The engineering team at Alchemy has built an (imaginary) game management platform. The platform has an API that allows you to create a manager(user) that allows them to manage player rosters for their chosen sport.
Build a user interface you'll want to brag about. The game you choose is up to you. Office Ping-Pong, soccer, football, quidditch, or professional netflix binging. Read all of the instructions for great success.
- Have Node v8+ installed on your system
- An editor/IDE that brings you joy
- As a user when I navigate to '/' then I should see a home page with login and registration links.
- As a user when I navigate to '/register' then I should a registration page with fields for (first_name, last_name, email, password, confirm_password)
- As a user I want to see my player roster after I create my account
- As a user when I navigate to '/roster' then I should see the roster
- As a user when I navigate to '/login' I should see a page where I can enter my email and password
- As a user when I complete login I should see my player roster
- As a user when I navigate to '/player/new' I should see a page to add a player to my roster.
- As a user I expect that I'll see my roster with the new player after I add them.
- As a user I want to be able to log out of my account
- As a user I want to have clear concise error messages when I can't login, add a player, or delete a player
- git clone this repository to your favorite directory
- npm install
- npm start
This test uses cypress to test user interactions, it requires that certain text, css elements, or urls be present. To see what tests are passing and why run: (Make sure your dev server is already running with npm start)
- npm run e2e
Part of working on a high performing team is making sure that everyone is using consistent style guidelines. This test uses ESLint and StyleLint to enforce rules outlined in .eslintrc and .stylelintrc. To check your styles against these guidelines run:
- npm run lint:js
- npm run lint:styles
A passing assessment is when all cypress tests are passing and the lint commands return no errors. Reach out to the team if you need help to get there.
After all tests pass, run the app in dev directly against the API url and QA the user experience.
Other factors that we take into account in the assessment.
- Experience in the stack. (Things don't have to be perfect, if this is your first react experience. We understand)
- UX/UI (Color schemes, an eye for layout and design, animations and transitions. Build this project as if someone would use it.)
- Tests (The project has high level end-to-end tests but unit and component level tests are up to you. Automated tests are extremely important.)
- Honest feedback on this assessment.
The API is currently available here. Your API requests should target this url, but the cypress framework will stub out all responses and still work even if you don't have an internet connection.
Part of the players-api
is managing admin users who are then able to manage players.
A user can only interact with players they have created themselves.
A user consists of the following information:
"id": "<string>",
"first_name": "<string>",
"last_name": "<string>",
"email": "<string>"
Create a new admin user. Each use must have a unique email address.
POST /api/user
Field | Type | Description |
first_name | string | User first name |
last_name | string | User last name |
string | User email address | |
password | string | User password |
confirm_password | string | User password confirmation |
Field | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Success indicator |
user | object | User details |
token | string | JWT token |
curl -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"first_name": "Jim", "last_name": "Bob", "email": "", "password": "foobar", "confirm_password": "foobar"}' \
Login an admin user.
POST /api/login
Field | Type | Description |
string | User email address | |
password | string | User password |
Field | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Success indicator |
user | object | User details |
token | string | JWT token |
curl -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"email": "", "password": "foobar"}' \
Players are managed by users, which are identified by a JWT.
Players consist of the following information:
"first_name": "<string>",
"last_name": "<string>",
"rating": "<number",
"handedness": "left|right"
List all current players in the system. Players are scoped to the current user.
GET /api/players
Name | Description |
Authorization | JWT passed in bearer format |
Field | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Success indicator |
players | array | List of players |
curl -XGET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <my_jwt_token>' \
Create new player in the system. Players must have unique first name / last name combinations.
POST /api/players
Name | Description |
Authorization | JWT passed in bearer format |
Field | Type | Description |
first_name | string | Player first name |
last_name | string | Player last name |
rating | string | Player rating |
handedness | enum | Player handedness (left or right) |
Field | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Success indicator |
player | object | Player information |
curl -XPOST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <my_jwt_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"first_name": "Ma", "last_name": "Long", "rating": 9000, "handedness": "right"}' \
Delete player from the system.
DELETE /api/players/:id
Name | Description |
Authorization | JWT passed in bearer format |
Name | Description |
id | Player identifier |
Field | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Success indicator |
curl -XDELETE \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <my_jwt_token>' \