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Yandex SmartCaptcha for Flutter

Pub Version Pub Points Dart Package Docs License: MIT

This package makes it easy to integrate Yandex SmartCaptcha into Flutter mobile apps. To learn more about the Yandex SmartCaptcha service, visit its official page.

This package was inspired by flutter_yandex_smartcaptcha, but it offers several improvements, including bug fixes, slightly better performance, enhanced documentation, and a much cleaner API.


One day at work, I urgently needed to integrate a Yandex CAPTCHA into a mobile app, and the flutter_yandex_smartcaptcha package came to the rescue. However, I discovered a serious bug and reported it to the author. When they didn’t respond, I decided to create a similar package myself and learn how to publish packages on in the process. The end of the magnificent story.


Super simple! Here’s the most basic example:

  config: CaptchaConfig(
    clientKey: 'your-client-key',
  onChallengeSolved: (token) {
    // Handle the solved captcha token

In most cases, you’ll only need the YandexSmartCaptcha and CaptchaConfig classes. The CaptchaController is entirely optional – it's useful if you need to trigger a challenge popup programmatically, but that’s rare.

Configuration parameters

Parameter Required Default Description
clientKey The client-side key passed to the Web SmartCaptcha.
alwaysShowChallenge false If true, the user will always see a challenge.
language ru The language for the Web SmartCaptcha UI.
invisibleMode false If true, the CAPTCHA runs in invisible mode – without the "I’m not a robot" checkbox.
hideDPNBadge false If true and invisibleMode is enabled, the badge linking to the Data Processing Notice (DPN) will be hidden.
dpnBadgePosition bottomRight If invisibleMode is enabled, this option specifies the position of the DPN badge.
webViewMode true If true, the CAPTCHA runs in a special WebView mode, improving challenge accuracy on mobile devices.
initialContentScale 1.0 The initial scale factor for the Web SmartCaptcha content.
userScalableContent false If true, the user can zoom in and out of the Web SmartCaptcha content.
maximumContentScale 3.0 If userScalableContent is enabled, this defines the maximum scale factor for the content.
backgroundColor null The background color of the YandexSmartCaptcha widget.

✱ "Web SmartCaptcha" refers to the underlying HTML document, hosted in a WebView, that runs the Yandex SmartCaptcha JavaScript code.


  1. SmartCaptcha in a simple test screen:
The initial state of the Yandex SmartCaptcha container with the 'I’m not a robot' checkbox. The initial state of the Yandex SmartCaptcha pop-up, featuring a challenge for the user to solve. The state of the Yandex SmartCaptcha container with the 'I’m not a robot' box checked, after the user successfully solved the challenge.

  1. SmartCaptcha in a real-world application:
The initial state of the Yandex SmartCaptcha container with the 'I’m not a robot' checkbox, as seen in a real-world application. The initial state of the Yandex SmartCaptcha pop-up, featuring a challenge for the user to solve in a real-world application.