write me in github# golang Project Name Project Description A brief overview of your project. Explain what the project does and its primary purpose.
Features List the key features or capabilities of the project. Highlight anything unique or particularly useful. Installation Prerequisites Go 1.x or higher installed Additional dependencies (if any) Steps Clone the repository: bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/yourusername/project-name.git cd project-name Install dependencies: bash Copy code go mod tidy Build the project: bash Copy code go build Usage Provide usage instructions. For example:
Run the application: bash Copy code ./project-name [options] Example command: bash Copy code ./project-name --config=config.json Options --config : Path to the configuration file Add more options as necessary. Configuration Explain how to configure the application. Include an example config.json if applicable:
json Copy code { "setting1": "value1", "setting2": "value2" } API Documentation (if applicable) If your project has an API:
Provide a link to the documentation or list the endpoints and their purposes. Testing Run unit tests: bash Copy code go test ./... Add more specific instructions for integration or functional tests if available. Contributing Fork the repository. Create a feature branch: bash Copy code git checkout -b feature-name Commit your changes: bash Copy code git commit -m "Description of changes" Push the branch: bash Copy code git push origin feature-name Create a Pull Request. License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Contact Author: Your Name Email: your.email@example.com GitHub: @yourusername