This repository contains scripts used to study the statistics of reionization bubble sizes from the simulation 21cmFast ([[6]]). This projects requires the following external packages:
numpy, matplotlib, scipy(ndimage), scikit-image, pycuda, ete3, vispy, pandas, seaborn, pyqt4 etc.
A 3d watershed algorithm is included for segmentation. The watershed algorithm is partly based on [1-4] and modified from 5. In particular, a H-minima transform (also on Pycuda) is used to reduce over-segmentation.
Sample usage:
python -d /directory/to/21cmFast/Boxes/
A python merger tree builder that scrolls through watershed results at different redshifts and build merger trees, storing various properties of the elements.
This general script can render various boxes such as distance transform, ionization field, density etc.
This script renders a single descendant bubble and its progenitors at each redshift slice, from the watershed and MergerTree output files.
Renders 3D VR-goggle style movies.
is a package that handles reading 21cmFast boxes, it is modified from [[7]].
[1] Vitor B, Körbes A. Fast image segmentation by watershed transform on graphical hardware. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, pp. 376-379, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[2] Körbes A et al. 2009. A proposal for a parallel watershed transform algorithm for real-time segmentation. In: V Workshop de Visão Computacional, São Paulo, Brazil.
[3] Körbes A et al. 2010. Analysis of a step-by-step watershed algorithm using CUDA. International Journal of Natural Computing Research. 1:16-28.
[4] Körbes A et al. 2011. Advances on Watershed Processing on GPU Architectures. In: 10th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, Lake Maggiore, Italy.
[5] by louismullie
[6] 21cmFast by Andrei Messinger
[7] tocmfastpy by Jonathan Pritchard