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Last batch of ruff rules #757

Last batch of ruff rules

Last batch of ruff rules #757

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
on: [push, pull_request]
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}
fail-fast: false
python-version: ["3.11", "3.12", "3.13"]
# macos-13 is an intel runner, macos-14 is a arm64 runner
platform: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-13, macos-14]
- name: Checkout source
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: recursive
- name: Set up Conda
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3.1.0
channels: conda-forge
miniforge-version: latest
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Show info about `base` environment
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: |
conda info
conda config --show-sources
conda list --show-channel-urls
- name: Set up `env`
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: >
conda create -n env
c-compiler cxx-compiler
python=${{matrix.python-version}} wheel pip
- name: Install clang
shell: "bash -l {0}"
if: matrix.platform == 'macos-13'
run: |
conda activate env
conda install -y 'clang>=12.0.1,<17'
- name: Show info about `env` environment
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: |
conda list --show-channel-urls -n env
- name: Install numcodecs
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: |
conda activate env
# TODO: put back zfpy import when it supports numpy 2.0
python -m pip install -v -e .[test,test_extras,msgpack,crc32c]
- name: Install pcodec
if: matrix.python-version != '3.13'
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: |
conda activate env
python -m pip install -v ".[pcodec]"
- name: Install zarr-python
shell: "bash -l {0}"
# Since zarr v3 requires numpy >= 1.25, on Python 3.11 leave it out
# so we can have some tests of our minimum version of numpy (1.24)
if: matrix.python-version != '3.11'
run: |
conda activate env
# TODO: remove --pre option when zarr v3 is out
python -m pip install --pre zarr>=3.0.0b2
# This is used to test with zfpy, which does not yet support numpy 2.0
- name: Install older numpy and zfpy
if: matrix.python-version == '3.11'
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: |
conda activate env
python -m pip install -v ".[zfpy]"
- name: List installed packages
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: |
conda activate env
python -m pip list
- name: Run tests
shell: "bash -l {0}"
run: |
conda activate env
pytest -v
- uses: codecov/codecov-action@v5
fail_ci_if_error: true
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
verbose: true