🔄 Scripts to aid in the setup of and switching between multiple PHP versions in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or newer
Bot whatsapp untuk temukan teman chat
zakuradev / php-security
Forked from msanvarov/php-security🔐 basics on making php applications secure
Admin Dashboard Black Themes // Build with Bootstrap 4!
DWAdmin Template // Admin Dashboard Build with Bootstrap Framework!
RuangAdmin // Free Admin Control Panel Themes Based on Bootstrap 4!
Shortlink Generator Build in PHP + MySQL Database!
PHPMailer Script to Sending Email With SMTP!
Kernel Configuration based on Xanmod Patches ( Gentoo )!
zakuradev / dotfiles
Forked from owl4ce/dotfilesAwesome OpenboxWM Custom Environment!
Awesome Openbox Theme Collections!
Mengkonversi Sebuah Gambar ke dalam bentuk Sticker WhatsApp!
zakuradev / tor-hosting
Forked from DanWin/hostingSetup for a TOR Based Shared Hosting Server!
Setup Web Application with Firebase // Chatting Room!
zakuradev / multiple-choice
Forked from mzaini30/pgAplikasi untuk membantu mengecek jawaban Pilihan Ganda!
zakuradev / aex-bot
Forked from ibnusyawall/aex-botWhatsApp bot multitools using whatsapp-web.js Library!
zakuradev / eschalot-key
Forked from ReclaimYourPrivacy/eschalotCreate Customized .onion Addresses for Your Hidden Service - v2.0 !
Create Customized .onion Addresses for Your Hidden Service!
zakuradev / curl-to-php
Forked from incarnate/curl-to-phpConvert some cURL Commands to PHP Code!
zakuradev / learnify-online
Forked from syauqi/learnifySebuah Web Edukasi berbasis PHP Open Source // Learnify!
Mikrotik Hotspot Monitor untuk Router yang Tidak Mendukung User Manager!
zakuradev / vue-todo
Forked from jkithome/vue-todoVue Todo APP // a Vue JS Project on NPMJS!
Sebuah Aplikasi Chatbot SimSimi Sederhana!
CodeIgniter 3 with Admin Template Bootstrap SB 2!
zakuradev / mocking-case
Forked from strdr4605/mockingcaseNPM Package that Convert String to mOcKiNgCaSe!
zakuradev / shell-account
Forked from adsr/rw.rsFree Shell Account with Hosting // Using RSAAuthentication!
Script to Install XRDP + DE ( XFCE ) on Ubuntu Server!