Secured Finance is an institutional-grade financial transaction platform with automatic collateral management and mark-to-market mechanisms.
We designed a protocol from accumulated knowledge of 40-years of the financial industry that governs 558 trilions of dollars of OTC (i.e. peer-to-peer) derivative transactions and made the interbank market system open to the public.
With this protocol, we built scalable, flexible, decentralized peer-to-peer markets for loans and FX, and then we will add swaps and options as we progress.
You can do the following traditional financial transactions with various formats. A list of formats and examples is shown below. We can also create innovative structured products by combining these plain-vanilla transactions.
- Loan (FIL loan backed by ETH) <---- HackFS primary focus
- Deposit (FIL deposit to earn interest)
- Swap (FIL/ETH cross-currency swap)
- Option (FIL/ETH European call option)
- Miners who want to borrow/lend their FIL without worrying about credit risk
- Investors who have long-term view and aim for excess return from markets
- Hedgers who want to reduce their current exposure of their crypto-assets
- Arbitragers who want to profit by providing liquidity to collateralized assets
- Payment management smart contract
- Collateral management smart contract
- Ecosystem design of primary & secondary market on financial transactions
- Liquidity management to support margin call operations
- Filecoin for main payment currency
- Ethereum for collateral management smart contract written in Solidity
- Fleek and IPFS to develop web application
- React for front-end framework for UI
- DID with ION or Elements for Identity and Key management
- Libp2p, PubSub, Raft consensus for p2p oracle node
- Set of smart contracts for p2p oracle on Ethereum network
- HackFS ETHGlobal Official Showcase
- HackFS YouTube Submission
- HackFS Presentation Slide
- Secured Finance Demo App
Our webapp orchestrates state machines in Ethereum Smart Contracts. (Documentation)
- Market.sol
- Collateral.sol
- Loan.sol
This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2020 Secured Finance. For more information see