issues Search Results · repo:zapier/django-drip language:Python
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inzapier/django-drip (press backspace or delete to remove)[✓] pip install django-drip [✓] Add drip to your installed apps [✓] Set DRIP_FROM_EMAIL [✗] python migrate
....from django.db.models.related import RelatedObject
ImportError: No module ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 28, 2017
- #60
In at following line its hard to understand its like tuple + tuple + list . fields = Model._meta.fields +
Model._meta.many_to_many + Model._meta.get_all_related_objects() This is caused me error ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 20, 2016
- #57
I m running Django 1.8.4 and cannot run tests. I also needed to install a forked version of django drip just to get it
to run - see issue #51. I ve looked through the app to try to figure out where this ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 21, 2015
- #54
I am on South 1.0 and Django 1.6.5, and added drip as per instructions, but get an error when I do migrate
Running migrations for drip:
- Migrating forwards to 0003_auto__add_field_drip_message_class. ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 27, 2015
- #52
Traceback (most recent call last):
File , line 10, in module
File /Users/simon/src/uklo/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/django/core/management/ ...
- 4
- Opened on Apr 10, 2015
- #51
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE is not set in my project since it s deprecated since 1.5. As a result, many Drip tests calling it
fail this way:
SiteProfileNotAvailable: You need to set AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE in your ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 27, 2014
- #47
Hi, django-drip contributors!
I ve found your project recently and that s what I need for the newsletter in my Django project. But your project doesn
t work with custom User model and I see no activity ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 27, 2014
- #46
Does django-drip support Python 3?
If so, it would be nice to designate that on PyPI using classifiers in (see
If not, what does the ...
- 4
- Opened on Jun 19, 2014
- #42
…especially since #23 has been around for a long time now and lot s of features and bug fixes have been added.
- 5
- Opened on Nov 27, 2013
- #36

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