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Lab 3: Memories from Room 40



In this lab, you will get experience creating a design that contains several on-chip memories, and uses a more efficient ready-enable interface to connect modules that have variable latencies.

The circuit you will create is an ARC4 decryption circuit. ARC4 is a symmetric stream cipher, and was once widely used in encrypting web traffic, wireless data, and so on; it has since been broken. Still, the structure of ARC4 is similar to modern symmetric encryption methods, and provides a good vehicle for studying digital circuits that make extensive use of on-chip memory.

In the rest of the lab, you will first design an ARC4 decryption circuit. In the first phase, the secret key will be obtained from a bank of switches on your DE1-SoC board, and the encrypted message will be given to you as a memory initialization file. As in the previous labs, if you don't have a physical board, you may use the fake DE1-SoC GUI instead.

Next, you will extend this to build an ARC4 cracking circuit; the circuit will implement a “brute-force” attack by cycling through the entire key space and stopping when a successful decryption is performed. Finally, you will create a cracking circuit with multiple decryption units to speed things up.

The description of this lab is fairly long, but this is mostly because it includes lots of explanations about ARC4, how to generate and examine memories, and so on. Do not be discouraged by this — once you understand how on-chip memories work, the amount of actual RTL you have to write is not terrible.

Finally, some debugging advice. More than prior labs, this one would benefit from having a “known good” high-level implementation that you can compare with step by step. You may write one in C or Python, for example. Of course, you don't have to do this, and you will not be marked on it, but it will make your life much easier.

ARC4 Decryption

This section describes the ARC4 cipher. A stream cipher like ARC4 uses the provided encryption key to generate a pseudo-random byte stream that is xor'd with the plaintext to obtain the ciphertext. Because xor is symmetric, encryption and decryption are exactly the same.

The basic ARC4 algorithm uses the following parameters:

Parameter Type Semantics
key[] input array of bytes that represent the secret key (24 bits in our implementation)
ciphertext[] input array of bytes that represent the encrypted message
plaintext[] output array of bytes that represent the decrypted result (same length as ciphertext)

and proceeds as shown in this pseudocode:

-- key-scheduling algorithm: initialize the s array
for i = 0 to 255:
    s[i] = i
j = 0
for i = 0 to 255:
    j = (j + s[i] + key[i mod keylength]) mod 256  -- for us, keylength is 3
    swap values of s[i] and s[j]

-- pseudo-random generation algorithm: generate byte stream (“pad”) to be xor'd with the ciphertext
i = 0, j = 0
for k = 0 to message_length-1:
    i = (i+1) mod 256
    j = (j+s[i]) mod 256
    swap values of s[i] and s[j]
    pad[k] = s[(s[i]+s[j]) mod 256]

-- ciphertext xor pad --> plaintext
for k = 0 to message_length-1:
    plaintext[k] = pad[k] xor ciphertext[k]  -- xor each byte

The length of the secret key can vary — in this lab, we will use a smaller key of 24 bits (3 bytes) to ensure that you can “crack” the encryption in a reasonable amount of time.

Note that the key is stored big-endian. The following diagram shows the values of key[0], key[1], and key[2] for the 24-bit secret key of 'b000000110101111100111100 = 'h035F3C.

The ready-enable microprotocol

In some of the previous labs, you used a simple start/done microprotocol to let your circuit take a variable number of cycles. In this lab, we will be using a slightly more sophisticated ready/enable microprotocol to achieve the same goal.

The handshake has two sides: the “caller” (think: employer) and the “callee” (think: employee). Whenever the callee is ready to accept a request, it asserts its rdy signal. If rdy is asserted, the caller may assert en to make a “request” to the callee. The following timing diagram illustrates this:

It is illegal for the caller to assert en if rdy is deasserted; if this happens, the behaviour of the callee is undefined.

Whenever rdy is asserted, it means that the callee is able to accept a request in the same cycle. This implies that a module that needs multiple cycles to process a request and cannot buffer more incoming requests must ensure rdy is deasserted in the cycle following the en call. Similarly, each cycle during which the en signal is asserted indicates a distinct request, so the caller must ensure en is deasserted in the following cycle if it only wishes to make a single request. The following timing diagram shows an example of this behaviour:

Unlike our old start/done scheme, this microprotocol allows the callee to accept multiple requests and buffer them. You do not need to implement that in this lab, although it might be helpful if you decide to expand on this lab. You do, however, need to make sure you deassert rdy unless you can immediately accept another request.

Finally, some requests come with arguments. For example, Task 3 requires you to write a decrypt module which follows the ready/enable microprotocol and takes the secret key as an argument. In this case, the argument port must be valid at the same time as the corresponding en signal, as in this diagram:

Note: Be careful about combinational loops. For example, since en can derive from rdy through combinational logic, rdy cannot also derive from en combinationally; otherwise, the two signals will form a wire loop.

