Document my LeetCode solution with comprehensive chinese comments and incorporate multiple programming languages.
Problem 1 Two Sum: C | C++ | Python | Go | TypeScript | JavaScript
Problem 2 Add Two Numbers: C++ | Python | Go
Problem 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters: Python
Problem 4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays: Python
Problem 5 Longest Palindromic Substring: Python
Problem 6 Zigzag Conversion: Python
Problem 7 Reverse Integer: C++
Problem 8 String to Integer (atoi): C++
Problem 9 Palindrome Number: C++ | Go | Java
Problem 11 Container With Most Water: Python
Problem 12 Integer to Roman: C++ | Java
Problem 13 Roman to Integer: C++
Problem 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number: Python
Problem 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists: C++
Problem 27 Remove Element: C++ | Java
Problem 34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array: C++ | Python
Problem 35 Search Insert Position: C | C++ | TypeScript
Problem 47 Permutations II: Python
Problem 48 Rotate Image: C++ | Java
Problem 50 Pow(x, n): C++ | Go | Java
Problem 58 Length of Last Word: C++ | Python | Go
Problem 62 Unique Paths: C++ | Java
Problem 66 Plus One: C++ | Python | Go | Java
Problem 69 Sqrt(x): C++ | Go | Java
Problem 75 Sort Colors: Python
Problem 100 Same Tree: TypeScript | Java
Problem 120 Triangle: C++ | Go | Java
Problem 154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II: C++ | Go
Problem 164 Maximum Gap: C | C++
Problem 176 Second Highest Salary: MySQL
Problem 177 Nth Highest Salary: MySQL
Problem 178 Rank Scores: MySQL
Problem 180 Consecutive Numbers: MySQL
Problem 184 Department Highest Salary: MySQL
Problem 185 Department Top Three Salaries: MySQL | PostgreSQL
Problem 237 Delete Node in a Linked List: C++
Problem 252 Meeting Rooms: Python
Problem 262 Trips and Users: MySQL
Problem 359 Logger Rate Limiter: C++
Problem 404 Sum of Left Leaves: Python
Problem 565 Array Nesting: C | C++ | Go | Java
Problem 648 Replace Words: Python
Problem 682 Baseball Game: C++
Problem 771 Jewels and Stones: Python
Problem 899 Orderly Queue: C++ | Go | Java
Problem 938 Range Sum of BST: Python
Problem 970 Powerful Integers: Python
Problem 1119 Remove Vowels from a String: Python
Problem 1137 N-th Tribonacci Number: C++ | Go
Problem 1248 Count Number: C++ | Go | Java
Problem 1289 Minimum Falling Path Sum II: Python
Problem 1393 Capital Gain/Loss: MySQL
Problem 1402 Reducing Dishes: C++ | Go | Java
Problem 1422 Maximum Score After Splitting a String: C++ | Python
Problem 1468 Calculate Salaries: MySQL
Problem 1479 Sales by Day of the Week: MySQL
Problem 1526 Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array: C++
Problem 1570 Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors: C++
Problem 1575 Count All Possible Routes: Python
Problem 1679 Max Number of K-Sum Pairs: C | C++
Problem 1689 Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers: C++
Problem 1821 Find Customers With Positive Revenue this Year: MySQL
Problem 1831 Maximum Transaction Each Day: MySQL
Problem 1874 Minimize Product Sum of Two Arrays: Python
Problem 2084 Drop Type 1 Orders for Customers With Type 0 Orders: MySQL
Problem 2276 Count Integers in Intervals: Python
Problem 2298 Tasks Count in the Weekend: MySQL
Problem 2331 Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree: Python
Problem 2340 Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Make a Valid Array: Python
Problem 2487 Remove Nodes From Linked List: Python
Problem 2582 Pass the Pillow: Python
Problem 2620 Counter: TypeScript
Problem 2627 Debounce: TypeScript
Problem 2694 Event Emitter: TypeScript
Problem 2703 Return Length of Arguments Passed: TypeScript
Problem 2715 Timeout Cancellation: TypeScript
Problem 2722 Join Two Arrays by ID: TypeScript | JavaScript
Problem 2723 Add Two Promises: TypeScript | JavaScript
Problem 2758 Next Day: TypeScript
Problem 2782 Number of Unique Categories: Python
Problem 2793 Status of Flight Tickets: MySQL
Problem 2796 Repeat String: TypeScript
Problem 2797 Partial Function with Placeholders: TypeScript
Problem 2803 Factorial Generator: TypeScript
Problem 2828 Check if a String Is an Acronym of Word: C++
Problem 2837 Total Traveled Distance: MySQL
Problem 2879 Display the First Three Rows: Python
Problem 2884 Modify Columns: Python
Problem 2895 Minimum Processing Time: C++
Problem 2988 Manager of the Largest Department: MySQL
Problem 2989 Class Performance: MySQL
Problem 3005 Count Elements With Maximum Frequency: C++
Problem 3024 Type of Triangle: C | C++ | Java
Problem 3069 Distribute Elements Into Two Arrays I: C++
Problem 3075 Maximize Happiness of Selected Children: C | C++ | Go
Problem 3110 Score of a String: C | C++ | Java
Problem 3115 Maximum Prime Difference: C | C++ | Go | JavaScript
Problem 3146 Permutation Difference between Two Strings: Go
Problem 3147 Taking Maximum Energy From the Mystic Dungeon: C++ | Python
Problem 3151 Special Array I: Go
Problem 3152 Special Array II: Go
Problem 3163 String Compression III: C++
Problem 3173 Bitwise OR of Adjacent Elements: C++
Problem 3195 Find the Minimum Area to Cover All Ones I: Python
Problem 3196 Maximize Total Cost of Alternating Subarrays: Python
Problem 3204 Bitwise User Permissions Analysis: MySQL
Problem 3227 Vowels Game in a String: C++ | Go
Problem 3248 Snake in Matrix: Python
Problem 3254 Find the Power of K-Size Subarrays I: Python
Problem 3259 Maximum Energy Boost From Two Drinks: Python | Go
Problem 3263 Convert Doubly Linked List to Array I: C++ | Python | Go
Problem 3271 Hash Divided String: C++ | Python
Problem 3289 The Two Sneaky Numbers of Digitville: Python
Problem 3293 Calculate Product Final Price: MySQL
Problem 3294 Convert Doubly Linked List to Array II: C++ | Python
Problem 3308 Find Top Performing Driver: MySQL
Problem 3324 Find the Sequence of Strings Appeared on the Screen: C++ | Python | Go
Problem 3338 Second Highest Salary II: MySQL
Problem 3340 Check Balanced String: C++ | Go
Problem 3368 First Letter Capitalization: Python
Problem 3369 Design an Array Statistics Tracker: Python
Problem 3374 First Letter Capitalization II: Python
Problem 3386 Button with Longest Push Time: C++
Problem 3415 Find Products with Three Consecutive Digits: MySQL