** Booting MCUboot v2.1.0-rc1-163-geb9420679895 ***
+*** Using Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+I: Starting bootloader
+I: Primary image: magic=good, swap_type=0x3, copy_done=0x1, image_ok=0x1
+I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
+I: Boot source: none
+I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
+I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
+I: Image version: v0.0.0
+I: Jumping to the first image slot
+uart:~$ *** Booting MCUboot v2.1.0-rc1-163-geb9420679895 ***
+*** Using Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+I: Starting bootloader
+I: Primary image: magic=good, swap_type=0x3, copy_done=0x1, image_ok=0x1
+I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
+I: Boot source: none
+I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
+I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
+I: Image version: v0.0.0
+I: Jumping to the first image slot
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+[00:00:00.000,000] <inf> smp_sample: build time: Dec 4 2024 16:05:56
+[00:00:00.373,000] <inf> syst: frame
+ 03 d2 04 00 00 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 |........ ......
+[00:00:00.386,000] <dbg> syst: frame
+ 03 d2 04 00 00 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 |........ ......
+hello sys-t on board mimxrt1015_evk
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 220A000B1700B40F0000000000004572726F72206D657373616765206578616D706C652E00
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 320A000B190004100000000000005761726E696E67206D657373616765206578616D706C652E00
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 420A000B16005710000000000000496E666F206D657373616765206578616D706C652E00
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B1700A6100000000000004465627567206D657373616765206578616D706C652E00
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B1E00F5100000000000004465627567206D657373616765206578616D706C652C2025640001000000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B260051110000000000004465627567206D657373616765206578616D706C652C2025642C202564000100000002000000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B2E00BB110000000000004465627567206D657373616765206578616D706C652C2025642C2025642C20256400010000000200000003000000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B380033120000000000004465627567206D657373616765206578616D706C652C2025642C2025642C2025642C20307825780001000000020000000300000004000000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B0C00BD12000000000000636861722025630021000000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B1D00F9120000000000007320737472202573202573007374617469632073747200632073747200
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B1500541300000000000064207374722025730064796E616D69632073747200
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B6B00A0130000000000006D69786564207374722025732025732025732025732025732025732025730064796E616D696320737472002D2D2D0064796E616D696320737472002D2D2D00616E6F746865722064796E616D696320737472002D2D2D00616E6F746865722064796E616D69632073747200
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B430082140000000000006D6978656420632F732025632025732025732025732025630021000000737461746963207374720064796E616D69632073747200737461746963207374720021000000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B22001E150000000000004465627567206D657373616765206578616D706C652C20256600EA2E4454FB210940
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 220A000B090082150000000000002573006672616D6500
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 220A000B4700B915000000000000257300303320643220303420303020303020303820303120303220203033203034203035203036203037203038202020202020207C2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E202E2E2E2E2E2E202000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 320A000B09005C160000000000002573006672616D6500
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 320A000B47009416000000000000257300303320643220303420303020303020303820303120303220203033203034203035203036203037203038202020202020207C2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E202E2E2E2E2E2E202000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 420A000B090037170000000000002573006672616D6500
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 420A000B47006F17000000000000257300303320643220303420303020303020303820303120303220203033203034203035203036203037203038202020202020207C2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E202E2E2E2E2E2E202000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B090012180000000000002573006672616D6500
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 720A000B47004A18000000000000257300303320643220303420303020303020303820303120303220203033203034203035203036203037203038202020202020207C2E2E2E2E2E2E2E2E202E2E2E2E2E2E202000
+SYS-T RAW DATA: 020A000B2800ED1800000000000068656C6C6F207379732D74206F6E20626F6172642025730A006D696D787274313031355F65766B00
+SYST Sample Execution Completed
+*** Booting MCUboot v2.1.0-rc1-163-geb9420679895 ***
+*** Using Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+I: Starting bootloader
+I: Primary image: magic=good, swap_type=0x3, copy_done=0x1, image_ok=0x1
+I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
+I: Boot source: none
+I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
+I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
+I: Image version: v0.0.0
+I: Jumping to the first image slot
+*** Booting Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-837-gb88d0bf8c7ee ***
+Swapped application booted on mimxrt1015_evk
+*** Booting MCUboot v2.1.0-rc1-163-geb9420679895 ***
+*** Using Zephyr OS build v4.0.0-1367-g41b0bd12eddb ***
+I: Starting bootloader
+I: Primary image: magic=good, swap_type=0x3, copy_done=0x1, image_ok=0x1
+I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
+I: Boot source: none
+I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
+I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x20000
+I: Image version: v0.0.0
+I: Jumping to the first image slot
\ No newline at end of file