Pakal is utilities modules, written in typescript.
- The code is divided into many small modules and each module is a package in itself (Packages List).
- Each package in the scoop has only one function or class and it in the default export of the package.
- Group package brings together several modules from the scope, and in the export has access to all modules.
- "-": @{scope}/-{name} - Group package
- "_": @{scope}/_{name} - Internal package
$ npm install --save @pakal/-all
Or install only the module you need
$ npm install --save @pakal/for-each
import { forEach } from '@pakal/-all';
Or import only the module you need
import { default as forEach } from '@pakal/for-each';
<script src=""><script>
Or import only the module you need
<script src=""><script>
let { forEach } = _;
These modules are written in typescript and available in ES5 and ES6 standard.
- main - commonjs module and es5 standard (index.js)
- module - es2015 module and es5 standard (index.esm.js)
- esnext - es2015 module and current es standard (
- browser - bundle in umd format includes all dependencies in es5 standard (bundle.umd.js, bundle.umd.min.js)
- types - typescript declaration file (index.d.ts)
Pull requests are welcome!
Install - it will install the dependencies and link all workspaces packages.
$ yarn install
Test - it will run all workspaces tests.
$ yarn test
Build - it will build all the packages for release.
$ yarn build
Copyright © Yisrael Eliav, Licensed under the MIT license.