Length-prefixed strings

In this lab, messages (both plaintext and encrypted) are length-prefixed strings of any length from 0 to 255 characters. Strings are encoded as an array of bytes, where the first byte indicates the length of the string (# of characters), and the remaining bytes are the ASCII values of the characters; thus, a string with n characters is represented by n+1 bytes.

For example, the phrase “slithy toves” is represented by the following byte array (numbers shown in hexadecimal):

Encrypted strings are encoded the same way: the length is not encrypted, but all the characters in the string are.

(This length-prefixed string encoding is often called a “Pascal string” from its use in the 1970s-vintage UCSD flavour of Pascal. Note that these are different from the null-terminated “C strings” you may have seen before.)

Embedded memories

In this task, you will get started by creating a RAM using the Megafunction Wizard, creating circuitry to fill the memory, and observing the contents using the In-System Memory Content Editor.

Creating a RAM block using the Wizard

First, create a new Quartus project. Then, create a memory component as follows:

In Quartus, select Tools→IP Catalog, and from the IP catalog pane that opens, choose Basic Functions→On Chip Memory→RAM: 1-Port.

Choose Verilog, and create an output file called s_mem.v in your project directory. In the next few panels, customize your Megafunction as follows:

  • How wide should the q output bus be? 8 bits
  • How many 8-bit words of memory? 256 words
  • What should the memory block type be? M10K (this is the SRAM block embedded in the Cyclone V)
  • What clocking method would you like to use? single clock
  • Which ports should be registered: make sure the q output port is unselected
  • Create one clock enable signal… : do not select
  • Create an aclr asynchronous clear… : do not select
  • Create a rden read enable… : do not select
  • What should the q output be…: new data
  • Do you want to specify the initial contents? no
  • Allow In-System Memory Content Editor to capture and update…: select this
  • The Instance ID of this RAM is: S (uppercase)
  • Generate netlist: do not select
  • Do you want to add the Quartus Prime file to the project? yes

When you finish this, you will find the file s_mem.qip in your project file list. If you expand it, you will also see s_mem.v. Open the Verilog file and examine it: you will find the module declaration for s_mem, which will look something like this:

module s_mem (

        input [7:0] address;
        input clock;
        input [7:0] data;
        input wren;
        output [7:0] q;

Be sure you create the memories as described, and that your declaration matches the above. This is the module you will include as a component in your design. Do not modify this file, or it might not do what you want during synthesis and simulation (including the autograder).

In the rest of the file you can see how s_mem.v configures and instantiates the actual embedded RAM component.

The instance ID you specified (here, “S”) will be used to identify this memory when you examine the memory while your circuit is running inside your FPGA.

In the tasks below, you will have to create additional memories, one called pt_mem and another called ct_mem, with corresponding .v file names. Be sure they were all generated using the same settings. Do not include these files in your task folders; the autograder has its own version.

Simulating Altera memories in ModelSim

To simulate with ModelSim, you will need to include the altera_mf_ver library (under the Libraries tab) when you start simulation. If you are using the tcl shell instead of clicking around, use the -L option to vsim, like in this example:

vsim -L altera_mf_ver work.tb_task1

For netlist simulation, you will also need cyclonev_ver, altera_ver, and altera_lnsim_ver.

To make ModelSim happy about how many picoseconds each #-tick is, you will have to add

`timescale 1ps / 1ps

at the beginning of your RTL files and testbench files.

Examining memory contents when simulating RTL in Modelsim

You might find ModelSim's memory viewer (accessible from View→Memory List) helpful here; it will list all the memories in the design and allow you to examine any of them. It might be useful to change the radix to hex (right-click on the memory contents view and select Properties).

In your RTL testbench, you can access the memory from your testbench using the dot notation:


(assuming you named your task1 instance dut inside your testbench). Note that the dot notation may be used only in your testbench, not in anything you wish to synthesize.

If you decide to initialize the memory in one of your testbenches in an initial block, be sure to do this after a delay (e.g., #10); otherwise your initialization will end up in a race condition with the Altera memory model and its own initial block.

Examining memory contents when simulating a netlist in Modelsim

In a post-synthesis netlist, your design will have been flattened into a sea of primitive FPGA components. So what happens with the memories and the lovely hierarchical path that allowed us to access the contents?

The good news is that the memories survive somewhere inside your netlist, and the primitive memory blocks are modelled as Verilog memory arrays like the RTL models. This means that we can examine them from the Memory List tab and use Verilog array notation or $readmemh and friends to fill them (see below).

The name also survives, albeit in a horribly mangled form. Once you complete Task 1, look at the post-synthesis netlist file task1.vo from Task 1 and look for cyclonev_ram_block. You should see one instance:

cyclonev_ram_block \s|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 (
    .portbwe(\s|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|mgl_prim2|enable_write~0_combout ),

Note the space before the opening bracket: it's actually part of the identifier syntax, not just a meaningless space. The \ and the space delineate an escaped identifier in SystemVerilog, and you have to include the space in the middle of the hierarchical name if you want to access the array inside:

dut.\s|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem

The space is still there — looks weird, but that's how things work in SystemVerilog.

