Reading X-ray images is a crucial step for patients' treatment, but it is also very time-consuming for radiologists. Bone fractures commonly go undetected, leading to complications and delays in patients' care. The increased interest in computer-aided diagnosis can reduce radiologists' burden and improve their detection of bone fractures.
This project addresses two primary problems:
Prediction of the specific body part pictured in an X-ray.
- Classes: 22 classes focused on cases where there is one body part - others termed "mixed".
- Models: Custom CNN and EfficientNet.
Combination of classification and regression problem, focused on identifying the presence and location of fractures in X-rays.
- Models: Faster R-CNN and YOLO.
We leverage two datasets for this project:
Please download and unzip these datasets into the data
- EfficientNet: For image classification.
- YOLO: For object detection.
We use Gradio to deploy the models as a web-based example.
To use it, run
To install the required packages, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt