- PHP 5.5.6+
- PDO extension.
- Composer or composer.phar.
This repository contains following features
- Dotenv.
- Eloquent ORM.
- Whoops.
- VarDumper.
- Swift Mailer.
- Classmap autoloading for loading custom classes.
- Common Symphony CLI commands for common tasks, such as development server, generating models, and controllers.
Clone the repo. Install dependencies
composer install
- Clone the ".env.example" and rename to any environment name (development, testing, production). "Eg: .env.development".
- Edit the new env file based on your need.
- Set the environment in .htaccess file.
you are ready to GO!
To start the development server, run following command.
php app serve
You may also change the default host and port as
php app serve <host> <port>
To generate a model, run following command.
php app make:model <model_name> <parent_name> --table="<table_name>"
& <table_name>
are optional one. Its is recommended to use model name in singular form.
You may defined sub-directories by adding '/' between directories. Please note that the models will be autoloaded using composer classmap autoloading, so you will need to run 'composer dump-autoload' if creating models manually.
By default all the models will be extended to Eloquent ORM base class, if you wish to use CI query builder, extend model to 'CI_Model' instead of Eloquent in 'MY_Model' class in core directory.
To generate a controller, run following command.
php app make:controller <controller_name> <core_class>
Here core class can be 'MY_Controller'. <core_class>
is optional one.
Eloquent ORM has been integrated, to use it effective you will be required to create seperate models for each database table. To use a model, load it using following snippet
Once loaded you can access the table as per eloquent syntax, for example:
To learn more about using eloquent, refer the Laravel's Eloquent user guide