Initializing memory contents in simulation

In your testbench, you will likely want to use $readmemh() to initialize memories and compare them to a known reference state. You can look up how $readmemh() works in the SystemVerilog 2017 Language Standard posted with the course documents. If you read any external files in your testbench, you will have to commit them in the same folder as the testbench that uses them, as the autograder will not try to guess where you might have put them.

Examining memory contents in the FPGA in Quartus

You can examine the contents of the memory while your circuit is running in the FPGA.

To do this, program your FPGA with the circuit and select Tools→In-System Memory Content Editor while your circuit is active. This will open a window that shows the memory contents. In the instance manager window (left) you should see a list of memories in your design (in this Task, only the S memory you created). Right click S, and choose Read Data from In-System Memory:

The In-System Memory Content Editor in only available for the single-ported memory configurations. The reason is simple: when you generate a memory with the in-system editing option enabled, Quartus generates circuitry to read and write your memory; that circuitry takes up one of the ports of the underlying embedded memory, leaving you with only one port.

Initializing memory contents in the FPGA

In Quartus, you can initialize memories at compilation time using either a Memory Initialization File (.mif) or an Intel Hex Format file (.hex). We recommend you use the first format because it's a lot easier to read, but it's up to you. Either way, Quartus includes a table-like editor for these formats; you can create a new file via File→New→Memory Files.

Designing the Decryption Circuit

General implementation requirements

In your design, ensure that:

  • all sequential logic triggers on positive clock edge only,
  • resets are active-low and synchronous throughout,
  • there is no logic on the clock or reset paths,
  • there are no latches, and
  • there are no tristate elements.

(Naturally, these rules don't apply to your testbench files.)

In this lab, it will also be especially important that your memory instances are accessible exactly via the instance names / hierarchy we defined, since otherwise the autograder will not be able to test your submission.

Finally, remember to copy any modules you develop in one task and use in another task to the folder where they are used, and do not submit any generated memories. Carefully read the Deliverables and evaluation section for details.

Task 1: ARC4 state initialization

In the task1 folder you will find a and a toplevel file In, you will will implement the first step of ARC4, where the cipher state S is initialized to [0..255]:

for i = 0 to 255:
    s[i] = i

The init module follows the ready/enable microprotocol described above. You will see that this declares the component that you have just created using the Wizard.

First, generate the s_mem memory exactly as described above.

Next, examine the toplevel task1 module. You will find taht it already instantiates the s_mem RAM you generated earlier using the MF Wizard. KEY[3] will serve as our reset signal in task1. Add an instance of your init module and connect it to the RAM instance. For the final submission, make sure that init is activated exactly once every time after reset, and that S is not written to after init finishes. Note: do not rename the memory instance — we need to be able to access it from a testbench to test your code.

Add comprehensive tests in,,,

Remember to follow the ready-enable microprotocol we defined earlier. It is not outside the realm of possibility that we could replace either init or task1 with another implementation when testing your code.

Also, be sure that you follow the instance names in the template files. Check that, starting from task1, the ARC4 state memory is accessible in simulation via either


in RTL simulation, and

\s|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem

in netlist simulation.

Proceed to import your pin assignments and synthesize as usual. Examine the memory contents in RTL simulation, post-synthesis netlist simulation, and on the physical FPGA.

Task 2: The Key-Scheduling Algorithm

Many symmetric ciphers, including ARC4, have a phase called the Key-Scheduling Algorithm (KSA). The objective of the KSA is to spread the key entropy evenly across S to prevent statistical correlations in the generated ciphertext that could be used to break the cipher. ARC4 does this by swapping values of S at various indices:

j = 0
for i = 0 to 255:
    j = (j + s[i] + key[i mod keylength]) mod 256   -- for us, keylength is 3
    swap values of s[i] and s[j]

(and, in fact, does not completely succeed at this, which can be exploited to break the cipher).

In folder task2 you will find, which you will fill out to implement the KSA phase. Like init, the ksa module will implement the ready/enable microprotocol. Note that ksa must not include the functionality of init. Ensure that the KSA is comprehensively tested in your and testbenches.

Next, finish the toplevel implementation in This module should instantiate the S memory as well as init (from Task 1) and ksa. To set the key, we will use the switches on the DE1-SoC. There are only ten switches, so for tasks 2 and 3 only the toplevel module (here, task2 but not init) should hardwire bits [23:10] of the ksa key input to zero; we will use SW[9:0] as key[9:0]. (Don't confuse the encryption key input to ksa with the KEY input to task2, which refers to the DE1-SoC buttons.)

