This repository contains the source code for PENNER: Pattern-enhanced Nested Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Literature.
The general goal of this project is to extract nested entity structures/patterns from a corpus.
The following two packages need to be installed before running our code.
- AutoPhrase: used to extract quality phrases from raw input data.
- Stanford CoreNLP 3.8.0: used to do POS tagging and select quality Noun Phrases from the previous phrase list generated by AutoPhrase. The quality Noun Phrase will be treated as the "entity".
IMPORTANT NOTE 1: You can directly download the packages from here. Once you unzip the downloaded file, you can see two folders: AutoPhrase/
and CoreNLP/
. Please put them under ./src/tools/
Two input files are required in ./data/penner/
(You can change "penner" to your dataset name).
(1) The corpus with replaced type tokens and candidate meta-patterns. You can refer to ./data/penner/corpus.txt
for detailed format. We show the first 3 lines below:
effect of CHEMICAL on plasma proteins including components of the hemostatic mechanism .
the effect of CHEMICAL ( 1.5 g/day ) on different plasma proteins and on components of the hemostatic system was studied in PATTERN2 with either mild DISEASE or cardiosclerosis .
before treatment , the subjects were investigated weekly on five occasions .
(2) The mapping list of pattern id and pattern surface name. You can refer to ./data/penner/pid2mp.txt
for detailed format. We show the first 3 lines below:
PATTERN1600 the ratio of GENE
PATTERN508 significantly DISEASE
PATTERN3096 severity of DISEASE
To start from a raw corpus, you first need a "flat" biomedical named entity tagger (e.g., scispacy). After entity tagging, please refer to WW-PIE (code in ./
) for meta-pattern discovery.
First, you need to set up CoreNLP.
cd ./src/tools/CoreNLP/stanford-corenlp/
Then, open a new session (e.g., using tmux). Run the following script.
It contains both preprocessing steps and the main expansion algorithm. The expanded nested patterns will be in the output file ./ExpanResult.txt
IMPORTANT NOTE 2: To modify the input patterns and thresholds, please check Lines 38-46 in ./src/SetExpan/
Our implementation is adapted from SetExpan. If you find this repository useful, please cite the following paper:
title={PENNER: Pattern-enhanced Nested Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Literature},
author={Wang, Xuan and Zhang, Yu and Li, Qi and Wu, Cathy H. and Han, Jiawei},