Zend by Perforce Training
For this course the VM (virtual machine) is based on Docker technology. Instead of referring to it as a VM we refer to is as a Docker container. Here are the setup instructions.
- Create a new directory for this course
- In this instruction guide we'll call it
- In this instruction guide we'll call it
- Clone or copy this repository to your local computer
- If you have
installed, proceed as follows- Open a terminal window / command prompt
- Change directory to
- Clone the repository:
- If you have
git clone https://github.com/dbierer/Laminas-Level-2-Attendee.git
- If you do not have
installed, proceed as follows:- Create a directory
- Download the ZIP file from this URL:
- Unzip the ZIP file into
- Create a directory
Install Docker
- If you are running Windows, start here:
- If you are on a Mac, start here:
- If you are on Linux, have a look here:
- https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/. Install Docker Compose
- If you installed either Docker Desktop for Windows or Docker Desktop for Mac Docker Compose is already included
- If you are running Linux, follow these instructions:
- Open a terminal window / command prompt
- Change directory to
- Execute this command:
docker-compose up -d
- You will see a series of downloads as the container is built
- You will also see a series of shell script commands as supporting course software is installed
- The download and build process only runs the first time
- To make sure the container is running, type this command:
docker container ls
This step only needs to be done after you bring the container up. As long as the container is running, you no longer need to do this. If you bring the container down, simply repeat this procedure the next time you bring the container back up.
- Open a terminal window / command prompt on your local computer
- Execute this command:
$ docker exec laminas_2 /bin/bash -c "/tmp/init.sh --init"
- Open a browser from your local computer
- Open this URL:
- Or:
- Open a terminal window / command prompt on your local computer
- Execute this command:
$ docker exec -it laminas_2 /bin/bash
- Open a terminal window / command prompt on your local computer
- Change directory to
- Execute this command:
docker-compose down
- To stop a container, first get the container ID by running
docker container ls
- Then issue this command:
docker container stop CONTAINER_ID
- To remove a container, first get the container ID by running
docker container ls
- Then issue this command:
docker container rm CONTAINER_ID
- To see images created use this command:
docker image ls
- To remove an image, first the the image ID by running
docker image ls
- Then issue this command:
docker image rm IMAGE_ID
- Free up disk space, issue this command:
docker system prune
- If you get a message saying that
port 8888
is already in use, stop any running containers, and restart this one- If you still get the message, modify the
file and change the port from8888
to something else (e.g. try9999
- If you still get the message, modify the
For your convenience, at the root of the project directory structure, we've provided a BASH shell script to help manage the container.
- If you're running Linux or Mac
- Open a terminal window / command prompt on your local computer
- Change directory to
- Command usage:
./admin.sh up|down|build|ls|init|shell
- If you're running Windows
- Open a terminal window / command prompt on your local computer
- Change directory to
- Command usage:
admin.bat up|down|build|ls|init|shell
Username: laminas
Password: password
To access phpMyAdmin (from your host computer browser):
, orhttp://
- doug@unlikelysource.com: initial check-in
- Updated all ZF apps to Laminas
- Added Docker infrastructure