On reset (KEY[3]), task2 will first run init and then ksa, just like in the ARC4 pseudocode. Again, make sure that your code obeys the module interfaces and does not rely on exact timing properties of other modules. As usual, test this comprehensively in and

To check your work, here are the final contents of S for the key 'h00033C after both init and ksa have finished:

0000: b4 04 2b e5 49 0a 90 9a e4 17 f4 10 3a 36 13 77
0010: 11 c4 bc 38 4f 6d 98 06 6e 3d 2c ae cd 26 40 a2
0020: c2 da 67 68 5d 3e 02 73 03 aa 94 69 6a 97 6f 33
0030: 63 5b 8a 58 d9 61 f5 46 96 55 7d 53 5f ab 07 9c
0040: a7 72 31 a9 c6 3f f9 91 f2 f6 7c c7 b3 1d 20 88
0050: a0 ba 0c 85 e1 cf cb 51 c0 2e ef 80 76 b2 d6 71
0060: 24 ad 6b db ff fe ed 84 4e 8c bb d3 a5 2f be c8
0070: 0e 8f d1 a6 86 e3 62 b0 87 ec b9 78 81 e0 4d 5a
0080: 7a 79 14 29 56 e8 4a 8e 18 c5 ca b7 25 de 99 c3
0090: 2a 65 30 1a ea fb a1 89 35 a4 09 a3 c1 d8 2d b8
00a0: 60 47 39 bd 1f 05 5e 43 b1 dd e9 1c af 9b fa 01
00b0: f7 08 75 b6 82 ce 42 e2 cc 9e eb 27 22 df bf fc
00c0: 0d d0 95 23 d2 a8 7e 74 4c d7 12 7f fd 83 1e 28
00d0: 64 54 3c 21 dc f3 93 59 8b 7b 00 48 e7 6c d5 c9
00e0: 70 9f ac 41 0b f0 19 b5 8d 16 d4 f1 92 9d 66 44
00f0: 4b 15 45 f8 0f 57 34 32 50 52 ee 3b 5c 37 e6 1b

Hint #1. Pay attention to key endianness.

Hint #2. Seasoned designers write a reference design that implements the same algorithm in a high-level software language, and make sure that the circuit behaviour matches the reference step-by-step.

Again, check that, starting from task2, the ARC4 state memory is accessible in simulation via either


in RTL simulation, and

\s|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem

in netlist simulation.

Task 3: The Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm

The final phase of ARC4 generates the bytestream that is then xor'd with the input plaintext to encrypt the message, or, as in our case, with the input ciphertext to decrypt it. We don't need the bytestream by itself, so in this task we will combine both.

i = 0, j = 0
for k = 0 to message_length-1:
    i = (i+1) mod 256
    j = (j+s[i]) mod 256
    swap values of s[i] and s[j]
    pad[k] = s[(s[i]+s[j]) mod 256]

for k = 0 to message_length-1:
    plaintext[k] = pad[k] xor ciphertext[k]  -- xor each byte

First, generate two additional memories: one to hold the ciphertext (instance name CT), and another where you will write the plaintext (instance name PT). Both will be 8-bit wide and 256 8-bit words deep, and will connect to your ARC4 decryption module:

Both the plaintext and ciphertext are stored starting at address 0 as length-prefixed strings (described earlier).

Then, implement the bytestream/xor functionality in the file in the task3 folder. This has interfaces for all three memories. As before, the module obeys the rdy/en protocol. Note that the prga module must not include the functionality of init or ksa. Comprehensively test this in and

Next, complete the ARC4 algorithm by filling out This should instantiate the S memory and the three submodules, and activate everything in the right order to decrypt the ciphertext in the CT memory (a length-prefixed string starting at address 0) and write the plaintext to PT (which should also be a length-prefixed string at address 0). The arc4 module also obeys rdy/en, and makes no assumptions about the key. The comprehensive testbenches go in and

Finally, implement the toplevel task3 module in The template file instantiates the CT and PT memories; you will need to add arc4 and connect everything together. As in Task 2, hardwire the top 14 bits of the key to 0 in the toplevel only and use the switches for the rest; assign reset to KEY[3]. The testbenches for this will be in and

You can check that your circuit is working on the FPGA by using key 'h1E4600 to decrypt the following ciphertext:

A7 FD 08 01 84 45 68 85 82 5C 85 97 43 4D E7 07 25 0F 9A EC C2 6A 4E A7 49 E0 EB 71 BC AC C7 D7 57 E9 E2 B1 1B 09 52 33 92 C1 B7 E8 4C A1 D8 57 2F FA B8 72 B9 3A FC 01 C3 E5 18 32 DF BB 06 32 2E 4A 01 63 10 10 16 B5 D8

(this is just the ciphertext itself, without the length prefix). You will also find this in $readmemh() format and MIF format as test1.{memh,mif} (these files include the length prefix). The result should be a sentence in English.

In simulation, you will need a shorter key unless you are very patient — try using 'h000018 to decrypt this ciphertext:

56 C1 D4 8C 33 C5 52 01 04 DE CF 12 22 51 FF 1B 36 81 C7 FD C4 F2 88 5E 16 9A B5 D3 15 F3 24 7E 4A 8A 2C B9 43 18 2C B5 91 7A E7 43 0D 27 F6 8E F9 18 79 70 91

(this is test2.{memh,mif}). This is another sentence.

Remember to check that the instance hierarchy for the memories is correct, since the autograder will use it to test your code. Starting from task3, the memories should be accessible as


in RTL simulation, and

\ct|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem
\pt|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem
\a4|s|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem

in netlist simulation.

Task 4: Cracking ARC4

Now comes the shaken-not-stirred part: you will decrypt some encrypted messages without knowing the key ahead of time.

How will we know if we've decrypted the messages correctly, though? The insight here is that messages that we are looking for are human-readable. For the purposes of this lab, an encrypted message is deemed to be cracked if its characters consist entirely of byte values between 'h20 and 'h7E inclusive (i.e., readable ASCII).

The crack module is very much like arc4, but both S and PT are now internal, key is now an output, and the new key_valid output indicates that key may be read. On en, this module should sequentially search through the key space starting from key 'h000000 and incrementing by 1 every iteration (to make marking tractable). Once the computation is complete, it should assert rdy and, only if it found a valid decryption key, also set key_valid to 1 and key to the discovered secret key. If key_valid is 1, the pt memory inside crack should contain the corresponding plaintext in length-prefixed format.

To help you debug, here are two encrypted sentences for which the keys are very small numbers (≤ 10):

4D 21 74 1A E2 D6 91 12 F3 BA 6B 95 D1 E3 68 5A 9E 7A 60 A7 87 01 54 64 20 DD 84 9A A2 A9 B8 A0 4B 86 30 1D A6 65 E0 4A F7 A6 54 D6 43

83 7B 02 41 0F 0E C8 35 A4 EB 87 00 0F A7 DB 4E 28 1A 0C 30 CD 95 32 DF 3B 96 58 7D 70 29 2A 0B 69 BF E9 53 61 F0 73 6C E1 C2 94 D2 31 8E 34 40 6F AF 52 53 2D 95 20 28 60 D1 DB A6 1C 87 E1 83 BD 81 A6 25 FB A2 93 A8 E6 F4 AD 20

(Don't forget about the length when loading them into the CT memory!) Naturally, the unit tests go in and

The toplevel task4 module should, on reset, use crack to process the message in the CT memory and display the key on the seven-segment displays on the DE1-SoC: if the key is 'h123456 then the displays should read “123456” left-to-right when the board is turned so that the switch bank and the button keys are towards you. The displays should be blank while the circuit is computing (i.e., you should only set them after you have found a key), and should display “------” if you searched through the entire key space but no possible 24-bit key resulted in a cracked message (as defined above). The hex digits should look like this:

The tests for task4 go in and, as usual.

Remember to check that the instance hierarchy for the memories is correct. Starting from task4, the memories should be accessible as


in RTL simulation, and

\ct|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem
\c|pt|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem
\c|a4|s|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem

in netlist simulation.

Task 5: Cracking in parallel

To speed up cracking, we will now run two crack modules at the same time: the first will start the search at 0 and increment by 2, and the second will start at 1 and also increment by 2. You will implement this in doublecrack. The doublecrack module instantiates two crack modules. For this task (and only in this folder), you may add ports to the crack module in this task, but you may not remove or modify existing ports.

The doublecrack ports are the same as in the crack module in Task 4; in particular, it has access to only one port of CT (the other port is taken by the In-System Memory Editor anyway). You will have to decide how to handle this inside doublecrack; there are several elegant solutions and some hacky ones. We will expect your doublecrack to be faster than the fastest possible implementation of crack, and about twice as fast as your crack.

The doublecrack also instantiates one shared PT memory. The final length-prefixed plaintext must be in this memory if key_valid is high regardless of which crack core decrypted the message. Each crack core will have its own PT memory as well; the length-prefixed plaintext must also be in the PT memory in the crack core that decrypted it.

Feel free to create additional instances of the memories you've already generated (s_mem, ct_mem, and pt_mem), provided you do not change the instance IDs or configurations of the memories predefined in the skeleton files.

The toplevel task5 should do exactly the same thing as task4 but about twice as quickly. As before, you will need comprehensive testbenches in tb_rtl_doublecrack, tb_rtl_crack, tb_rtl_task5, tb_syn_doublecrack, tb_syn_crack, and tb_syn_task5. Because you will likely modify the crack module, its testbench in this task must be comprehensive even if you already tested most of it in Task 4.

Hint: Do not be discouraged by highfalutin' words like “parallel” — if you have a working crack module, this task is actually quite easy.

Remember to check that the instance hierarchy for the memories is correct so the autograder can access them. Starting from task5, the memories we care about should be accessible as


in RTL simulation, and

\ct|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem
\dc|pt|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem
\dc|c1|pt|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem
\dc|c2|pt|altsyncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block3a0 .ram_core0.ram_core0.mem

in netlist simulation.

Deliverables and evaluation

Automatic testing

We will be marking your code via an automatic testing infrastructure. Your autograder marks will depend on the fraction of the testcases your code passed (i.e., which features work as specified), and how many cases your testbenches cover adjusted to the fraction of the testcases that pass.

It is essential that you understand how this works so that you submit the correct files — if our testsuite is unable to compile and test your code, you will not receive marks.

The testsuite evaluates each task separately. For each design task folder (e.g., task4), it collects all Verilog files (*.sv) that do not begin with tb_ and compiles them all together. Separately, each required tb_*.sv file is compiled with the relevant *.sv design files. This means that

  1. You must not rename any files we have provided.
  2. You must not add any files that contain unused Verilog code; this may cause compilation to fail.
  3. Your testbench files must begin with tb_ and correspond to design file names (e.g., and for design
  4. You must not have multiple copies of the same module in separate committed source files in the same task folder. This will cause the compiler to fail because of duplicate module definitions.
  5. Your modules must not rely on files from another folder. In particular, this means that any memory images you read in your testbenches must be present in the same folder. The autograder will only look in one folder.

The autograder will instantiate and test each module exactly the way it is defined in the provided skeleton files. This means that

  1. You must not alter the module declarations, port lists, etc., in the provided skeleton files.
  2. You must not rename any modules, ports, or signals in the provided skeleton files (with the exception of crack in Task 5; see below).
  3. You must not alter the width or polarity of any signal in the skeleton files (e.g., everything depending on the clock is posedge-triggered, and rst_n must remain active-low).
  4. Your sequential elements must be triggered only on the positive edge of the clock. No non-clock (or possibly reset) signal edges, no negative-edge clock signals, or other shenanigans.
  5. You must not add logic to the clock and reset signals (e.g., invert them). When building digital hardware, it is extremely important that the clock and reset arrive at exactly the same time to all your FFs; otherwise your circuit will at best be slow and at worst not working.
  6. You must generate the memory modules exactly as described with the specified instance hierarchy; the autograder relies on this interface and naming scheme.
  7. You must not commit the generated memory modules; the autograder will use its own memory instances.

For Task 5 only, you may modify the crack port list only by adding additional ports; you may not remove or rename any ports already defined there, or rename any pre-defined instances.

If your code does not compile, synthesize, and simulate under these conditions (e.g., because of syntax errors, misconnected ports, or missing files), you will receive 0 marks.


The evaluation of your submission consists of four parts:

  • 30%: automatic testing of your RTL code (*.sv)
  • 20%: automatic testing of your RTL testbench coverage (tb_rtl_*.sv)
  • 30%: automatic testing of the netlist we synthesize from your RTL
  • 20%: automatic testing of your post-synthesis testbench on the netlist we synthesize from your RTL (tb_syn_*.sv)

Task 1 [1 mark]

  •,,,,, and
  • All other files required to implement and test your task, except generated memories
  • Any memory images you read in testbenches in this folder

Task 2 [2 marks]

  •,,,, and
  • All other files required to implement and test your task, except generated memories
  • Any memory images you read in testbenches in this folder

Task 3 [3 marks]

  •,,,,,,, and
  • All other files required to implement and test your task, except generated memories
  • Any memory images you read in testbenches in this folder

Task 4 [2 marks]

  •,,,,, and
  • All other files required to implement and test your task, except generated memories
  • Any memory images you read in testbenches in this folder

Task 5 [2 marks]

  •,,,,,,,, and
  • All other files required to implement and test your task, except generated memories
  • Any memory images you read in testbenches in this folder

Extra ciphertexts

Some extra encrypted messages you can break for fun:

A7 FD 08 01 84 45 68 85 82 5C 85 97 43 4D E7 07 25 0F 9A EC C2 6A 4E A7 49 E0 EB 71 BC AC C7 D7 57 E9 E2 B1 1B 09 52 33 92 C1 B7 E8 4C A1 D8 57 2F FA B8 72 B9 3A FC 01 C3 E5 18 32 DF BB 06 32 2E 4A 01 63 10 10 16 B5 D8

56 C1 D4 8C 33 C5 52 01 04 DE CF 12 22 51 FF 1B 36 81 C7 FD C4 F2 88 5E 16 9A B5 D3 15 F3 24 7E 4A 8A 2C B9 43 18 2C B5 91 7A E7 43 0D 27 F6 8E F9 18 79 70 91

4D 21 74 1A E2 D6 91 12 F3 BA 6B 95 D1 E3 68 5A 9E 7A 60 A7 87 01 54 64 20 DD 84 9A A2 A9 B8 A0 4B 86 30 1D A6 65 E0 4A F7 A6 54 D6 43

83 7B 02 13 19 45 D0 67 A0 A9 85 19 07 E2 C1 52 3E 1A 13 39 9F 86 60 CD 3B 91 58 65 6D 34 7F 1A 7F F3 EF 4F 61 EB 7D 29 B5 CB 91 D1 22 C7 28 4F 20 A0 5E 00 3C 83 3C 28 70 D1 CE AE 59 88 B5 C9

63 39 06 0F EA 3E F5 FB A8 A1 8C 94 62 4D 37 30 20 2B 75 79 88 03 F5 2A 09 54 F2 8E 30 B0 4E 18 24 5E 71 B4 89 40 66 62 CA C4 68 CB DD B1 6F 58 A3 37 13 9A 15 99 57 52 9E 02 B7 39 41 F4 5B 2B 73 70 8C 78 11 0C F2 96 BC 7D EC CE

B9 08 68 BB C2 B3 62 F5 2D 16 05 8D C3 78 23 41 76 9A A0 0C 73 6C FB A1 B4 BF 7D 42 9E DE 12 46 84 61 3C 9B 61 32 CC DD 83 E4 79 0C B9 03 6B B6 B9 54 8C 2B A7 E8 90 99 12 EC 8D 17 DB A5 7D 56 3E BF 04 38 DC D8 B5 DD B5 D9 CE EE EB A1 8E B2 6A 26 4F 77 80 F9 AF B8 A8 8B D3 E3 F0 AC AE 5C 6D B5 B6 6B AF 73 14 7B 50 A0 88 A3 23 20 41 B6 83 4E 15 63 A7 27 73 C8 C2

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

49 B1 96 2F F6 4D A6 E5 27 02 B6 C0 DA 14 85 35 40 B9 9C F9 89 4E 69 ED 3D 89 41 2F 5F C2 AE 03 C1 8C 61 6F 8B 63 12 C6 82 19 E0 C7 6F

9A 61 5C BC 73 FD CF 7A 77 66 42 5A 50 10 B2 2A 06 98 52 4A D4 29 F5 AF EC C0 10 46 54 61 C7 F6 44 22 1E 33 B8 D8 C2 28 DB D0 61 A9 DB 79 CF 3F 57 D3 B7 BF AF 58 E8 28 81 DB 00 FA 1C D4 05 F3 6D 6B 13 37 5F 74 14 52 A5 06 59 FC A3 70 DE 2D 70 B6 D3 B1 47 98 41 87 37 2F 89 FB A8 28 61 7B 22 45 F7 B9 5E B4 4F 2A 02 E4 EA BB ED 39 8C 77 6A 36 E0 05 8F

2B 20 92 97 E5 B0 FF 3E 5A 17 3B 66 3D F8 46 73 7F 2C 05 64 E2 7F 37 F6 CC 59 21 BA 72 AC FC FA 57 F6 C4 27 AD 00 14 A6 76 61 59 FF 99 FD C8 DC 57 5C AE

BF B0 D8 BB 76 9B 7D FC 9B AB 43 4B 1C 83 D1 71 6D DE F1 67 9F 1D AF 03 0C 3D 8A FF EB A1 07 C1 F8 68 86 EF F1 B2 4D 93 42 A2 32 A9 F4 92 8A 94 6F 22 84 33 B0 F5 41 B5 73 BC EC 4F 85 1C A1 0F 5C 23 9A 6A E7 1D 6A E4 02 A8 C7 06 9A 53 D9 EC 76 8D 94 14 70 64 E7 C8 6C 9F C9 F7 C4 E9 B7 D7 D6 4A DF 7D F2 EB B1 6F 48 8A 91 C3 D5 FC 17 ED 78 97 A0 C1 FD A3 1E E7 79 AA 12 6C 53 E6 44 75 76 0D 7E 9B B2 17 64 E1 AA 39 FE 31 E7 48 43 4A 53 A7 63 21 E1 A7 1D AE 75 0C

8A 08 A1 22 73 16 4C DE 42 85 C3 51 DD EE ED 0A 83 0D 84 C8 46 E8 F0 95 91 D3 27 D4 B1 F7 6E CC EE BE DC D5 35 85 F7 63 08 17 97 1F D8 29 DB 09 03 FD 74 40 04 C4 AF 38 71 BA 14 54 B0 97 1B 9F 3F 16 66 7D D9 60 4A 47 E1 B3 2C B9 57 C5 66 1A BB 85 7A 52 18 2B 84 BF 12 DF 68 AF B4 21 91 A6 A2 3C D3 C6 87 63 D5 C5 B2 DD 69 84 6C C7 3C 4D 40 FA 59 E2 1E E0 97 4A C4 43 C9 E6 67 66 B5 AC 53 0F DB

98 07 44 70 A1 0C 2B 2A FA 0E 77 1C 5A 9B 01 E4 C5 FF AE 20 27 51 9F D4 A5 65 F9 77 27 13 40 0F B1 CF 83 E8 3A 2B 70 F3 5F 9E 11 C4 DA 4C DE 97 CB 8E 77 F3 16 B7 A4 A3 5E 3E E6 12 A1 DA F1 A7 EC AE 94 01 12 3A B9 11 26 38 45 AF 82 BD E3 22 83 F2 5F B2 E7 F3 13 BB 27 6A 98 F5 23 D2 F1 19 63 B8 A9 8D 7A B8 B6 1A 62 54 4F 1B 48 4D D4 2F DC E0 F9 B6 C5 D2 98 AF A1 56 EA 9C

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

D2 77 15 D1 1A E0 81 CA E7 A5 17 D6 AC 15 4C C8 66 9C B3 84 9E 4A F6 CB 8A 54 CC E7 C8 B8 0C 57 89 BA 55 AC AD 31 05 4F 66 00 21 AD 3D 2A 72 5E A5 83 19 79 02 E4 82 08 50 A5 B8 D5 06 37 35 54 7A 3D 8A F8 78 68 27 F9 84 5B CE 70

53 1E 24 E8 1B 6B 20 4F D0 16 19 90 FC 47 70 3D 15 57 44 05 90 28 6E BE 46 B7 1D EB E3 EC EE FE 82 B0 5E 5D 5B E4 7F 6C 87 DE 9A A1 80 26 E1 00 E2 4C EB 7B 97 2F DA 7F 1A 9D C5 08 4C 14 5E 3E 06 A3 6B 4F 03 AC 7D 56 B3 76 8B 77 F4 8C BA 1D E0 46 08 88 F4 46 70 14 63 34 93 6B D5 CC 0C 3A 6C D2 70 83 83 0F DA 25 AD BC 4C BF 8C A8 11 DD 74 BF 4B A7 1C 10 64 E0 D3 A8 6D 3C 89 19 F8 06 B8 67 5E 88 89 A6 5B 04

47 E9 AE 6C F5 17 AA 70 B3 F9 95 54 A1 A6 4F B0 EF 8D 2B 88 D3 01 57 68 B9 34 19 89 6A B8 73 DF 16 BA A6 76 3A 8C 0B 2E 13 7D 6C 56 97 6C DC 37 4B 31 CC F9 D4 3B E3 23 36 44 99 CB 85 37 F4 65 6A CD 03 DE AE 25 68 E3 7C 9D D7 C4 B4 D5 BB 26 A9 F2 DC 34 AC EA 59 4C 68 47 6D 4B D1 86 FE CA 69 B6 6B DB E4 CF C2 51 D7 35 6E D2 1A 50 88 16 35 A0 3D 8E 0A D1 49 D6 1D DA CC 4D B5 32 49 9A D9 CA 27 15 8E DB 8A CC A9 22 63 22 41 49 15 8C 01 E4 18 5A 44 BD 14 E8

BC 77 9B AF 1F A1 36 70 39 86 CC 25 56 EB D4 AF 76 BB 44 4E B3 F2 DC 02 DE 15 0D C4 D5 BF EC 23 49 28 B4 87 D3 5C 6A F0 85 77 AD D8 0D D9 6B C6 0D E2 1F E2 DD FD CE C6 86 9E 5E 2D 4B AA CA 74 75 58 EF 76 66 FF C3 09 B6 92 5E 19 14 AD 61 13 22 6B 20 6D 89 9D 7E 7A 41 74 6F 2C CB A0 92 11 FA E7 8C 49 9E BA 8E E5 CA 65 66 BB

EA C4 8B 01 A3 F2 F4 B5 5A D4 ED D5 0B E3 D6 0C 6A 94 10 E7 EC 96 41 24 39 5A 49 0A 0E 27 0A B5 A7 A5 3F 67 C4 8D D9 7A 5B B2 F1 CC 1E CF 71 0B E9 66 E7 37 7D AF 66 D1 F6 C4 86 88 C5 DF 6D 53 77 F8 F7 AA DB FD 84 61 06 9B 93 56 1D 88 A7 79 F0 F5 DF 95 9B 9C E1 9C 9D 51 3E B8 B7 57 4A EB 66 38 56 DE 63 2F F6 B5 AB AC 00 5B EC 0B 15 3D F9 E3 EB D8 44 99 DF B7 E1 8D B1 51 BF 02 9A 5C 6D C7 48 C0 48 43 20 5B 54 94 80 73 F0 16 17 94 11

EE 09 9D 07 2B C9 28 C5 46 DA EF FF EA F1 C4 60 7D CA EC DA DB 15 77 87 8B 92 13 65 22 48 F0 92 2F EF 30 9C 42 E1 46 62 31 05 6C 43 67 30 4E F6 BF C9 A6 B5 7F F5 B5 6C 6D 48 4E DC 9E B5 FE E5 C9 4B 26 73 FB 86 66 EB FD A3 CB C3 10 6D D9 35 A7 0D 3C 03 85 55 11 D8 82 A7 A2 04 61 76 41 1F 7B D4 EB E7 EB DC 0B C3 3D AA 83 B9 7E D3 CB 22 0D 9C 44 C2 BA 5D 8E 3A 22 16 0D 2D 24 A2

B7 20 6B A5 0D 4B 07 2C BD 22 7E CB 0B A3 F1 38 E6 6F E6 47 B7 ED F4 C2 34 E7 B8 FB 05 1B 19 96 4D 61 58 BE 42 04 25 20 F2 3A 63 FA 2C 7B AF 70 46 BA E4 C1 57 0B 70 58 35 C1 D3 39 58 70 9E E2 EC D2 A5 0E 4D 51 9F 37 63 53 9A AD 98 39 64 95 2D 3A A8 43 2F C5 CC 1A C3 90 CA EA A6 FC 24 08



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